Team Fortress 2

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just got team fortress 2 today!! and my god that game is awesome!! havent played a multiplayer game that good in a long time.. i'm definitely going to be hooked on it.... played it for 2 hours today.. i havent been able to play a game 2 hours straight in a long long time....
Got both CoD4 and TF2. There both different, igniting someone as a pyro is indefinitely hilarious, but getting a kill streak of 30 with a .50 Caliber Semi Auto sniper rifle on CoD4 brings a serious grin to your face, so does calling in an air strike and obliterating the whole team.
just letting you guys know that i finally beat ep2...i cant remember who helped me about how to kill the hunters but i wanna thank made things soo much easier.

Now ill try getting better at tf2, all i do is spy, clone and knife...i know its the cheap way out but thats all im good at so far.
Hey spys my current favourite too. Its just so fun to end up behind their team and run around killing off their support and hunting the medic + heavy combos :D
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