Valve Announces Left 4 Dead 2

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Well I know people were wanting new characters, weapons, and campaigns. Maybe VALVe just thought it was best to release a new game. However I figured something like this would be either an update or an expansion pack for the first game. I hope I don't have to shell out another 45 bucks for it.
Yeah, as long as Versus is done correctly, it will be a good game. I can play Left 4 Dead for a whole, idk, 1 hour a day for about 4-5 days a week, but after that one hour, I get bored and need a break.

I have always hated Steam, I bought L4D for like $20 new on NewEgg a month ago or so when they had a sale, but I am so glad I didn't spend $50 on it.
Yeah, as long as Versus is done correctly, it will be a good game. I can play Left 4 Dead for a whole, idk, 1 hour a day for about 4-5 days a week, but after that one hour, I get bored and need a break.

I have always hated Steam, I bought L4D for like $20 new on NewEgg a month ago or so when they had a sale, but I am so glad I didn't spend $50 on it.

Good deal, but that's probably because Steam was offering it for 20 dollars too. They sometimes have awesome weekend deals on Steam, so look out for them. I bought Call of Duty: World at War (with the new map pack) for only 25 dollars, while the original price is 50 dollars.
There's just no need for l4d2. Its kind of a horrible idea.
Agreed. Look at's like an entirely new, different game than when they released it. Why can't they do that with L4D? Of course, maybe that's why they are doing it, because they've probably lost a lot of revenue from TF2 given it's amazing deal relative to it's outstanding popularity. Still, that's what I appreciate from a developer, and even though the game is a good deal, it's still selling. I dunno...this move just seems so "unValve" to me :(
I don't understand the problem though. This happens almost all the time... if 90% of the community has a problem with whatever it is, for some reason I'm always on Valve's side.
objectively speaking, its hard to side with valve here...

I'm going to buy l4d2 and most definitely enjoy it lotz, but they promised new maps and stuff for l4d and so far we've got 1 tiny survival map. They only thing hold l4d back is lack of map support.

Valve should just release that darn SDK and let the community deal with l4d now, but
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