Software Status Notes
µTorrent 1.22 Works Link
3D Plus ver 1.0.0702 Works
3D Studio Max 6 Works
3-D Ultra Pinball Creep Night Not Working Not compatible 16-bit subsystem
3Dmark 2005 Works
3DMark03 Works
3DMark05 1.2.0 Works
3dmax 7.0 Works
4 Fantastic Works
7 Sins Works
7-Zip 4.16 beta Runs no shell extension (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
ABBYY Finereader 6.0 Works
ABBYY FineReader Pro build Works
ABBYY PDF transformer 1.0 Works
abit bios flash util v.1.38 Not Working it might have some 16bit parts to it
abit guru 2.3x Not Working cant work out the error just does not work
AbiWord 2.2 Works
Absolute FTP 2.01 Works
Absolute Uninstaller 1.44 Works
Acct 2006 for Construction (networked) Works
ACDSee 3.1 Works
Acdsee 5.0.1 Works
ACDSee 7.0 Works Context menu -- Browse Folder with ACDSee is working
AceFtp 3 Works
Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker v2.39 Works
Acrobat Pro 6.0 Works
Acrobat Standard 6.0 Not Working does not install (an error occurs during the distiller installation).
Acrobat Standard 6.1 Works
Acronis true image 8 Not Working will not install
Acronis True Image 9 Not Working doesn't install not even with 9.0.1 patch
Act of War Runs Jon has been able to get Act of War to run every time on x64. Jon has created a batch file that deletes index.fat from the program directory and then calls actofwar.exe and Jon still gets the ROMDUMP error, but then it runs successfully. Jon's suspicion is that just deletes or modifies the index.fat file.
act of war Works with the newest patch. even click ok at the shown romdump error and after playing delete INDEX.FAT in AoW folder. works niceÂ…
Act of War: Direct Action (original version) Not Working you get a message that “” is incompatible with windows x64, possibly part of the copy protection
Activision: Madagascar Works
Acubix Picozip 3.01 Works
Adaware SE 1.05 Works
Adobe 7.0 Reader Works
Adobe Acrobat (most versions) Runs PDF printer won't install, the driver is 32 bits.
Adobe Acrobat 5.0 Not Working
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Pro Runs Printer driver not working, update 7.0.5 doesn't fix it.
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional Works
Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.1 Works
Adobe Bridge CS2 Works
Adobe Illustrator CS Works
Adobe Illustrator CS2 Works
Adobe ImageReady CS Works
Adobe ImageReady CS2 Works
Adobe Photoshop CS Works
Adobe Photoshop CS2 Works mixture 32bit software, 64-bit RAM-handling, which gives great gains according to reviews
Adobe PhotoShop Elements 3.0 Runs Installs but displays failure dialog (Figure) while attempting to install Windows Media 9 Series codecs. Application then runs normally. A software update to version 3.01 also installed and ran fine.
Adobe Premiere 6.5 Not Working Won't install, maybe copying it from a 32-bits Windows might work.(untested)
Adobe Premiere 7 Pro Works
Adobe Premiere Elements 1.0 Works Installs but displays failure dialog while attempting to install Windows Media 9 Series codecs. Application then runs normally.
Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 Works
Adobe: Photoshop CS2 Works
Advanced Browser Works
Adware pro 6 Works
Age Of Empires Works
Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro Not Working installs but wont run correctly (seems to run but an error message says otherwise).
Ahead Nero Works
Ahead Nero Burning Rom Works Still the imagedrive is not x64 compatible so it won't install, it's not even selectable in the installation.
Aim 5.9.3702 Works
Alcahol 52% Works (this doesn't always work, sometimes gives a DLL error on bootup - didn't have any of the problems that 120% has)
Alcohol 120% Runs Alcohol 120 can still be used if you copy the files that are being installed before clicking away the error the installer gives. copy and past them then click out of the error not sure if copying is necessary files may still be left behind when installer errors out. just run the left behind alcohol 120 exe file, burning seems to work, just no virtual drive support.
Alcohol 120% 1.9.5 Not Working won't install because its virtualdrive uses a 32-bit driver
Alcohol 120% Runs still no virtual drives and cannot install on itÂ’s own, but copying the files works fine.
Alias Maya 6.5 Works
Alias Maya 7 Works
Alien Skin Eye Candy 4000 Works PhotoShop PluginÂ… (installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Nature Works PhotoShop PluginÂ… (installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Textures Works PhotoShop PluginÂ… (installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
AMD N-bench 2.0 Runs But not properly
AMD N-bench 3.1 (32-bit) Works
Americas Army : Special Forces 2.4 Runs DOES NOT install on XP64 unless you get the modified installer fix (, or do a network install by extracting the files from the executable and then with command (DOS) Prompt, goto the folder and type msiexec /a AmericasArmy.msi Reason : DX9 is part of the installer, but incompatible with XP64 which uses a 64bit DX9 version.
Americas Army 2.5 Works Installer crashes and requires a manual fix, check forum for a User patch with also works on the installer. (issue caused by punkbuster)
America's Army v 2.5.0 Works Runs with workaround and patch found here Straight install fails because of DirectX 9.0c install
Americas Army: Special Forces Works
Angry IP Scanner 2.21 Works
Anno 1602 Works (it's a german game, don't know if it's available in US/UK)
Another Bitorrent Client (ABC) 3.0 Works
AnyDVD Works mixture 32 bit software, 64 bit drivers.
AnyDVD Works
AnyDVD Works
AOL Instant Messenger 5.9.3861 Works
Apache 2.* Works
Apple iPod installer Works
Apple iTunes Works iTunes installs but the first time you run the program comes back with something to the affect: "iTunes has a valid driver BUT the software is not designed for this OS. Do you want to continue?"
Apple iTunes 4.7.1 Works
Aquamark 3 Not Working
A-Ray Scanner Works
Aray Scanner for CD Protection Detector Works
A-Ray scanner v2.0.2.1 Works
Area 51 Works
ASPI drivers 4.71.2 XP32 or XP64 (Itanium based) Not Working Installs but doesn't show up anywhere.
Asus Autoupdate v6.04.01 Works
Asus MyLogo editor v6.00.01 Works
ASUS Probe Works
Asus Probe 64bit Works
AT&T Worldnet Software Works
ATI Carpaint demo Works
ATI Caves demo Works
ATI Chimp demo Works
ATI Demo Gargoyle Screensaver Works
ATI Demo LavaCaves Screensaver Works
ATI Gargoyle Demo Works
ATI radeon diplay drivers Works
Ati's multimedia center Not Working Won't install
Atomic Clock Sync Works
Audible manager software Runs (w / either Roxio or Gear CD Burning plugin) Software works, but will not recognize any cd burners , or burn any downloaded books to CD
Audiograbber 1.83 Works
Audition v.1.5 Runs Plays all music but virtual it doesn't work correct
Auto GK Works
Auto Route 2004 Works
Autocad 2000 Not Working Won't install
AutoCAD Architectural Desktop 3.3 Works
Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2006 Works
Autodesk AutoCAD 2005 version N.63.0 Works
Av Bros. Page Curls 2 Works PhotoShop PluginÂ… (installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
Av Bros. Puzzle Pro Works PhotoShop PluginÂ… (installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
Avast Personal Edition Anti-Virus Works
Avast! Antivirus 4.6 Home Edition Works
Avedesk 1.1 Works
AVG + Firewall Version 7.1.362 Works
AVG 7.1 professional Works
AVG Anti-Virus Not Working Unfortunately, AVG Anti-Virus is not compatible with Windows 64-bit version
AVG Free 7 Not Working During install it comes up with "Error: Action failed for file avg7core.sys: starting service....This driver has been blocked from loading (1275)" and rolls back installation
AVI MPEG RM WMV Joiner v4.61 Works
Avid DV express HD Works (but none of the capture hardware works except for direct 1394 input.)
AVID Xpress Pro HD 5.1.4 Not Working does not install
Avid Xpress Pro HD v.5.0 Not Working Refuses to install. Incompatible OS
Aviva for Desktops 9.1 Not Working Doesn't want to install
Axion Flare Not Working (PhotoShop PluginÂ… (installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)) would not install
Azureus Works
Azureus Works
Babylon-Pro Works
Battle for middle earth Works
Battlefield 1942 Works
Battlefield 2 Works in 32bit mode this is for both bf2 1.0 and 1.1
battlefield 2 Works
battlefield2 1.02 Works
BCDC++ Works
Bejeweled 2 Works
Benchemall 2.648 Works
Bentley GeoCoordinator Works
Bentley Geographics Works
Bentley GeoSelectTools Works
Bentley Microstation 7.2 Works
BF2 update 1.03 Works
Bit Defender 8 Professional Plus Works no comments.
Bit Tornado 037 Works
Bitdefender 9 Pro Plus Works
Bitdefenders Internet Security Not Working the firewall failed to start
Bitvise SSH Tunnelier by SSH Software Works
Black & White Works
Black & White 2 Works
Black and White 2 (retail version 1.0) Works
Black and White 2 Patch 1.1 Patch installer Not Working
black hawk down Works
Blaze Media Pro MPEG to AVI Converter Trial Version Works
BlindWrite v5.2.18.254 Works
BootIt NG Works
Borland C++ 5.01 Works Error message: Not compatible with Windows 64, but
Borland Delphi 2005 Works
Brothers In Arms Works Installs with no errors and runs like a champ!
Bryce 5.01 Works And like Poser 6, is exceptionally faster at rendering in XP64.
BS Player v1.22 Works
BulletProof FTP Works
BulletProof FTP Server 2.4.0 (build 31) Works
CakeWalk Kinetic Works
Call of Duty Works
Call of Duty : United Offensive (expansion) Not Working Install fails: says something about non 32-bit system or the like.
Call of Duty 2 Works
Call of Duty: United Offensive Works using the manual install procedure found at:
CamFrog Runs But Freezes when leaving the chats
Canopus Edius 3.3 Works
Canopus Explode 4.0 Works
Canopus Imaginate 2.0 Works
Canopus Let's Edit2 Works
Canopus Procoder express Works
Canopus: Procoder 2 v02.03.44.00 Works
CCLeaner Works
CDex v. 1.51 Works
Checkpoint SecuRemote/SecureClient NG with AI Not Working Tries to install a 32-bit virtual network adapter driver.
Cisco vpn client Not Working fails to install as all versions (msi and installer) require deterministic network enhancer to install virtual network adaptor which fails. Response from Cisco: "At the moment the vpn client is not supported on windows xp 64 bit.
Citrix 32-bit ICA Webclient 9.0 Works
City of Heroes Works
Civilization III: Complete (Atari) Works Works without issue on x64
Civilization IV Works
Clamwin Antivirus 0.83 Works
Cleancache 2.0 Works
CloneCD 5.2 Works
CloneCD Works mixture 32 bit software, 64 bit drivers.
CloneCD Version Works
CloneCD Virtual CloneDrive Not Working won't install because the virtualdrive it uses a 32-bit driver
CloneDVD Works mixture 32 bit software, 64 bit drivers.
Cobian Backup Works
Codec Pack All in 1 v. Works
Codecreatures Benchmark Pro (version 1.0.0) Works
Codename Panzers Phase One Not Working It appears to load but each time you click on it to run it asks you to reboot, when you do this, it just keeps asking you to reboot to finish install.
Cold Fear Works
Colin McRae Rally 3 Works
Colin mcrea 2005 Not Working installs, but after starting, it stops after a windows version check
coll of duty: united offensive Works
Collin Mcrae Rally 2005 Works Do a fresh install, download and install the latest patch then download the x64 patch and unzip the x64 patch into the main directory and let it overwrite any files it asks you to.
ColorWizzard v6 Works
Command & Conquer Generals + Zero Hour Works
Command and Conquer Generals Works
CommandPromptHere PowerToy Not Working refuses to install but there are manual workarounds
ComponentOne Studio Works
Cool Edit 2000 Works
Cool Edit Pro 2 Runs except when exiting it freezes and you need to end the task.
Corel 11 Works
Corel Bryce 5 build 250 Works
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite v.12.0 Works Installs and runs perfectly fine
CPU-Z ( Ver 1.22) Works
CPU-Z 1.28 Works
CPU-Z 1.28.4 Works
CPU-Z 1.29 Works
Crap Cleaner Works
Creative NOMAD Explorer 3.01.10 Works
CRT 3.4 Works
CryptoExpert 2005 PE Not Working Partially installs, but does not work, causes errors
Crystal Player 1.96 Pro Works
Curse of Monkey Island Works Runs with ScummVM from here:
Cuttermaran 1.63 Works
Cygwin Works
D3D rightmark beta 4 Works
Daemon Tools 3.47 Not Working
Dameon Tools 4 (x86) Not Working doesn't install, use x64 version, see native x64 list
**** NFO Viewer Works
dantz Retrospect Express HD Works
Dawn of War Works
dB Poweramp CD-Ripper and Music Converter Works
Deep Paint Works PhotoShop PluginÂ… (installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
DeLorme's Street Atlas 2006 Works
Delta Force Extreme Works
dependancy walker 2.1.3790 64-bits Works
Digital Film Tools: 55mm for Photoshop v5.0 Works
Directory Printer 3.6 Works
Discreet Combustion 4.0 Works
Discreet Lustre 2.5.1 Works
Diskkeeper 9 Not Working
Divx 5.2.1 Works
DivXToDVD 1.99.19 Works
Doom III (latest patches installed) Works
Doomsday Works
Dr. DivX 1.0.6 Works Installs and executes very fine.
Dreamweaver 8 Works
Dreamweaver MX 2004 Works
Driv3r Works
DVD Architect 3.0 Works Just make sure the .NET is installed properly.
DVD Decrypter Works
dvd decrypter Works
DVD Identifier Works
DVD Shrink 2.3 Works
DVD Shrink 3.2 Works
DX9 Real-Time HDR Image-Based Lighting (rthdribl) v1.2 Works
DynDNS Updater v3.0.0 (Build 5) Works
earth 2160 Works
Easy DVD Shrink 3.0.19 Works
Elefont Works
Empire Earth 2 Works
eMule .45b Works
Emule 4.6a Works
eMule Plus Works
Enemy Territory Works
Enter the Matrix 1.52 Works
Eudora v6.2.1.2 Works
Everest Home Works
Everquest 2 Works Works OK
Executive Software Diskeeper 9 Pro Not Working This application appeared to install normally, but when you run the application, it loads the stock XP x64 disk defragger. An update to a newer version failed to install (Figure).
F.E.A.R Works
Fantom DVD (Image mounter) Works Only with the type of images that supports
Far Cry (v1.3 patch) Works
farcry Works
FastStone Image Viewer 2.12 Works
Fifa 2005 + 06 (Demo) Works
FileZilla 2.2.12c Works
FileZilla 2.2.13c Works
FileZilla Server 0.9.6a Works
Finale 2005 Works
Firefox 1.2 Works
Fireworks MX/MX2004 Works
Flash and Shockwave player 7 Works
Flash FXP 3.0.2 Works
Flash MX Works
Flash MX 2004 Works
FlashFXP Works
Flashget 1.6 Works
Flashget 1.6.5 Beta Works
Flat Out Works
Flight Simulator 2004 Works
Forte: Agent 2.0 bld 652, 32 bits Works
Fraps 2.5.4 & 2.5.5 Works
Fraps 2.6.2 Works SeanP saw a solid performance (~10%) improvement while capturing video in battlefield 2
FRAPS 3.0 Works
Freedom Force II vs the Third Reich Not Working A check on startup pops up a dialog stating that 95, 98, ME, 2000 or XP is required to run the game.
Freelancer Works although if you alt + tab out there's a chance that it'll crash your entire computer.
Freerip 2.93 Works
FreshDownload Works
FROSTWIRE 4.9.37 Works
Gaim 1.2.0 Works
Gaim 1.30 Runs works with one glitch: when clicking the "x" on the buddy list screen, the program exits instead of minimizing.
GameCopy Version 8.01 Not Working it installs but messes up the system, same as gamedrive 9
Gamedrive 9 Not Working Installs, but messes up the operating system completely
Get Right 5.2d Works
Ghost 9 Works The program will install but it will not "run" to create a backup image.
Ghost 9 Not Working The P2VI driver is not 64-bits compatible.
Gif Construction Set 2.0a Works
GMAIL Notifier Works
Goldfish Aquarium Screensaver Works (the retail version of the MCE goldfish)
Goldwave 5.09 Runs shows error msg about it being installed by different user.
Google Desktop search Not Working Reports that it is not compatible with the operating system.
Google Earth Works
Google Toolbar on 32-bit IE Works
Grabit 1.53 Works
Grand Theft Auto 3 Works
Grand Theft Auto Vice City! Works
Grisoft AVG Not Working wont install at all.
GTA San Andreas Works
GTorrent Works
Guild Wars (beta) Works
Guild wars retail Works
Half Life 1 Anthology Works not attempted to play online with the Steam client so I do not know if this portion of the game woks correctly.
Half Life 2 Works
Half Life 2 Patched to last version Works
Halo Works
Hamachi Works Tryed Hamachi VPN on various games with no problems.
HDTune 2.10 Works
Hexic Deluxe 1.0 trail Works
hidden and dangerous 2 Works
HL2 latest Steam Updates August Not Working Will run for a short period and then FPS will drop to approx 10, Ping will shoot to 900+ when you end the client and go into Task Manager you will see the Steam.Exe is pulling 90% + of the Processor. Have to kill Process and then restart. Steam is currently attempting to duplicate error and fix the error in the Steam.Exe
Hot Corners Works
HWInfo 1.52 Works
Hypersnap 5.62.06 Works
Icewind Dale 2 Works only tested multiplayer, but Skarlath noticed random freezing for about 30 seconds when dealing with inventory. Other than that it runs pretty well.
ICQ messenger version 5 Works
ICQ Pro Version 2003b Build 3916 Works
IL2 Sturmovik Untested Untested
IL2 Sturmovik : Forgotten Battles Works
Image Analyzer Works
Image Eye 7.0 Works
Image for DOS Works
Image for Windows Works
InfoExpress Vsclient 5.1d (VPN software) Not Working Tries to install a 32-bit driver.
Infragistics NetVantage Works
inSpeak Communicator ( Works Does function and work, but with a weird error occuring more than once - The program or feature "\??\C:\DOCUME~1\Neo\LOCALS~1\Temp\~RomDmp1\" cannot start or run due to incompatability with 64-bit versions of Windows.
IntelliCAD 2005 Not Working Fails to install
Intellipoint 5.2 Not Working
Intervideo WinDVD 7 Platinum Runs DVD Audio Driver only runs in a native 32-bit environment. Audio DVDs obviously do not work in this case. A report on when a new DLL will be available is expected from Intervideo within the week.
Intervideo WinDvr 3.0 Works
Inventor 10 Professional Works Install .NET 1.1 first.
IrfanView Works but no shell extensions (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
iTunes Works
iTunes 6 Works
IuVCR Works
Java 2 Runtime Environment 1.5.0 (build 1.5.0_02-b09) Works
joint operations Works
joint operations: escaltion Works
Juiced Works
Juiced Works
Jv16 PowerTools 2005 v Works
Kai PowerTools 6 Works PhotoShop Plugin...(installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
KaleidoMorph Screenscaver Works
Kaspersky Antivirus Not Working Not able to install
Kazaa Lite Revelution 2.6 Works
KeyWallet Works
K-lite codec pack Works
Knights & Merchants 800x600.exe and 1024X768.exe WORKS Works
Koma-Code 3.42 Works
Konfabulator Works
Legacy of Kain: Defiance Works
Lego Star Wars Works But only after modifying the MSI file with orca.
LG GSA4163B 104 Firmware update Works First time trying resulted in an error, second time it worked perfectly, after a reboot.
Limewire v4.2.6 Works
Lock on Untested Untested
Logitech Setpoint Not Working x64 drivers and software now available see the native x64 list for more info.
Lotus Wordpro (part of Lotus/IBM Smartsuite) Works
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Trial Works
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Works
Macromedia Fireworks 8 Works
Macromedia FlashPlayer 7 (for Firefox) Works
MacroMedia MX Suite 2004 Works
Maelstrom screensaver Works
MagicISO Works
Manifold System GIS - Works Works
Maple 10 (mathworks) mathematics Works
Master Splitter 4.11 Works
Mathcad 12 Not Working does not install
Mathematica 5 Works
mathlab 6 Works You have to ignore installer about not having java installed error though.
Mathtype 5.2 Works
Matlab 7.01 Runs Undetermined at this point, asked the user for clarification.
Maxthlon Works
Maxtor OneTouch Works
MBSS math screensaver Works
McAfee Internet Security Suite 8.0 Not Working Will not install due to OS compatibility.
McAfee VirusScan 7.0 Works
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.0i Works Security Center does not recognize it, so you have to tell it you're using antivirus software (turn off monitoring) to stop the warning messages.
McAfee VisualTrace 3.25 Works
Mcfee Personal Firewall version 6 Not Working
Mcfee Virus Scan version 9 Home Edition Not Working
Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Works
Media Code Speed Editor Works
Media Player Classic Works
Messenger 7.5 Works
Microsoft ActiveSync 4.1 Works recently released
Microsoft Age of Empires II (Age of Kings) Works
Microsoft Age of Empires II (The Conqueroros Expansion) Works
Microsoft Anti-Spyware (Beta) Works
Microsoft Baseline Security Analizer 2.0 (final) Works Reports very little information when scanning its own host.
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 1.2.1 Runs Reports the wrong OS back, bases the security report on Windows XP 32-bits.
Microsoft Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2003 Runs but you must apply SP4
Microsoft Calculater Plus Works
Microsoft Cmd Here Powertoy Not Working Setup incorrectly identifies OS version and fails (Figure).
Microsoft Customer Relations Management Not Working could be made to work, but stubbornly wants to see MSDE 2000 SP3a even when SP4 is installed
Microsoft Digital Image Suite 10 CD Works
Microsoft Disk Probe 1.0 Works
Microsoft Money 2004 v12.0 Works
Microsoft Money 2005 Works
Microsoft MSDE 2000 Runs but you must apply SP4
Microsoft MSN 9 Premium Works
Microsoft MSN Messenger 6.2 Works
Microsoft MSN Messenger 7.0 Beta Works
Microsoft Office 2003 Runs after a (re)install
Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Runs Confusingly displays two error messages during Setup (Figure) but then runs normally.
Microsoft Office 97 sp2b Works
Microsoft OneNote 2003 SP1 Runs Confusingly displays an error message during Setup (Figure) but then runs normally.
Microsoft Outlook Express Works Spell Ceck does not work Microsoft acknowledge problem but no solution
Microsoft PhotoStory 3 Not Working Setup incorrectly identifies OS version and fails (Figure).
Microsoft Royale Theme Works
Microsoft Small Business Accounting 2006 Runs but you must apply SP4
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (SP3a) Runs Warning during setup
Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager Runs but you must apply SP4
Microsoft TweakUI PowerToy Not Working Setup fails and recommends running the 64-bit version, which doesn't (yet) exist. (Figure).
Microsoft VC++ Express 2005 (Beta 2) Works
Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 Not Working Setup fails, citing "Fatal Error." (Figure).
Microsoft Virtual Server Service Pack 1 (beta1) Works Supports 32-bit guest virtual machines on 64-bit host.
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Works
Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware Beta 1 (February 2005 version) Works
Microsoft WMP 10 Energy Bliss Viz Works
miranda instant messenger Runs but shell extension (to send files directly from explorer) till now only in 32bit version of explorer available.
Mirc 6.16 Works
Modeleasy+ 5.4 Works
Modelsim XE III VHDL/Verilog simulator version 6.0a Not Working Does not install. They freeze during the installation of the drivers for the hardware dongles.
Monkey Island Works Runs with ScummVM from here:
Monkey Island 2 Works Runs with ScummVM from here:
Morpheus Ultra 5.0 Works
Mozilla Firefox Works
Mozilla Firefox 1.0 Works
Mozilla Firefox 1.0.2 Works
Mozilla Firefox 1.0.3 Works
Mozilla Firefox 1.0.6 Works
Mozilla Sunbird Works
Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 Works
Mozilla Thunderbird version 1.5 Beta 2 (20051006) Works
Mozilla: Firefox v1.0.4 Works
MP3Tag studio 3.05 Works
MS Money 2003 Not Working
MS Office 2000 Works
MS Office XP Works
MS Office XP Pro Works
MS Visual Studio 2005 (Beta 1) Works
MS VPN Connection Works
MSI CoreCenter Not Working errors out with... "Failed to load Hardware Monitor Driver !", "No Hardware Monitor !" and "Failed to load OverClocking Driver !", the corecenter process is still running, but none functional. On second running corecenter appeared with error "Core Centre does not support your motherboard !" then unloads.
MSI LiveUpdate 3 Not Working errors out with... "The service has not been started" and finally a total bomb out error of "VBIOS - Flash_MMIO_MAP DeviceIoControl error"
MSN Messenger 7 final Works
MSN messenger 7.5 Works you still need to switch over to Windows Messenger if you are going to remote desktop with others.
MSN Toolbar Not Working It reports that it requires Win 2K SP$, Win XP (32-bit) or Windows 2003 Server (32-bit).
mst Defrag Works
My Tunes Redux Works
NASA World Wind Works
NASCAR Sim Racing Works
Need for Speed (1 and 2) (patched) Works
Need for Speed Underground 2 Works Some people reported having problems, possibly a driver issue.
Neevia Docuprinter LT (PDF printer) Works 32-bit software with a working 64-bit PDF printer
Nero 6 Ultra Works except InCD
Nero Works
Nero 7.0 (brand new) Works
Nero Burning ROM Works Everything works but ImageDrive is missing after installation completes
Nero Burning ROM Works
Nero Burning Rom 7.0 Works Imagedrive is not installed, cos it's not compatible with x64, InCD doesn't work.
Nero Burning ROM Entreprise Edition Version Works
Nero CDSpeed Works
Nero Drivespeed Works
Nero infotool Works System specs show as unknown
Netscape 7.2 Works
Neverwinter Nights Works but slowly
Neverwinter Nights 1.65 (with SoU and HotU) Works
NewsBin Pro Works
Nikon Capture (all versions) Not Working
Nikon PictureProject (all versions) Not Working
Nikon View (all versions) Not Working
No one lives for ever 2 - A spy in harms way Not Working
nod32 v2.5 Not Working reason unknown
NOD32 version: 2.51.3 Works
No-IP DUC 2.2.1 Works
Norman Antivirus Control 5.82 Not Working Needs to have 64-bit native software.
Nortel VPN Client Not Working 32Bit Driver
Norton Ghost 9 Not Working The P2VI driver is not 64-bits compatible.
Norton Partition Magic v8.0 Works
NTRegopt v 1.1j Works
Nvidia Blobby Dancer 32-bit & 64-bit Works
Nvidia Demos Works
Nvidia DVD decoder v1.00.67 Works instead as the newer 1.02.150 caused a BSOD on Windows Media Player v10 start!!
Nvu .90 Works
O&O Defrag V8.0 Professional Edition Works
Objectdock Plus Works
Office 2003 with sp2 Works
Opengl viewer 2.16 64-bits Works 1.1.3 Works 1.1.4 Works 2.0 Works
OpenOffice.Org 2.0 beta Works
Opera 8 BETA Works
Outlook 98 Works Gave a hitch on a file during install, but still install and works
Oxford Talking Dictionary Not Working
Ozone 2 Works PhotoShop Plugin...(installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
Pacfic Fighters Untested Untested
Painkiller 1.61 Works
Painkiller 1.64 Works
Paint Shop pro 9.01 Works
Paint Shop Pro X trial Works With working context menus
Paintshop Pro 9 Works
Palm Desktop 4.1 Not Working can't find drivers for Palm itself
Panda Titanium Antivirus 2005 Not Working Gives the message: Unknown OS.
panzers: phase one Works
Paragon Disk Manager 5 Not Working
Pariah Works
Partition Magic 7 Works
Partition Magic 8 Works
Partition Magic 8 Not Working
Password Corral v4.0 Works
PBA Tour Bowling 2001 Works Hard to find a good bowling game, this rocks.
Peachtree Accounting ® by Sage Premium Works
Peer Guardian 2.0 (32-bits) Not Working Error: "Unable to load packet filtering driver. class driver_error class driver_error StartService: The operation completed successfully." Look for the 64-bit version
Perfect Disk 7.0 Not Working
PGP 8 Not Working
PGP 8.1 Not Working generates the same memory locking error warning as seen with PGP 9. Also cannot find the PGP tools application and the right-mouse menu function is not there. (thanx to brad)
PGP 9 Not Working generates memory locking error (thanx to brad)
PhotoFIltre 6.1.2 Works
Photoshop CS Works
Photoshop CS2 Works
Photoshop Elements 2.0 Works
PHP 4.3.* Works
PHP 5.0.* Works
Picasa2 Works
Picassa Works
Picture It Works
Pinnacle Studio 9 Works not too usefull without capture card drivers, but works non the less
PKWare SecureZIP 8.00.0018 Works Installs normally, but doesn't create the contextual menu links, so it provides reduced functionality when compared to running on XP 32-bit. (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
Plasma release 1.0 Works
Popcap Games Bejeweled 2 Deluxe Works
Popupcop Works Only installs into 32bit IE
Power DVD 6.0 Works
PowerArchiver 9.20 Runs Installs, but no right click menu (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
PowerArchiver v9.20 & v9.50 Works
PowerChute Personal Edition 1.5 Works
PowerDVD 4.0 Works
PowerDVD 5.0 Works
PowerDVD 6.0 Works
Premiere Pro v.1.5 Works Installs and runs perfectly fine
Prime95 Works
Prince of Persia Warrior Within Works No problems
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Works Runs great
Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Works
Process Explorer 9.25 Works
ProjectX (all versions) Works
Propellerhead Reason 3.0 Works
PROTECTiON iD v5.0c Works
Pscp 0.56 Works
Psychonauts 1.3 Works
Punkbuster Not Working As described on this forum:
Putty 0.56 Works
Qemu 0.6.1 and nightly version 20050407 Works
Quake 2 Works Only if you got the proper video drivers installed, not the M$ reference drivers. (according to the forum Quake2 is easily ported to x64, see
Quake 4 Works
Quark XPress 6.5 Passport Works
Quick Par 0.9.1 Works
QUICKBOOKS PRO 2004 Runs Billing PDF driver does not install, , therefore it cannot send online invoices to end-users.
Quicken 2005 Works Installed by using MSiFix.exe (downloaded from quicken site)
Quicktime 6.5 Works
QuickTime 7 Works
Quicktime Alterantive Works
R4 (Visualization program) Runs Couldn't detect any sound to create a visualization from. Could just be my system, but likely not.
Railroad Tycoon 3 1.05 with 'Coast to coast Expansion' Not Working Freezes after 2 minutes.
Rainbow Six 3: Iron Wrath Works
Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield Works
Rainlendar 0.21.1 Works
Raygun Pro 3.0 Works
RealAlternative Works
RealPlayer 10.5 Gold Not Working totally fails before installing, saying "Windows cannot be installed on Windows XP 64."
RealPlayer 10.5 Gold (basic) Works
Realtech OpenGL viewer 2.16 Works
RealVNC Server 4.0 Works Do not disable desktop effects through the server as it causes odd glitches in the server. Make these changes through the OS itself
RealVNC Viewer Works
RegCleaner v4.3 Works
Registry Defragmentation for Windows version 7.0 Works
Registry Mechanic from PC Tools Works
regvac Not Working fails to work removes system files
Remote Administrator 2.2 (RADMIN) Works
Resource Hacker Works
Retrospect Professional 7.0.249 (Dantz) Works Works without issue on x65
Return to Castle Wolfenstein Works
Revit Building 8.1 Build 20050914_0100 Works
Rhapsody v3.0 Not Working company response: "Rhapsody will not work on Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition" (version 2.1 works however).
rid**** Works
RightStartMenu 7.10 Works
Rise of Nations Works w/ Thrones and Patriots Expansion (original version)
RivaTuner 2.0 (build 15.3) Runs A critical system driver RivaTunerEx.sys won't install, because it's 32-bits
RivaTuner 2.0 (build 15.6) Works No driver install failure.
Roboform 6.3.96 Works
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Works
Sage instant account Not Working Doesn't load
Saitek X52 Joystick Control Panel Works
Sap Frontend 3.1I Works
Savage Works
ScummVM 0.8.0CVS build Works
Second Sight Works
Serif 9 Works
Serif Web Plus 9 Works
SETI@Home 3.08 Works
Shadermark 2.1 (build 2.30) Works After installing DX9c managed package, stated on the website.
ShaderMark v2.1 Works
Shareaza Works
Sid Meier's Pirates! Works
Silent Hunter III Not Working Starforce copy protections is preventing it from running, like Splintercell CT
SimCity 4 Works
SimCity 4 Rush Hour Works
Sisoft Sandra 2004/2005 Works
SiteCraft 3 Works
Size Explorer Pro 3.4 Works
SkullTag Works
Skype Works
Skype Works
Slysoft AnyDVD Works
Slysoft Clonecd 5 Not Working Installs but won't run because of a driver issue.. it was installed.. it just doesn't run. (Version 5.2 BETA should resolve this)
Slysoft CloneDVD 2 Runs but doesn't see a burner (Version 2.8 BETA should resolve this)
Slysoft's AnyDVD Not Working Slysoft are working to release a compatible version.
SmartFTP 1.1.984 Works
Smile Works Complaint management
Snag-It Works small bug here. When installing the Snag-It print driver, the program called for no lie here the Windows 2003 Server CD
SnagIt v.7.2.3 Works Installs and work perfectly fine. When install, asks for Windows 2003 server media CDROM; of course it means Windows XP Pro x64 CDROM. Insert it and redirect the request to the AMD64 folder for the file.
Sniper Elite Works Absolutely fabulous game
Softbyte Labs Blackwidow versions 4.x.x and below Not Working
Soldier of Fortune II Works
Sonic Foundry Vegas Video 3.0 Works Even recognize it as a 64bit app !!!
Sony Sonic Stage v3.0 Works
Sony: ACID Pro 5.0b Works
Sony: Soundforge 8.0a Works need to use Setup.exe inside the SF8 directory of installation files, because the installer does not see Net 1.1
Sound Forge 8.0 Works Any problems with the installer moaning about needing the dot net framework can be settled by getting the latest dot net framework from Microsoft’s website for Windows x64 – I have .net v2.00 installed.
Spam Inspector 4.0.426 Works Seems to get a little hangy on hotmail account processes, fine if hotmail accounts aren't scanned.
Speakeasy Theta Version Works
Speed fan 4.26 Works
Speedfan 4.23 beta 8 Works 64 bits version
Splintercell: Chaos Theory Not Working 32-bit Starforce CD copy protection used and not compatible. 64-bit version is available but not yet adopted by UbiSoft, Versus Multiplayer game works (no copy protection)
Spybot 1.3 Works
Spybot Search & Destroy 1.2 Works
Spyware Doctor from PC Tools Works
Star Wars Republic Commando Demo Works
Star Wars: Battlefront 1.2 Works
Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast 1.04 Works
Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy 1.0 Works
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1.0.3 Runs Installs fine, but CD protection wonÂ’t let it run unless you use a no-CD hack from
Starcraft Works
Startup CPL Works
Startup Monitor Works
Steam, Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Works
Steinberg Cubase SX version 2.0.1 build 7 Works
Stellar Phoenix FAT & NTFS 2.1 Works
Stereoscopic Player Works
Stolen Works
Sudeki Works If you are lucky enough to get to work normally, the game is extremely buggy even in 32-bit mode.
Sun Java RTE 1.5 Works 1.5 makes mysql jdbc SLOW
SuperSpeedÂ’s SuperCache II v1.0.9.0 Works for nice hard disk cacheÂ’ing with the UPS I have
SWAT 3 Works
Swat 4 Beta Works
swat4 Works
SWG Works No problems, got it working right away
SwishMax (Build 2003.09.03) Works
Sygate Personal/Pro Firewalls Not Working fail to start at all
Symantec Anti-Virus 10 Corporate Works
Symantec Antivirus 64 10.0 Works mixture 32 bit software, 64 bit drivers.
Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 9.x or later Works How to install -
Systran 4.0 Works
Tag & Rename 3.1.6 Works
team sabre Works
Teamspeak 2 Works Version - ts2_client_rc2_2032
TechSmith Camtasia Studio 3 Works
Test Drive 5 (Accolade) Works
Textpad 4.7.3 32-bit ed. Works
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Game of the Year Edition Works
The GIMP 2.2.4 Works
The NoName Script (mirc script) Works
THE SETTLERS - Heritage of Kings Demo Works
The Webshots Desktop v1.3.0.2991 Works
Theif 3 (didn't need to turn off DEP) Works
Thunderbird Works
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 Works
TightVNC Works
Tiny firewall pro 6.5 64-bits Works
Tmpgenc DVD Author Works
Tmpgenc Xpress Works
Toca Race Driver Works
Tomb Raider AOD Works Upgraded to Version 52. Under settings for video card - FMV disable overlay mixer and vmr9. Everything else works fine.
Total Commander 6.53 Works
Total Commander v6.53 Works
Tracks Eraser Pro v4.02 Works
Trainz 2006 (by Auran) Works
TransMac v7.1 Works
Trend Micro Client/Server/Messaging Suite for SMB (OfficeScan 6) Runs The Client/Server Suite is installed on our 32bit server and allows for the installation of Trend Micro OfficeScan 6 on our workstations. OfficeScan 6 is not compatible with 64bit OS. Program installs with some failures. The OfficeScan Listener Service starts properly, but the OfficeScan Realtime Monitor service fails to start.
Trend Micro Internet Security 2005 Not Working Install fails as a screen pops saying the installation did not succeed due to an error. Please try the installation again.
Trillian 3.1 Works
True Launch Bar - Author Not Working
TUGZip Works
TUNEUP UTILITES 2006 Not Working Not compatible
Tuneup Utilities 2004 Works You get a window saying it isn't for this system and may not work, and do you want to continue installation--yes
Turbo Navigator 1.47 Works
Tweaknow PowerPack 2005 Works
TweakUI 2.10 Works
UD (UnitedDevices Cancer Research) Works
Ulead GIF Animator 5 Works
Ultra ISO Works
UltraCompare 2.0b Works
UltraEdit 10.10 Works
UltraEdit 11 Runs but no shell extensions (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
UltraEdit 11.10 Works
UltraEdit Studio (05') Works Got to be the best text editor out there, a must have for website coders.
UltraISO 7 Works
Ultramon Version 2.5 ( Runs Smart taskbar does not work in that taks for both monitors are mirrored on each monitor rather than stay in the task bar on the monitor where the task is running....
unreal tournament 2004 Works
Unreal Tournament 2004 (now with x64 Edition) Works
Unrealtournament 1 with patch 4.36 Works didn't test it without patch
Vegas 6.0 Works Installed 32 bit .NET and using the installer that came with autopatcher xp. (thanx to Jay Ash)
Virtual CloneDrive Not Working Won't install
virtual drive 8 Not Working
Virtual Dub Works
Virtual Dub 1.6.3 Works
VirtualDub 1.6.4 64-bits Works
VirtualPainter 4 Works PhotoShop Plugin...(installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect Works
Visual Studio 2005 (v8) Works The best part about this is that when you install on x64 it installs x64 software instead of standard, bonus!
Visual studio 6 Not Working installs but fails to work
Visual Theasurus Not Working
VMWare 5 final Works
VMWare 5.5 Beta Works Now with 64-bit Guest-OS support
VMware Workstation 5 Beta Works
voip software 1.17 2005 Runs installs ok but no connection
VoptXP v7.21 Works
VSO Inspector Works Installs a x64 driver for the couffin system.
Warcraft II Edition Works
Warcraft III Works
Warhammer 40k - Dawn of war 1.4 Works After MSI hack
WASTE Client/Server 1.5 beta 3 Works
Webroot Accelerator Works
Webroot Spy Sweeper Works
Webroot Spysweeper 4.0 Works
Webroot Window Washer Works
WhatPulse Works
Win AMP 5.5 Pro Works
WinAce v2.6 Works
WinAmp 2.91c Works
Winamp 5.08e Runs but needed reinstall, windows media gives incompatible error.
Winamp 5.092 lite Works
Winamp 5.1 Works
WindowBlinds 4.51 Works
Windows 2003 Server adminpak (MSI-file) Works It won't install due to wrong installer launch conditions, but this has a modified installer in it. One could also try the adminpak for Windows 2003 server x64, could work too.
Windows Server 2003 Adminpak SP1 Works No word on changes in the MSI file, perhaps this MSI file can install natively on a x64 OS.
Windvd 6 Platinum Works A DLL error during install of "DVD Audio" driver, but then installs and works fine. DVD movies work, Audio DVD's don't work, due to driver install failure
WinDVD 6.0 Works
WinDVD Creator 2.0 Works Cannot mind aspi manager error is shown
WinISO v5.3 Works
Winrar 3.30 Works No context menus. (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
Winrar 3.42 Runs no shell extension (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
Winrar 3.50 Beta 3 Runs No context menus (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
WinRAR 3.50 beta 5 Works Working with 64-bit ontext menus!!
WinRAR 3.51 Works with 64-bit context menus
WinTV2000 Works
Winzip 10 Beta Runs But no context menus
Winzip 9 SR 1 Works No context menus. (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Works
Womble Mpeg2VCR 3.14 Works
Wordperfect Office 12 Works works perfectly
World Of Warcraft Works
WS_FTP Pro version 9.0 Professional Works
WSFTP PRO 9.1 Works
Xchat 2.4.0 Works
Xfire Works
XnView Works
Xpand Rally Not Working
XP-Antispy Works
X-Setup 7 Works
X-Win32 6.0 Works
yager Works
Yahoo DSL Browser and Software Works
Y'z Dock Works
Zbrush Not Working Link
Zonelabs Zonealarm Not Working Zone Labs tentatively plans on having a 64 bit OS compatible version of our firewall availabe by the end of 2005. ("
µTorrent 1.22 Works Link
3D Plus ver 1.0.0702 Works
3D Studio Max 6 Works
3-D Ultra Pinball Creep Night Not Working Not compatible 16-bit subsystem
3Dmark 2005 Works
3DMark03 Works
3DMark05 1.2.0 Works
3dmax 7.0 Works
4 Fantastic Works
7 Sins Works
7-Zip 4.16 beta Runs no shell extension (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
ABBYY Finereader 6.0 Works
ABBYY FineReader Pro build Works
ABBYY PDF transformer 1.0 Works
abit bios flash util v.1.38 Not Working it might have some 16bit parts to it
abit guru 2.3x Not Working cant work out the error just does not work
AbiWord 2.2 Works
Absolute FTP 2.01 Works
Absolute Uninstaller 1.44 Works
Acct 2006 for Construction (networked) Works
ACDSee 3.1 Works
Acdsee 5.0.1 Works
ACDSee 7.0 Works Context menu -- Browse Folder with ACDSee is working
AceFtp 3 Works
Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker v2.39 Works
Acrobat Pro 6.0 Works
Acrobat Standard 6.0 Not Working does not install (an error occurs during the distiller installation).
Acrobat Standard 6.1 Works
Acronis true image 8 Not Working will not install
Acronis True Image 9 Not Working doesn't install not even with 9.0.1 patch
Act of War Runs Jon has been able to get Act of War to run every time on x64. Jon has created a batch file that deletes index.fat from the program directory and then calls actofwar.exe and Jon still gets the ROMDUMP error, but then it runs successfully. Jon's suspicion is that just deletes or modifies the index.fat file.
act of war Works with the newest patch. even click ok at the shown romdump error and after playing delete INDEX.FAT in AoW folder. works niceÂ…
Act of War: Direct Action (original version) Not Working you get a message that “” is incompatible with windows x64, possibly part of the copy protection
Activision: Madagascar Works
Acubix Picozip 3.01 Works
Adaware SE 1.05 Works
Adobe 7.0 Reader Works
Adobe Acrobat (most versions) Runs PDF printer won't install, the driver is 32 bits.
Adobe Acrobat 5.0 Not Working
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Pro Runs Printer driver not working, update 7.0.5 doesn't fix it.
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional Works
Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.1 Works
Adobe Bridge CS2 Works
Adobe Illustrator CS Works
Adobe Illustrator CS2 Works
Adobe ImageReady CS Works
Adobe ImageReady CS2 Works
Adobe Photoshop CS Works
Adobe Photoshop CS2 Works mixture 32bit software, 64-bit RAM-handling, which gives great gains according to reviews
Adobe PhotoShop Elements 3.0 Runs Installs but displays failure dialog (Figure) while attempting to install Windows Media 9 Series codecs. Application then runs normally. A software update to version 3.01 also installed and ran fine.
Adobe Premiere 6.5 Not Working Won't install, maybe copying it from a 32-bits Windows might work.(untested)
Adobe Premiere 7 Pro Works
Adobe Premiere Elements 1.0 Works Installs but displays failure dialog while attempting to install Windows Media 9 Series codecs. Application then runs normally.
Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 Works
Adobe: Photoshop CS2 Works
Advanced Browser Works
Adware pro 6 Works
Age Of Empires Works
Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro Not Working installs but wont run correctly (seems to run but an error message says otherwise).
Ahead Nero Works
Ahead Nero Burning Rom Works Still the imagedrive is not x64 compatible so it won't install, it's not even selectable in the installation.
Aim 5.9.3702 Works
Alcahol 52% Works (this doesn't always work, sometimes gives a DLL error on bootup - didn't have any of the problems that 120% has)
Alcohol 120% Runs Alcohol 120 can still be used if you copy the files that are being installed before clicking away the error the installer gives. copy and past them then click out of the error not sure if copying is necessary files may still be left behind when installer errors out. just run the left behind alcohol 120 exe file, burning seems to work, just no virtual drive support.
Alcohol 120% 1.9.5 Not Working won't install because its virtualdrive uses a 32-bit driver
Alcohol 120% Runs still no virtual drives and cannot install on itÂ’s own, but copying the files works fine.
Alias Maya 6.5 Works
Alias Maya 7 Works
Alien Skin Eye Candy 4000 Works PhotoShop PluginÂ… (installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Nature Works PhotoShop PluginÂ… (installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Textures Works PhotoShop PluginÂ… (installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
AMD N-bench 2.0 Runs But not properly
AMD N-bench 3.1 (32-bit) Works
Americas Army : Special Forces 2.4 Runs DOES NOT install on XP64 unless you get the modified installer fix (, or do a network install by extracting the files from the executable and then with command (DOS) Prompt, goto the folder and type msiexec /a AmericasArmy.msi Reason : DX9 is part of the installer, but incompatible with XP64 which uses a 64bit DX9 version.
Americas Army 2.5 Works Installer crashes and requires a manual fix, check forum for a User patch with also works on the installer. (issue caused by punkbuster)
America's Army v 2.5.0 Works Runs with workaround and patch found here Straight install fails because of DirectX 9.0c install
Americas Army: Special Forces Works
Angry IP Scanner 2.21 Works
Anno 1602 Works (it's a german game, don't know if it's available in US/UK)
Another Bitorrent Client (ABC) 3.0 Works
AnyDVD Works mixture 32 bit software, 64 bit drivers.
AnyDVD Works
AnyDVD Works
AOL Instant Messenger 5.9.3861 Works
Apache 2.* Works
Apple iPod installer Works
Apple iTunes Works iTunes installs but the first time you run the program comes back with something to the affect: "iTunes has a valid driver BUT the software is not designed for this OS. Do you want to continue?"
Apple iTunes 4.7.1 Works
Aquamark 3 Not Working
A-Ray Scanner Works
Aray Scanner for CD Protection Detector Works
A-Ray scanner v2.0.2.1 Works
Area 51 Works
ASPI drivers 4.71.2 XP32 or XP64 (Itanium based) Not Working Installs but doesn't show up anywhere.
Asus Autoupdate v6.04.01 Works
Asus MyLogo editor v6.00.01 Works
ASUS Probe Works
Asus Probe 64bit Works
AT&T Worldnet Software Works
ATI Carpaint demo Works
ATI Caves demo Works
ATI Chimp demo Works
ATI Demo Gargoyle Screensaver Works
ATI Demo LavaCaves Screensaver Works
ATI Gargoyle Demo Works
ATI radeon diplay drivers Works
Ati's multimedia center Not Working Won't install
Atomic Clock Sync Works
Audible manager software Runs (w / either Roxio or Gear CD Burning plugin) Software works, but will not recognize any cd burners , or burn any downloaded books to CD
Audiograbber 1.83 Works
Audition v.1.5 Runs Plays all music but virtual it doesn't work correct
Auto GK Works
Auto Route 2004 Works
Autocad 2000 Not Working Won't install
AutoCAD Architectural Desktop 3.3 Works
Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2006 Works
Autodesk AutoCAD 2005 version N.63.0 Works
Av Bros. Page Curls 2 Works PhotoShop PluginÂ… (installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
Av Bros. Puzzle Pro Works PhotoShop PluginÂ… (installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
Avast Personal Edition Anti-Virus Works
Avast! Antivirus 4.6 Home Edition Works
Avedesk 1.1 Works
AVG + Firewall Version 7.1.362 Works
AVG 7.1 professional Works
AVG Anti-Virus Not Working Unfortunately, AVG Anti-Virus is not compatible with Windows 64-bit version
AVG Free 7 Not Working During install it comes up with "Error: Action failed for file avg7core.sys: starting service....This driver has been blocked from loading (1275)" and rolls back installation
AVI MPEG RM WMV Joiner v4.61 Works
Avid DV express HD Works (but none of the capture hardware works except for direct 1394 input.)
AVID Xpress Pro HD 5.1.4 Not Working does not install
Avid Xpress Pro HD v.5.0 Not Working Refuses to install. Incompatible OS
Aviva for Desktops 9.1 Not Working Doesn't want to install
Axion Flare Not Working (PhotoShop PluginÂ… (installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)) would not install
Azureus Works
Azureus Works
Babylon-Pro Works
Battle for middle earth Works
Battlefield 1942 Works
Battlefield 2 Works in 32bit mode this is for both bf2 1.0 and 1.1
battlefield 2 Works
battlefield2 1.02 Works
BCDC++ Works
Bejeweled 2 Works
Benchemall 2.648 Works
Bentley GeoCoordinator Works
Bentley Geographics Works
Bentley GeoSelectTools Works
Bentley Microstation 7.2 Works
BF2 update 1.03 Works
Bit Defender 8 Professional Plus Works no comments.
Bit Tornado 037 Works
Bitdefender 9 Pro Plus Works
Bitdefenders Internet Security Not Working the firewall failed to start
Bitvise SSH Tunnelier by SSH Software Works
Black & White Works
Black & White 2 Works
Black and White 2 (retail version 1.0) Works
Black and White 2 Patch 1.1 Patch installer Not Working
black hawk down Works
Blaze Media Pro MPEG to AVI Converter Trial Version Works
BlindWrite v5.2.18.254 Works
BootIt NG Works
Borland C++ 5.01 Works Error message: Not compatible with Windows 64, but
Borland Delphi 2005 Works
Brothers In Arms Works Installs with no errors and runs like a champ!
Bryce 5.01 Works And like Poser 6, is exceptionally faster at rendering in XP64.
BS Player v1.22 Works
BulletProof FTP Works
BulletProof FTP Server 2.4.0 (build 31) Works
CakeWalk Kinetic Works
Call of Duty Works
Call of Duty : United Offensive (expansion) Not Working Install fails: says something about non 32-bit system or the like.
Call of Duty 2 Works
Call of Duty: United Offensive Works using the manual install procedure found at:
CamFrog Runs But Freezes when leaving the chats
Canopus Edius 3.3 Works
Canopus Explode 4.0 Works
Canopus Imaginate 2.0 Works
Canopus Let's Edit2 Works
Canopus Procoder express Works
Canopus: Procoder 2 v02.03.44.00 Works
CCLeaner Works
CDex v. 1.51 Works
Checkpoint SecuRemote/SecureClient NG with AI Not Working Tries to install a 32-bit virtual network adapter driver.
Cisco vpn client Not Working fails to install as all versions (msi and installer) require deterministic network enhancer to install virtual network adaptor which fails. Response from Cisco: "At the moment the vpn client is not supported on windows xp 64 bit.
Citrix 32-bit ICA Webclient 9.0 Works
City of Heroes Works
Civilization III: Complete (Atari) Works Works without issue on x64
Civilization IV Works
Clamwin Antivirus 0.83 Works
Cleancache 2.0 Works
CloneCD 5.2 Works
CloneCD Works mixture 32 bit software, 64 bit drivers.
CloneCD Version Works
CloneCD Virtual CloneDrive Not Working won't install because the virtualdrive it uses a 32-bit driver
CloneDVD Works mixture 32 bit software, 64 bit drivers.
Cobian Backup Works
Codec Pack All in 1 v. Works
Codecreatures Benchmark Pro (version 1.0.0) Works
Codename Panzers Phase One Not Working It appears to load but each time you click on it to run it asks you to reboot, when you do this, it just keeps asking you to reboot to finish install.
Cold Fear Works
Colin McRae Rally 3 Works
Colin mcrea 2005 Not Working installs, but after starting, it stops after a windows version check
coll of duty: united offensive Works
Collin Mcrae Rally 2005 Works Do a fresh install, download and install the latest patch then download the x64 patch and unzip the x64 patch into the main directory and let it overwrite any files it asks you to.
ColorWizzard v6 Works
Command & Conquer Generals + Zero Hour Works
Command and Conquer Generals Works
CommandPromptHere PowerToy Not Working refuses to install but there are manual workarounds
ComponentOne Studio Works
Cool Edit 2000 Works
Cool Edit Pro 2 Runs except when exiting it freezes and you need to end the task.
Corel 11 Works
Corel Bryce 5 build 250 Works
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite v.12.0 Works Installs and runs perfectly fine
CPU-Z ( Ver 1.22) Works
CPU-Z 1.28 Works
CPU-Z 1.28.4 Works
CPU-Z 1.29 Works
Crap Cleaner Works
Creative NOMAD Explorer 3.01.10 Works
CRT 3.4 Works
CryptoExpert 2005 PE Not Working Partially installs, but does not work, causes errors
Crystal Player 1.96 Pro Works
Curse of Monkey Island Works Runs with ScummVM from here:
Cuttermaran 1.63 Works
Cygwin Works
D3D rightmark beta 4 Works
Daemon Tools 3.47 Not Working
Dameon Tools 4 (x86) Not Working doesn't install, use x64 version, see native x64 list
**** NFO Viewer Works
dantz Retrospect Express HD Works
Dawn of War Works
dB Poweramp CD-Ripper and Music Converter Works
Deep Paint Works PhotoShop PluginÂ… (installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
DeLorme's Street Atlas 2006 Works
Delta Force Extreme Works
dependancy walker 2.1.3790 64-bits Works
Digital Film Tools: 55mm for Photoshop v5.0 Works
Directory Printer 3.6 Works
Discreet Combustion 4.0 Works
Discreet Lustre 2.5.1 Works
Diskkeeper 9 Not Working
Divx 5.2.1 Works
DivXToDVD 1.99.19 Works
Doom III (latest patches installed) Works
Doomsday Works
Dr. DivX 1.0.6 Works Installs and executes very fine.
Dreamweaver 8 Works
Dreamweaver MX 2004 Works
Driv3r Works
DVD Architect 3.0 Works Just make sure the .NET is installed properly.
DVD Decrypter Works
dvd decrypter Works
DVD Identifier Works
DVD Shrink 2.3 Works
DVD Shrink 3.2 Works
DX9 Real-Time HDR Image-Based Lighting (rthdribl) v1.2 Works
DynDNS Updater v3.0.0 (Build 5) Works
earth 2160 Works
Easy DVD Shrink 3.0.19 Works
Elefont Works
Empire Earth 2 Works
eMule .45b Works
Emule 4.6a Works
eMule Plus Works
Enemy Territory Works
Enter the Matrix 1.52 Works
Eudora v6.2.1.2 Works
Everest Home Works
Everquest 2 Works Works OK
Executive Software Diskeeper 9 Pro Not Working This application appeared to install normally, but when you run the application, it loads the stock XP x64 disk defragger. An update to a newer version failed to install (Figure).
F.E.A.R Works
Fantom DVD (Image mounter) Works Only with the type of images that supports
Far Cry (v1.3 patch) Works
farcry Works
FastStone Image Viewer 2.12 Works
Fifa 2005 + 06 (Demo) Works
FileZilla 2.2.12c Works
FileZilla 2.2.13c Works
FileZilla Server 0.9.6a Works
Finale 2005 Works
Firefox 1.2 Works
Fireworks MX/MX2004 Works
Flash and Shockwave player 7 Works
Flash FXP 3.0.2 Works
Flash MX Works
Flash MX 2004 Works
FlashFXP Works
Flashget 1.6 Works
Flashget 1.6.5 Beta Works
Flat Out Works
Flight Simulator 2004 Works
Forte: Agent 2.0 bld 652, 32 bits Works
Fraps 2.5.4 & 2.5.5 Works
Fraps 2.6.2 Works SeanP saw a solid performance (~10%) improvement while capturing video in battlefield 2
FRAPS 3.0 Works
Freedom Force II vs the Third Reich Not Working A check on startup pops up a dialog stating that 95, 98, ME, 2000 or XP is required to run the game.
Freelancer Works although if you alt + tab out there's a chance that it'll crash your entire computer.
Freerip 2.93 Works
FreshDownload Works
FROSTWIRE 4.9.37 Works
Gaim 1.2.0 Works
Gaim 1.30 Runs works with one glitch: when clicking the "x" on the buddy list screen, the program exits instead of minimizing.
GameCopy Version 8.01 Not Working it installs but messes up the system, same as gamedrive 9
Gamedrive 9 Not Working Installs, but messes up the operating system completely
Get Right 5.2d Works
Ghost 9 Works The program will install but it will not "run" to create a backup image.
Ghost 9 Not Working The P2VI driver is not 64-bits compatible.
Gif Construction Set 2.0a Works
GMAIL Notifier Works
Goldfish Aquarium Screensaver Works (the retail version of the MCE goldfish)
Goldwave 5.09 Runs shows error msg about it being installed by different user.
Google Desktop search Not Working Reports that it is not compatible with the operating system.
Google Earth Works
Google Toolbar on 32-bit IE Works
Grabit 1.53 Works
Grand Theft Auto 3 Works
Grand Theft Auto Vice City! Works
Grisoft AVG Not Working wont install at all.
GTA San Andreas Works
GTorrent Works
Guild Wars (beta) Works
Guild wars retail Works
Half Life 1 Anthology Works not attempted to play online with the Steam client so I do not know if this portion of the game woks correctly.
Half Life 2 Works
Half Life 2 Patched to last version Works
Halo Works
Hamachi Works Tryed Hamachi VPN on various games with no problems.
HDTune 2.10 Works
Hexic Deluxe 1.0 trail Works
hidden and dangerous 2 Works
HL2 latest Steam Updates August Not Working Will run for a short period and then FPS will drop to approx 10, Ping will shoot to 900+ when you end the client and go into Task Manager you will see the Steam.Exe is pulling 90% + of the Processor. Have to kill Process and then restart. Steam is currently attempting to duplicate error and fix the error in the Steam.Exe
Hot Corners Works
HWInfo 1.52 Works
Hypersnap 5.62.06 Works
Icewind Dale 2 Works only tested multiplayer, but Skarlath noticed random freezing for about 30 seconds when dealing with inventory. Other than that it runs pretty well.
ICQ messenger version 5 Works
ICQ Pro Version 2003b Build 3916 Works
IL2 Sturmovik Untested Untested
IL2 Sturmovik : Forgotten Battles Works
Image Analyzer Works
Image Eye 7.0 Works
Image for DOS Works
Image for Windows Works
InfoExpress Vsclient 5.1d (VPN software) Not Working Tries to install a 32-bit driver.
Infragistics NetVantage Works
inSpeak Communicator ( Works Does function and work, but with a weird error occuring more than once - The program or feature "\??\C:\DOCUME~1\Neo\LOCALS~1\Temp\~RomDmp1\" cannot start or run due to incompatability with 64-bit versions of Windows.
IntelliCAD 2005 Not Working Fails to install
Intellipoint 5.2 Not Working
Intervideo WinDVD 7 Platinum Runs DVD Audio Driver only runs in a native 32-bit environment. Audio DVDs obviously do not work in this case. A report on when a new DLL will be available is expected from Intervideo within the week.
Intervideo WinDvr 3.0 Works
Inventor 10 Professional Works Install .NET 1.1 first.
IrfanView Works but no shell extensions (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
iTunes Works
iTunes 6 Works
IuVCR Works
Java 2 Runtime Environment 1.5.0 (build 1.5.0_02-b09) Works
joint operations Works
joint operations: escaltion Works
Juiced Works
Juiced Works
Jv16 PowerTools 2005 v Works
Kai PowerTools 6 Works PhotoShop Plugin...(installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
KaleidoMorph Screenscaver Works
Kaspersky Antivirus Not Working Not able to install
Kazaa Lite Revelution 2.6 Works
KeyWallet Works
K-lite codec pack Works
Knights & Merchants 800x600.exe and 1024X768.exe WORKS Works
Koma-Code 3.42 Works
Konfabulator Works
Legacy of Kain: Defiance Works
Lego Star Wars Works But only after modifying the MSI file with orca.
LG GSA4163B 104 Firmware update Works First time trying resulted in an error, second time it worked perfectly, after a reboot.
Limewire v4.2.6 Works
Lock on Untested Untested
Logitech Setpoint Not Working x64 drivers and software now available see the native x64 list for more info.
Lotus Wordpro (part of Lotus/IBM Smartsuite) Works
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Trial Works
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Works
Macromedia Fireworks 8 Works
Macromedia FlashPlayer 7 (for Firefox) Works
MacroMedia MX Suite 2004 Works
Maelstrom screensaver Works
MagicISO Works
Manifold System GIS - Works Works
Maple 10 (mathworks) mathematics Works
Master Splitter 4.11 Works
Mathcad 12 Not Working does not install
Mathematica 5 Works
mathlab 6 Works You have to ignore installer about not having java installed error though.
Mathtype 5.2 Works
Matlab 7.01 Runs Undetermined at this point, asked the user for clarification.
Maxthlon Works
Maxtor OneTouch Works
MBSS math screensaver Works
McAfee Internet Security Suite 8.0 Not Working Will not install due to OS compatibility.
McAfee VirusScan 7.0 Works
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.0i Works Security Center does not recognize it, so you have to tell it you're using antivirus software (turn off monitoring) to stop the warning messages.
McAfee VisualTrace 3.25 Works
Mcfee Personal Firewall version 6 Not Working
Mcfee Virus Scan version 9 Home Edition Not Working
Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Works
Media Code Speed Editor Works
Media Player Classic Works
Messenger 7.5 Works
Microsoft ActiveSync 4.1 Works recently released
Microsoft Age of Empires II (Age of Kings) Works
Microsoft Age of Empires II (The Conqueroros Expansion) Works
Microsoft Anti-Spyware (Beta) Works
Microsoft Baseline Security Analizer 2.0 (final) Works Reports very little information when scanning its own host.
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 1.2.1 Runs Reports the wrong OS back, bases the security report on Windows XP 32-bits.
Microsoft Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2003 Runs but you must apply SP4
Microsoft Calculater Plus Works
Microsoft Cmd Here Powertoy Not Working Setup incorrectly identifies OS version and fails (Figure).
Microsoft Customer Relations Management Not Working could be made to work, but stubbornly wants to see MSDE 2000 SP3a even when SP4 is installed
Microsoft Digital Image Suite 10 CD Works
Microsoft Disk Probe 1.0 Works
Microsoft Money 2004 v12.0 Works
Microsoft Money 2005 Works
Microsoft MSDE 2000 Runs but you must apply SP4
Microsoft MSN 9 Premium Works
Microsoft MSN Messenger 6.2 Works
Microsoft MSN Messenger 7.0 Beta Works
Microsoft Office 2003 Runs after a (re)install
Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Runs Confusingly displays two error messages during Setup (Figure) but then runs normally.
Microsoft Office 97 sp2b Works
Microsoft OneNote 2003 SP1 Runs Confusingly displays an error message during Setup (Figure) but then runs normally.
Microsoft Outlook Express Works Spell Ceck does not work Microsoft acknowledge problem but no solution
Microsoft PhotoStory 3 Not Working Setup incorrectly identifies OS version and fails (Figure).
Microsoft Royale Theme Works
Microsoft Small Business Accounting 2006 Runs but you must apply SP4
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (SP3a) Runs Warning during setup
Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager Runs but you must apply SP4
Microsoft TweakUI PowerToy Not Working Setup fails and recommends running the 64-bit version, which doesn't (yet) exist. (Figure).
Microsoft VC++ Express 2005 (Beta 2) Works
Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 Not Working Setup fails, citing "Fatal Error." (Figure).
Microsoft Virtual Server Service Pack 1 (beta1) Works Supports 32-bit guest virtual machines on 64-bit host.
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Works
Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware Beta 1 (February 2005 version) Works
Microsoft WMP 10 Energy Bliss Viz Works
miranda instant messenger Runs but shell extension (to send files directly from explorer) till now only in 32bit version of explorer available.
Mirc 6.16 Works
Modeleasy+ 5.4 Works
Modelsim XE III VHDL/Verilog simulator version 6.0a Not Working Does not install. They freeze during the installation of the drivers for the hardware dongles.
Monkey Island Works Runs with ScummVM from here:
Monkey Island 2 Works Runs with ScummVM from here:
Morpheus Ultra 5.0 Works
Mozilla Firefox Works
Mozilla Firefox 1.0 Works
Mozilla Firefox 1.0.2 Works
Mozilla Firefox 1.0.3 Works
Mozilla Firefox 1.0.6 Works
Mozilla Sunbird Works
Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 Works
Mozilla Thunderbird version 1.5 Beta 2 (20051006) Works
Mozilla: Firefox v1.0.4 Works
MP3Tag studio 3.05 Works
MS Money 2003 Not Working
MS Office 2000 Works
MS Office XP Works
MS Office XP Pro Works
MS Visual Studio 2005 (Beta 1) Works
MS VPN Connection Works
MSI CoreCenter Not Working errors out with... "Failed to load Hardware Monitor Driver !", "No Hardware Monitor !" and "Failed to load OverClocking Driver !", the corecenter process is still running, but none functional. On second running corecenter appeared with error "Core Centre does not support your motherboard !" then unloads.
MSI LiveUpdate 3 Not Working errors out with... "The service has not been started" and finally a total bomb out error of "VBIOS - Flash_MMIO_MAP DeviceIoControl error"
MSN Messenger 7 final Works
MSN messenger 7.5 Works you still need to switch over to Windows Messenger if you are going to remote desktop with others.
MSN Toolbar Not Working It reports that it requires Win 2K SP$, Win XP (32-bit) or Windows 2003 Server (32-bit).
mst Defrag Works
My Tunes Redux Works
NASA World Wind Works
NASCAR Sim Racing Works
Need for Speed (1 and 2) (patched) Works
Need for Speed Underground 2 Works Some people reported having problems, possibly a driver issue.
Neevia Docuprinter LT (PDF printer) Works 32-bit software with a working 64-bit PDF printer
Nero 6 Ultra Works except InCD
Nero Works
Nero 7.0 (brand new) Works
Nero Burning ROM Works Everything works but ImageDrive is missing after installation completes
Nero Burning ROM Works
Nero Burning Rom 7.0 Works Imagedrive is not installed, cos it's not compatible with x64, InCD doesn't work.
Nero Burning ROM Entreprise Edition Version Works
Nero CDSpeed Works
Nero Drivespeed Works
Nero infotool Works System specs show as unknown
Netscape 7.2 Works
Neverwinter Nights Works but slowly
Neverwinter Nights 1.65 (with SoU and HotU) Works
NewsBin Pro Works
Nikon Capture (all versions) Not Working
Nikon PictureProject (all versions) Not Working
Nikon View (all versions) Not Working
No one lives for ever 2 - A spy in harms way Not Working
nod32 v2.5 Not Working reason unknown
NOD32 version: 2.51.3 Works
No-IP DUC 2.2.1 Works
Norman Antivirus Control 5.82 Not Working Needs to have 64-bit native software.
Nortel VPN Client Not Working 32Bit Driver
Norton Ghost 9 Not Working The P2VI driver is not 64-bits compatible.
Norton Partition Magic v8.0 Works
NTRegopt v 1.1j Works
Nvidia Blobby Dancer 32-bit & 64-bit Works
Nvidia Demos Works
Nvidia DVD decoder v1.00.67 Works instead as the newer 1.02.150 caused a BSOD on Windows Media Player v10 start!!
Nvu .90 Works
O&O Defrag V8.0 Professional Edition Works
Objectdock Plus Works
Office 2003 with sp2 Works
Opengl viewer 2.16 64-bits Works 1.1.3 Works 1.1.4 Works 2.0 Works
OpenOffice.Org 2.0 beta Works
Opera 8 BETA Works
Outlook 98 Works Gave a hitch on a file during install, but still install and works
Oxford Talking Dictionary Not Working
Ozone 2 Works PhotoShop Plugin...(installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
Pacfic Fighters Untested Untested
Painkiller 1.61 Works
Painkiller 1.64 Works
Paint Shop pro 9.01 Works
Paint Shop Pro X trial Works With working context menus
Paintshop Pro 9 Works
Palm Desktop 4.1 Not Working can't find drivers for Palm itself
Panda Titanium Antivirus 2005 Not Working Gives the message: Unknown OS.
panzers: phase one Works
Paragon Disk Manager 5 Not Working
Pariah Works
Partition Magic 7 Works
Partition Magic 8 Works
Partition Magic 8 Not Working
Password Corral v4.0 Works
PBA Tour Bowling 2001 Works Hard to find a good bowling game, this rocks.
Peachtree Accounting ® by Sage Premium Works
Peer Guardian 2.0 (32-bits) Not Working Error: "Unable to load packet filtering driver. class driver_error class driver_error StartService: The operation completed successfully." Look for the 64-bit version
Perfect Disk 7.0 Not Working
PGP 8 Not Working
PGP 8.1 Not Working generates the same memory locking error warning as seen with PGP 9. Also cannot find the PGP tools application and the right-mouse menu function is not there. (thanx to brad)
PGP 9 Not Working generates memory locking error (thanx to brad)
PhotoFIltre 6.1.2 Works
Photoshop CS Works
Photoshop CS2 Works
Photoshop Elements 2.0 Works
PHP 4.3.* Works
PHP 5.0.* Works
Picasa2 Works
Picassa Works
Picture It Works
Pinnacle Studio 9 Works not too usefull without capture card drivers, but works non the less
PKWare SecureZIP 8.00.0018 Works Installs normally, but doesn't create the contextual menu links, so it provides reduced functionality when compared to running on XP 32-bit. (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
Plasma release 1.0 Works
Popcap Games Bejeweled 2 Deluxe Works
Popupcop Works Only installs into 32bit IE
Power DVD 6.0 Works
PowerArchiver 9.20 Runs Installs, but no right click menu (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
PowerArchiver v9.20 & v9.50 Works
PowerChute Personal Edition 1.5 Works
PowerDVD 4.0 Works
PowerDVD 5.0 Works
PowerDVD 6.0 Works
Premiere Pro v.1.5 Works Installs and runs perfectly fine
Prime95 Works
Prince of Persia Warrior Within Works No problems
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Works Runs great
Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Works
Process Explorer 9.25 Works
ProjectX (all versions) Works
Propellerhead Reason 3.0 Works
PROTECTiON iD v5.0c Works
Pscp 0.56 Works
Psychonauts 1.3 Works
Punkbuster Not Working As described on this forum:
Putty 0.56 Works
Qemu 0.6.1 and nightly version 20050407 Works
Quake 2 Works Only if you got the proper video drivers installed, not the M$ reference drivers. (according to the forum Quake2 is easily ported to x64, see
Quake 4 Works
Quark XPress 6.5 Passport Works
Quick Par 0.9.1 Works
QUICKBOOKS PRO 2004 Runs Billing PDF driver does not install, , therefore it cannot send online invoices to end-users.
Quicken 2005 Works Installed by using MSiFix.exe (downloaded from quicken site)
Quicktime 6.5 Works
QuickTime 7 Works
Quicktime Alterantive Works
R4 (Visualization program) Runs Couldn't detect any sound to create a visualization from. Could just be my system, but likely not.
Railroad Tycoon 3 1.05 with 'Coast to coast Expansion' Not Working Freezes after 2 minutes.
Rainbow Six 3: Iron Wrath Works
Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield Works
Rainlendar 0.21.1 Works
Raygun Pro 3.0 Works
RealAlternative Works
RealPlayer 10.5 Gold Not Working totally fails before installing, saying "Windows cannot be installed on Windows XP 64."
RealPlayer 10.5 Gold (basic) Works
Realtech OpenGL viewer 2.16 Works
RealVNC Server 4.0 Works Do not disable desktop effects through the server as it causes odd glitches in the server. Make these changes through the OS itself
RealVNC Viewer Works
RegCleaner v4.3 Works
Registry Defragmentation for Windows version 7.0 Works
Registry Mechanic from PC Tools Works
regvac Not Working fails to work removes system files
Remote Administrator 2.2 (RADMIN) Works
Resource Hacker Works
Retrospect Professional 7.0.249 (Dantz) Works Works without issue on x65
Return to Castle Wolfenstein Works
Revit Building 8.1 Build 20050914_0100 Works
Rhapsody v3.0 Not Working company response: "Rhapsody will not work on Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition" (version 2.1 works however).
rid**** Works
RightStartMenu 7.10 Works
Rise of Nations Works w/ Thrones and Patriots Expansion (original version)
RivaTuner 2.0 (build 15.3) Runs A critical system driver RivaTunerEx.sys won't install, because it's 32-bits
RivaTuner 2.0 (build 15.6) Works No driver install failure.
Roboform 6.3.96 Works
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Works
Sage instant account Not Working Doesn't load
Saitek X52 Joystick Control Panel Works
Sap Frontend 3.1I Works
Savage Works
ScummVM 0.8.0CVS build Works
Second Sight Works
Serif 9 Works
Serif Web Plus 9 Works
SETI@Home 3.08 Works
Shadermark 2.1 (build 2.30) Works After installing DX9c managed package, stated on the website.
ShaderMark v2.1 Works
Shareaza Works
Sid Meier's Pirates! Works
Silent Hunter III Not Working Starforce copy protections is preventing it from running, like Splintercell CT
SimCity 4 Works
SimCity 4 Rush Hour Works
Sisoft Sandra 2004/2005 Works
SiteCraft 3 Works
Size Explorer Pro 3.4 Works
SkullTag Works
Skype Works
Skype Works
Slysoft AnyDVD Works
Slysoft Clonecd 5 Not Working Installs but won't run because of a driver issue.. it was installed.. it just doesn't run. (Version 5.2 BETA should resolve this)
Slysoft CloneDVD 2 Runs but doesn't see a burner (Version 2.8 BETA should resolve this)
Slysoft's AnyDVD Not Working Slysoft are working to release a compatible version.
SmartFTP 1.1.984 Works
Smile Works Complaint management
Snag-It Works small bug here. When installing the Snag-It print driver, the program called for no lie here the Windows 2003 Server CD
SnagIt v.7.2.3 Works Installs and work perfectly fine. When install, asks for Windows 2003 server media CDROM; of course it means Windows XP Pro x64 CDROM. Insert it and redirect the request to the AMD64 folder for the file.
Sniper Elite Works Absolutely fabulous game
Softbyte Labs Blackwidow versions 4.x.x and below Not Working
Soldier of Fortune II Works
Sonic Foundry Vegas Video 3.0 Works Even recognize it as a 64bit app !!!
Sony Sonic Stage v3.0 Works
Sony: ACID Pro 5.0b Works
Sony: Soundforge 8.0a Works need to use Setup.exe inside the SF8 directory of installation files, because the installer does not see Net 1.1
Sound Forge 8.0 Works Any problems with the installer moaning about needing the dot net framework can be settled by getting the latest dot net framework from Microsoft’s website for Windows x64 – I have .net v2.00 installed.
Spam Inspector 4.0.426 Works Seems to get a little hangy on hotmail account processes, fine if hotmail accounts aren't scanned.
Speakeasy Theta Version Works
Speed fan 4.26 Works
Speedfan 4.23 beta 8 Works 64 bits version
Splintercell: Chaos Theory Not Working 32-bit Starforce CD copy protection used and not compatible. 64-bit version is available but not yet adopted by UbiSoft, Versus Multiplayer game works (no copy protection)
Spybot 1.3 Works
Spybot Search & Destroy 1.2 Works
Spyware Doctor from PC Tools Works
Star Wars Republic Commando Demo Works
Star Wars: Battlefront 1.2 Works
Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast 1.04 Works
Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy 1.0 Works
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1.0.3 Runs Installs fine, but CD protection wonÂ’t let it run unless you use a no-CD hack from
Starcraft Works
Startup CPL Works
Startup Monitor Works
Steam, Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Works
Steinberg Cubase SX version 2.0.1 build 7 Works
Stellar Phoenix FAT & NTFS 2.1 Works
Stereoscopic Player Works
Stolen Works
Sudeki Works If you are lucky enough to get to work normally, the game is extremely buggy even in 32-bit mode.
Sun Java RTE 1.5 Works 1.5 makes mysql jdbc SLOW
SuperSpeedÂ’s SuperCache II v1.0.9.0 Works for nice hard disk cacheÂ’ing with the UPS I have
SWAT 3 Works
Swat 4 Beta Works
swat4 Works
SWG Works No problems, got it working right away
SwishMax (Build 2003.09.03) Works
Sygate Personal/Pro Firewalls Not Working fail to start at all
Symantec Anti-Virus 10 Corporate Works
Symantec Antivirus 64 10.0 Works mixture 32 bit software, 64 bit drivers.
Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 9.x or later Works How to install -
Systran 4.0 Works
Tag & Rename 3.1.6 Works
team sabre Works
Teamspeak 2 Works Version - ts2_client_rc2_2032
TechSmith Camtasia Studio 3 Works
Test Drive 5 (Accolade) Works
Textpad 4.7.3 32-bit ed. Works
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Game of the Year Edition Works
The GIMP 2.2.4 Works
The NoName Script (mirc script) Works
THE SETTLERS - Heritage of Kings Demo Works
The Webshots Desktop v1.3.0.2991 Works
Theif 3 (didn't need to turn off DEP) Works
Thunderbird Works
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 Works
TightVNC Works
Tiny firewall pro 6.5 64-bits Works
Tmpgenc DVD Author Works
Tmpgenc Xpress Works
Toca Race Driver Works
Tomb Raider AOD Works Upgraded to Version 52. Under settings for video card - FMV disable overlay mixer and vmr9. Everything else works fine.
Total Commander 6.53 Works
Total Commander v6.53 Works
Tracks Eraser Pro v4.02 Works
Trainz 2006 (by Auran) Works
TransMac v7.1 Works
Trend Micro Client/Server/Messaging Suite for SMB (OfficeScan 6) Runs The Client/Server Suite is installed on our 32bit server and allows for the installation of Trend Micro OfficeScan 6 on our workstations. OfficeScan 6 is not compatible with 64bit OS. Program installs with some failures. The OfficeScan Listener Service starts properly, but the OfficeScan Realtime Monitor service fails to start.
Trend Micro Internet Security 2005 Not Working Install fails as a screen pops saying the installation did not succeed due to an error. Please try the installation again.
Trillian 3.1 Works
True Launch Bar - Author Not Working
TUGZip Works
TUNEUP UTILITES 2006 Not Working Not compatible
Tuneup Utilities 2004 Works You get a window saying it isn't for this system and may not work, and do you want to continue installation--yes
Turbo Navigator 1.47 Works
Tweaknow PowerPack 2005 Works
TweakUI 2.10 Works
UD (UnitedDevices Cancer Research) Works
Ulead GIF Animator 5 Works
Ultra ISO Works
UltraCompare 2.0b Works
UltraEdit 10.10 Works
UltraEdit 11 Runs but no shell extensions (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
UltraEdit 11.10 Works
UltraEdit Studio (05') Works Got to be the best text editor out there, a must have for website coders.
UltraISO 7 Works
Ultramon Version 2.5 ( Runs Smart taskbar does not work in that taks for both monitors are mirrored on each monitor rather than stay in the task bar on the monitor where the task is running....
unreal tournament 2004 Works
Unreal Tournament 2004 (now with x64 Edition) Works
Unrealtournament 1 with patch 4.36 Works didn't test it without patch
Vegas 6.0 Works Installed 32 bit .NET and using the installer that came with autopatcher xp. (thanx to Jay Ash)
Virtual CloneDrive Not Working Won't install
virtual drive 8 Not Working
Virtual Dub Works
Virtual Dub 1.6.3 Works
VirtualDub 1.6.4 64-bits Works
VirtualPainter 4 Works PhotoShop Plugin...(installed into PhotoShop 8 CS)
Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect Works
Visual Studio 2005 (v8) Works The best part about this is that when you install on x64 it installs x64 software instead of standard, bonus!
Visual studio 6 Not Working installs but fails to work
Visual Theasurus Not Working
VMWare 5 final Works
VMWare 5.5 Beta Works Now with 64-bit Guest-OS support
VMware Workstation 5 Beta Works
voip software 1.17 2005 Runs installs ok but no connection
VoptXP v7.21 Works
VSO Inspector Works Installs a x64 driver for the couffin system.
Warcraft II Edition Works
Warcraft III Works
Warhammer 40k - Dawn of war 1.4 Works After MSI hack
WASTE Client/Server 1.5 beta 3 Works
Webroot Accelerator Works
Webroot Spy Sweeper Works
Webroot Spysweeper 4.0 Works
Webroot Window Washer Works
WhatPulse Works
Win AMP 5.5 Pro Works
WinAce v2.6 Works
WinAmp 2.91c Works
Winamp 5.08e Runs but needed reinstall, windows media gives incompatible error.
Winamp 5.092 lite Works
Winamp 5.1 Works
WindowBlinds 4.51 Works
Windows 2003 Server adminpak (MSI-file) Works It won't install due to wrong installer launch conditions, but this has a modified installer in it. One could also try the adminpak for Windows 2003 server x64, could work too.
Windows Server 2003 Adminpak SP1 Works No word on changes in the MSI file, perhaps this MSI file can install natively on a x64 OS.
Windvd 6 Platinum Works A DLL error during install of "DVD Audio" driver, but then installs and works fine. DVD movies work, Audio DVD's don't work, due to driver install failure
WinDVD 6.0 Works
WinDVD Creator 2.0 Works Cannot mind aspi manager error is shown
WinISO v5.3 Works
Winrar 3.30 Works No context menus. (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
Winrar 3.42 Runs no shell extension (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
Winrar 3.50 Beta 3 Runs No context menus (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
WinRAR 3.50 beta 5 Works Working with 64-bit ontext menus!!
WinRAR 3.51 Works with 64-bit context menus
WinTV2000 Works
Winzip 10 Beta Runs But no context menus
Winzip 9 SR 1 Works No context menus. (Context menus still work in the 32-bit explorer or 32-bit explorer applications)
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Works
Womble Mpeg2VCR 3.14 Works
Wordperfect Office 12 Works works perfectly
World Of Warcraft Works
WS_FTP Pro version 9.0 Professional Works
WSFTP PRO 9.1 Works
Xchat 2.4.0 Works
Xfire Works
XnView Works
Xpand Rally Not Working
XP-Antispy Works
X-Setup 7 Works
X-Win32 6.0 Works
yager Works
Yahoo DSL Browser and Software Works
Y'z Dock Works
Zbrush Not Working Link
Zonelabs Zonealarm Not Working Zone Labs tentatively plans on having a 64 bit OS compatible version of our firewall availabe by the end of 2005. ("