TF Presidential Approval Poll (NO FLAMING!)

What Case Is Better?


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I understand the thought of "peace" sounds good... Thats not human nature, plain and simple. War is inevitable, so wouldn't you rather be in a country that nobody can screw with ? I know that i would rather be in a protected country under Bush ( who is down to drop bombs on future threats ).
i agree entirly. humans arnt gonna act moral. thats why communism doesnt work. in theroy communism is a great concept. but because humans arnt gonna work for the society it fails.
bradybnmci said:
Soooo... If you look at all the wars in the history of just the united states, you say they are ALL unnessesary ?!?!?!?

It was part of a joke. That whole post was not to be taken seriously.
bradybnmci said:
Soooo... If you look at all the wars in the history of just the united states, you say they are ALL unnessesary ?!?!?!?

Korea, started over lies

Vietnam, started over lies

Desert Storm, started over some lies........yes Saddam did invade Kuwait, but no the Iraqis did NOT have troops massed at Saudi Arabia's border, that was a huge lie

Afghanistan.........WTF, lets see, the taliban is back in partial power again, opium production is back online at an all new high, and the leader of afghanistan recently asked the US to leave

Iraq, lies, no connection to terrorism or WMD's, never was

some basic trivia:
US has military bases and troops in about 135 out of 192 countries
The US spends more on military expenses than the rest of the planet combined
The world's remaining large oil reserves are mostly in the mid east
The US foreign policy has been meddling in mid east affairs for more than 50 years, and this doctrine was started because of oil

Lets examine current and recent past actual military threats to the US:
Does Iraq or any other mid east country have a big fleet of ships and aircraft carriers?
Does any mideast country besides Israel have long range ballistic missiles?
Can a weak economy maintain and expand a serious military war machine to threaten the US?
Can an unstable and brutal regime create a serious military threat to the US?

thats just a very basic list of questions one must ask when assessing a threat, the answers to the above are NO, now explain to me just how much of a threat any mid east or other country is to the US? these wars of preemption and self defense are justified why?
"now explain to me just how much of a threat any mid east or other country is to the US? "

Have we forgotten about 9/11 ?
They all can't compete with our military so they pull terrorist crap like blowing up buildings, and strapping bombs to their chest.


If we would never had has those above wars that you claim unnecessary, what would we ( as in the United States ) be today?
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