The cost of movie piracy to the United States

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Who cares? Is movie making about the money, or is it about putting out a good film?

Is music about money making, or is it about putting out a good album?
The General said:
Who cares? Is movie making about the money, or is it about putting out a good film?

Is music about money making, or is it about putting out a good album?
If you listen to that garbage that they play on the radio, it's all about the money for them. Sell outs.

If pirating is making the economy so bad, maybe they should just stop making movies. :rolleyes:
there are wayyyy too many crappy movies out today. and the industry expects people to pay at least 10$ to watch or buy copies of the movie. we should just pirate more and see what happens.

i also heard that on windows vist will be stricter on piracy also. if vista finds out that its a fake copy it will give the user a warning, and if the user doesent get a genuine cd key, vista will disable vital features. For example you can not open any of your do***ents on my computer, or u cannot launch outlook either. if microsoft is going to do that no one is going to get vista.
and get this, 35% of the world's software is pirated.
There is way to many horror movies that are coming out.

Where is a good on the edge of your seat thriller. Haven't seen one of those in a while.
hahahaha that documents thing is messing up again :)

i definatelly believe that 35% of the software today is pirated...

did you know 98% of all statistics are made up or modified in some way?:confused: :rolleyes: :amazed: :eek: :p

hickfarm said:
There is way to many horror movies that are coming out.

Where is a good on the end of your seat thriller. Haven't seen one of those in a while.

i just watched possiden today (blockbuster online :D) and I thought it was REALLY good... it probably took some work to make the movie, but not THAT much, and this was pretty good........... i wonder how much work it took to produce cheaper by the dozen?

^^^ personal oppinion of the movie

but h***, who cares if bad movies come out, the MPAA still gets their money by finding piraters


lol how oximorotic (is that even a word?) is this picture?????

OpticalIllusion said:
If you listen to that garbage that they play on the radio, it's all about the money for them. Sell outs.

If pirating is making the economy so bad, maybe they should just stop making movies. :rolleyes:

Whats the "radio" ??? ;)
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