The only non GTA 5 thread on the interwebs

Looks like Rider got milked by his own cow.

You cant be a horses a$$ and then cry when the tables are turned.

I have gotten texts from others asking Rider to stop trolling so hard... so turn about is fair play. We are all friends here, I can understand that there is a group of people who want a legit discussion of GTA5, thats why I created this thread.

So everyone chill the F out.... its just video games guys. Not curing cancer or stopping world hunger here.

Quit being beeyotches
oh and GTA 5 sucks, that graphics look like they are from 2007 and the gameplay is tired and done better in other games

I agree about the graphics sucking on the commercial, but do they really suck that bad in actual game play?

RDR appeared to have better graphics in my opinion.
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