TF Presidential Approval Poll (NO FLAMING!)

What Case Is Better?


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horndude said:

You know people kill each other all the time over petty things, why is it so unbelievable to you that people high up in government wouldnt do the same for millions of dollars?That's a pretty naive attitude methinks. Ever checked out the "project for the new american century", google it and take a look. Hitler had mein kompf, the neocons arent exactly hiding their intentions, these whackos never do.

I don't think that was a naive statement at all, I think that saying people are profiting and enjoying the profits because of the war, when they had no other history of such things on this large of a scale, is a naive thing to say.
well they have caught some people, they caught like 2 Ismalmic preachers at a mosque practically in my backyard (albany,NY) trying to buy some SAM's in an undervcover sting (surface to air missles)
horndude said:
A bunch of Bush's people are likely about to be indicted on conspiracy, perjury, and obstruction of justice charges, gee how cool is that? We will know in a few days.
Honestly are you suprised. The president is also linked and he has his own "truck full" of scandels asides from these but is he going to get impeached no. Is he ever going to be able to read a simple childrens book perhaps.
GameGURU said:
I don't think that was a naive statement at all, I think that saying people are profiting and enjoying the profits because of the war, when they had no other history of such things on this large of a scale, is a naive thing to say.

hmmm, ever heard of vietnam?

This kind of thing has happened before, maybe not the same exact deal, but pretty close. In vietnam it was "oh no the communists are coming the communists are coming", now its "the terrorists are coming the terrorists are coming". wanna know why the US interfered in Afghanistan helping the taliban and Al Qaida against the soviets? Take a couple guesses, isnt too hard to figure out. Do you have any clue at all how much someone like Cheney makes off a war like this? It isnt chump change. Isnt just him either, a whole bunch of he ruling class make huge $$ off wars like this. Billions dude, billions. Drug dealers kill each other over $25, how much motivation do you think billions is? Ever wonder why after the taliban prettymuch stopped all opium production in Afghanistan, the US and new Afghan govt has been unable to? What do you think the money laundering of all that drug money is worth to investment bankers which btw are cronies of the Bush admin?

Tell ya what, in less than two weeks, more likely in a day or two, Fitzgerald is likely to make an announcement about what the grand jury he is overseeing that is investigating the conspiracy to "out" Valerie Plame over "cooked" intelligence to sell the Iraq war over bogus reasons. Involved in this are going to be some major players in the US govt,it could even concievably bring down GW Bush. Life isnt a game, its for keeps, and these people play with lives and huge sums of money. Naive? Nope, just been around awhile man, ive seen lots worse done for alot less $$.

Might wanna check out Dwight David Eisenhower and what he had to say shortly after WW II when he was president, its so prophetic right now its scary.
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