Team Fortress 2

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I got Orange Box, but haven't played this game yet. I heard there are only like 3 maps. Is this correct? Other than that I've heard it's a great game, and when I get some time I will be checking it out.

No, there are like 8 standard maps. Not to mention that fact that there are a buttload of custom / user created maps. Rumor has it that Value will be releasing a new Source SDK for TF2 soon. So more maps will be popping up.

And yes hickfarm is correct, we are working on getting a TF2 server set up for :: Connect and be Heard - most of you know we also have 2 free public ventrilo servers.

But, yea... TF2 is one of the best games I've played in a long time. It's a simple FPS game for anyone to pick up and just play. The cartoon-y-graphics are pretty unique and give you such a cool feeling to the game. The diverse classes of characters give any player a chance to be good. There is really something for everyone in this game. Every class has it's strengths and weaknesses. You really must use a fair amount of strategy when up against a good team of seasoned players.

So hop on ventrilo and play with us.
Play you at christmas, your on my checklist of people to beet on an online game, You, Trotter, and Harper.

Whoever comes first...


Preacher... Broadband here in the UK is ... terrible. For the past 2 months my *2MB Broadband* has not budged once past 37Kbps Download, and 14Kbps Upload.The only thing Talk Talk (my ISP) define as a fault is not being able to connect to the internet, anything else is a 'personal and local problem, please check your equipment'. Untill of course you tell them your changing ISP, were it sudenly changes to ' ah well maybe there is a problem', but that stage has yet to be reached as i havnt got through to there customer services yet. O and get this, all there emails are totally generic, 'sorry about your problem, please ring ...' yet it takes them 4 days to reply.

Consider yourself lucky to be in a country were the ADSL isn't swamped by a load of bargain ISP's that everyone joins and your line goes from being shared with 50 people, to 5000 (Fact, no overexageration) people. That download Itunes all day and use 500Kbps and leave no good connection left.

Im envious of my school, they have there own, dedicated 100MB Download, 85MB Upload Fibre Cable Line, a mere £800 a month, and £65,000 to Install :D

Rant over :)
I've been playing online FPS for almost 11 years now and TF2 was great for the first couple of days.....but now that I bought it, and have played it over and over.....

its kinda boring. Same problem as the Enemy Territories, its linear; same old same old.

Battlefield 2 is still the best I've played, but I've even gone back to Quake 2, where the real skill is; Speed, map control and accuracy! I'm getting tired of CSS hit boxes and linear campaigns. What happened to the true skill defined players in online FPS?

save your money, don't bother with TF2. You'll be bored of it in a week.
hehe, well, that's just my opinion. You might really get into it.

Don't get me wrong, the game is beautiful! It's smoothe, fast paced and hilarious. The luster just ran out for me after about a week though.
well im downlaoding TF2 off steam (without HL2 and Portal etc etc) and im on 99 percent... hopefully its good :)
meh the game is ok. i have to run it in a window b/c fullscreen has all these problems w/ the enviroment. artifacts, and all these different polygons on the ground.
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