^ < V Game

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^ Appears to require an unlucky number of hobnobs.
< Is very carefully packaging up 14 hobnobs, as if I post 13, they'll all be broken when they arrive
V Talks dirty to Jorsoft
^ Nope I only talk dirty to his sig.
> mmmmmmmmmm
V will go back to count how many times Jorsoft's sig has been harassed in this thread.
^ Hobnobs are incredibly tough chocolate covered biscuits that refuse to absorb tea untill the 7th dunk an then they take the **** by taking half of it.

< Is still really enjoying himself.

V Will send jordan a thank you letter for the care pack.
Dear Jordan,

Thank you very much for the wonderful care pack you put together for me, it really helped me through the bad times. You really are one of the world's best people and I will be writing to The Queen recommending she award you with an OBE.

Kind regards,


< Thinks HRH will probably be quite forthcoming with the OBE
V Would also like an OBE
^ not so,
< Knows OBE stands for Order of the British Empire.
V add something smart or funny here because I am at a loss.
^ thought you were talking about Overall Boat Effectiveness
< needs good OBE to handle the copious amount of fish Muff will catch whilst in the boat.
V mandatory ugly female friend?
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