What are some common cyber security threats and how can they be prevented?

Hey there! Cyber security is becoming more and more important. We need to be aware of the different types of cyber security threats and how we can prevent them from harming our devices and stealing our sensitive information.
One of the most common threats is malware. Malware is like a virus that infects your computer and can steal your sensitive information. So, what can we do to prevent malware attacks? Well, make sure you have antivirus software installed on your device and keep it up-to-date. Also, avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading software from untrusted sources.

Another type of cyber security threat is phishing scams. These are tricky scams that trick you into giving away your login credentials, credit card information, or social security numbers. These scams often come in the form of emails, text messages, or social media messages. To prevent phishing scams, be cautious when receiving unsolicited emails or messages asking for sensitive information. Double-check the sender's email address or phone number, and avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from untrusted sources.

Social engineering is another tactic that cyber criminals use to trick people into revealing sensitive information. They might pose as a trusted source or use emotional manipulation to gain someone's trust. To prevent social engineering attacks, be cautious when receiving unsolicited phone calls or emails, and be wary of anyone asking for sensitive information.

Password attacks are also a common way for cyber criminals to gain access to your accounts. To prevent password attacks, use strong passwords that are difficult to guess and avoid using the same password across multiple accounts.

To sum it up, it's important to keep your software and operating system up-to-date, and to regularly back up your data. These simple steps can help you protect your digital assets and significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to a cyber security threat. Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to cyber security!

Hi Richard, In addition to Kim's answer large franchise companies should be aware that botnets, Man in the middle attack, spoofing, back door trogans, DOS and DDOS attacks, randsomware and worm intrustions if the server is not properly secured.

Some common threats explained below and how to mitigate potential attacks on company & enterprize networks.

DOS attack- Causes flooding of a server with an abundance of request from the attacking server to the point where the lagitamate server is no longer able to respond to lagitamate requests, and this causes a legitamate client machine to shut down. This is a denial of service attack that causes damage to one single machine to the network.

To prevent a DOS attack please use the following methods used for a DDoS.

DDoS Attack- A DDoS attack is simular to a DOS attack. The only difference is that the Distributed Denial of Service attack will attack multiple servers and cause multiple machines to shut down, rather than just one single server on the network.

To prevent DDoS, it helps to first get a baseline of the normal traffic that passes through your computer or network. Once you have established the baseline, you will be able to set alarms and notifications to let you know when there is an abnormal amount of traffic — signifying a possible DDoS attack.

Another tactic is to have diversion techniques to send traffic that you suspect is from a DDoS attack. You can even automate this process. Blocking most TCP ports on the firewall configeration accept TCP ports 80 and 443 to maintain an internet connection. It is especially important to block or disable RDP port 3389 when not in use to prevent unauthorized access to a server or machines connected to a hyperviser. FTP port 21 and 23 should be blocked when not in use to prevent unauthorized access to files and data transports.

Randsomeware- Randsomeware gets installed on the employee's workstation and encrypts all data making files and data inaccessable and demands a randsom pay from the employee to unlock the data. Once the employee pays the randsom files and data become accessable. The attackker gets away with stolen monetary.

To mitigate randsomware instruct employees not to use admin accounts for browsing the web or to check emails. Admin accounts can give the attacker more leverage because they have the highest level of privilages.

Botnet - takes control of multiple computers without the user's knowlage and turns them all into a network full of (What is known as zombies or zombie-net) and attacks systems.

To prevent a botnet attacck, please folow the same methods used to prevent a DDoS attack.

Man in the Middle Attack- Types of man in the middle attack includes IP, DNS Spoofing, HTTPS Spoofing, SSL highjacking, Email Highjacking, WIFI evesdropping and Stealing browser cookies. A man in the middle is a type of session highjacking. Conversations on both sides are impersonated by the attacker. The attacker gains access to any transactions that occur for the purpose of stealing monatary from client's who make purchases for services and goods.

To prevent a man in the middle attack, use a good quality VPN service such as Norton for enterprise. Norton will provide companies with support and tips to keep your company's network secure. Norton will implement the best mitigation practices in conjunction with support and tips to keep hackers out of your company's network and your assets safe.

To protect the WIFI from unauthorized access switch off the SSID, use the latest encryption WPA3 with AES if possable to make your network invisible and difffacult for atttackers to accesss. Upgrade to the latest WIFI technology if you haven't already done so. Most newer WIFI's are firewall intergrated.

One more important aspect to consider is to use two factor athentication methods for user logins if you own an ecommerce site or any website that contains sensitive information and include a CAPTCHA to ensure the user is human and not a malicious bot.

Educate employees and clients about the best security practices and configure the passwords in group policy to enforce strong passwords of atleast 12 or more charactors mixed with upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols. Set the threshhold duration for locked out accounts to atleast 30 minutes before trying again. Force users to change their passwords at login and set the account to allow atleast three failed attempts before the user is locked out of their acount. I normally use five failed attempts because people have off days. We all experience them. :)
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There are many different types of cyber security threats, but some of the most common include:

  • Malware: Malware is malicious software that can be used to steal data, damage systems, or disrupt operations. It can be delivered through email, malicious websites, or removable media.
  • Phishing: Phishing is a type of social engineering attack that uses fraudulent emails or websites to trick users into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers.
  • Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks: DoS attacks are designed to overwhelm a system with traffic, making it unavailable to legitimate users.
  • Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks: MitM attacks allow attackers to intercept communications between two parties, such as a web browser and a web server.
  • Data breaches: Data breaches are incidents in which sensitive data is exposed to unauthorized individuals. This can happen through a variety of means, such as hacking, phishing, or employee negligence.
There are a number of things that can be done to prevent these types of cyber security threats, including:

  • Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication: Strong passwords and two-factor authentication make it more difficult for attackers to gain access to your accounts.
  • Keep your software up to date: Software updates often include security patches that can help to protect your systems from known vulnerabilities.
  • Be careful what you click on: Don't click on links in emails or on websites unless you're sure they're legitimate.
  • Be careful what you download: Only download files from trusted sources.
  • Use a firewall and antivirus software: A firewall and antivirus software can help to protect your systems from malware and other threats.
  • Back up your data regularly: Backing up your data regularly will help you to recover from a data breach or other incident.
By taking these steps, you can help to protect yourself from cyber security threats.
There are many kinds of cyber threats like Identity theft, Credentials theft, Shopping scams, or some malware or virus attack. However, to protect your PC from such harmful online scams it is best to use an antivirus software or a PC optimization software like Advanced PC Cleanup as an identity theft prevention app.
Hey there! Cyber security is becoming more and more important. We need to be aware of the different types of cyber security threats and how we can prevent them from harming our devices and stealing our sensitive information.
One of the most common threats is malware. Malware is like a virus that infects your computer and can steal your sensitive information. So, what can we do to prevent malware attacks? Well, make sure you have antivirus software installed on your device and keep it up-to-date. Also, avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading software from untrusted sources.

Another type of cyber security threat is phishing scams. These are tricky scams that trick you into giving away your login credentials, credit card information, or social security numbers. These scams often come in the form of emails, text messages, or social media messages. To prevent phishing scams, be cautious when receiving unsolicited emails or messages asking for sensitive information. Double-check the sender's email address or phone number, and avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from untrusted sources.

Social engineering is another tactic that cyber criminals use to trick people into revealing sensitive information. They might pose as a trusted source or use emotional manipulation to gain someone's trust. To prevent social engineering attacks, I found people in https://www.unbench.us/find-developers

Password attacks are also a common way for cyber criminals to gain access to your accounts. To prevent password attacks, use strong passwords that are difficult to guess and avoid using the same password across multiple accounts.

To sum it up, it's important to keep your software and operating system up-to-date, and to regularly back up your data. These simple steps can help you protect your digital assets and significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to a cyber security threat. Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to cyber security!

Hi! Great question. Cyber security is indeed super important these days. Personally, I make sure to have a reliable antivirus software installed and regularly updated. I also use a password manager to create and store strong, unique passwords for each of my accounts. For phishing scams, I always double-check the sender's information and never click on suspicious links. What about you? Do you have any specific tools or habits that help you stay secure?
Cyber-security threats you say??? Hrmmm. People knowing what modem you have and when you turn it on..

Edit: a different way of saying this is; Ya sure gooo right ahead and tell people your modem and model and firmware and setup. Especially if you don't know them. It'll be a real fun adventure.. Hashtag@trap master references.
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There are many different types of cyber security threats, but some of the most common include:

  • Malware: Malware is malicious software that can be used to steal data, damage systems, or disrupt operations. It can be delivered through email, malicious websites, or removable media.
  • Phishing: Phishing is a type of social engineering attack that uses fraudulent emails or websites to trick users into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers.
  • Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks: DoS attacks are designed to overwhelm a system with traffic, making it unavailable to legitimate users.
  • Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks: MitM attacks allow attackers to intercept communications between two parties, such as a web browser and a web server.
  • Data breaches: Data breaches are incidents in which sensitive data is exposed to unauthorized individuals. This can happen through a variety of means, such as hacking, phishing, or employee negligence.
There are a number of things that can be done to prevent these types of cyber security threats, including:

  • Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication: Strong passwords and two-factor authentication make it more difficult for attackers to gain access to your accounts.
  • Keep your software up to date: Software updates often include security patches that can help to protect your systems from known vulnerabilities.
  • Be careful what you click on: Don't click on links in emails or on websites unless you're sure they're legitimate.
  • Be careful what you download: Only download files from trusted sources.
  • Use a firewall and antivirus software: A firewall and antivirus software can help to protect your systems from malware and other threats.
  • Back up your data regularly: Backing up your data regularly will help you to recover from a data breach or other incident.
By taking these steps, you can help to protect yourself from cyber security threats.
Good reply :)
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