What does your chill spot look like?

Are you left handed b1gapl? noticed your mouse is on the left hand side :D and that is a lot of fans! must sound like a wind tunnel in there! :p
Yes I am a lefty. But for gaming I switch it as the layout is just not right.

That's the name of my case actually. It's an Xclio Windtunnel. Really lives up to the name.
new 40" XD

I really don't think i could bigger then 30" for a computer monitor. I have a 32" in my living room and that just seems too big to sit at a desk looking at.
^ya thats what i first noticed as well lol, I dont think i would like having that large of icons, although i only have like 2 icons on my desktop so prolly would not bother me to much.
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