Valve Announces Left 4 Dead 2

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Yeah, I saw some gameplay footage on IGN. With the sequel out after only one year, it appears as if it is going to be the same tiny rip off game the last one was.

When are they going to let the source engine die? It looks like ****. They haven't even started production on HL3, have they? Are all the HL2 episodes done?
I hope I am not the only one raged that I paid $50 for a game with 4 maps + 1 little part of a map. And then Valve comes out with this nonsense for l4d2....

I wont be buying it... Valve disappointments me.
And if you bought it on Steam like I did then GG, you have no way of even partially getting your money back. I'm not expecting much.
I hope I am not the only one raged that I paid $50 for a game with 4 maps + 1 little part of a map. And then Valve comes out with this nonsense for l4d2....

I wont be buying it... Valve disappointments me.

Take a look at the steam forums for left4dead and left4dead2, the community is OUTRAGED. Everyone is hating valve at the moment except for a minority few who are like omg l4d2 dats seeew 1337!

Im majorly p*ssed, im not denying L4D2 will be good, and will probably end up buying it. But it doesnt hide the anger and frustration.

(Quoted from Steam Forums)

The more I read/see/listen about L4D 2, the more I can't believe it.


Originally Posted by Gabe Newell (September 2008)
We'll have the initial release and then we'll release more movies, more characters, more weapons, unlockables, achievements, because that's the way you continue to grow a community over time.

* Movies : 0. Only 4 initial movies, only 2 versus playable until the update 5 months after initial release.
* Characters : 0.
* Weapons : 0. (most asked thing on the forums...)
* Unlockables : 0.
* Achievements : Few versus and survival "medals" (FYI even Trials 2 have achiev).

How the **** the community could grow over time without any of these vital things ?
+ Without a full-SDK and MOD support ?

Or maybe they finally chose the "10 million dollar advertisement" + L4D 2009 strategy. This is sad.


* The Charger ? hu hu.
Hundred of people worked hard for free (The Magical Crowd Sourcing) on Steam forum to make it possible for L4D.
Did they forgot to say L4D, 1 ?

Same with all the other good ideas from the community, what game is Valve playing with us ???
* The broken matchmaking system.
* The late L4D SDK.
* The new "digital distribution prices = retail prices" policy.
* The $1=1€ fiasco.


Seriously valve, wtf is this sh*t?! I pre purchased the game and stayed faithful to it knowing that Valve being valve, new content would be released and and bugs would be worked out double time...this has not been the case. Not only did they go back on their word of new content they have gone and released a sequel full of the content that should of most likely been an update. Not to mention the endless list of exploits and bugs awaiting fixes. Oh wait they gave us DLC!! valve you gave us 2 VS campaigns 5 months after release which should of been in the original release, and survival mode is just stock levels (only ONE new map) ripped from the stock game with a timer and a bit of script editing slapped in it .

Wow....FAIL, FAIL, FAIL! That's like Ubisoft charging for DLC for FC2 that should've been free on consoles.

I am getting frustrated with Steam in general. There are games on D2D that Steam will never carry (packs and such) and when they are contacted they just shrug it off. Pretty ****y customer service IMO.
There is a simple solution. Wait for a sale on Steam. For an example, Call of Duty: World at War is 50 dollars on Steam. A couple of weeks ago they had a weekend sale, and I got the game plus the latest map pack for only 25 dollars. Sweet deal.
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