study in Australia

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I want to know about the following:

1. What are living & eating expenses per month under normal condition.
2. What are the job prospects after completing M.I.T/ M.S.
in Australia?
3. Can student overcome their expenses by doing a part time job?
4. Can students get a part time job easily or he has to struggle.
5. Can students get a part time job within the city or they have to
go to remote areas for work.
6. What are the college timings/days for M.S./M.I.T. in Australia.
7. Is living in SYDNEY much expensive than MELBOURNE or it is
almost same.
8. I want to study in Central Queensland University (Sydney campus), is
it good for study.
k im from melbourne so ill try to answer as many questions as possible say for my family of 4 ruf $550
2. i havent checked that out
3. i guess if you get a good anough paying part time job yeah
4. no not really my friend got a part time job when he was 10 in melbourne illegal i know but thats how easy it is
5. well i live in a town outside of the city melbourne so i dont know if you can get a job in the center of melbourne
6. dont know
7. im not sure compare my prices to someone else's prices from sydney
8. i wouldn't know
study in australia

is it possible to study in australia on the bases of a scnolarship..
i want to get information about it......
I have my degree through CQU. My particular campus was small and rather limited in many ways...but, as a whole I hear CQU is rather respected and that the larger campus's are very well equiped for learning.

MR.Mickroy are you studying in Austrlia?

is it possible for me to study in Australia as a foreigner..

I was studying with CQU in Queensland but have since graduated. I don't know the answer to your question though as I was born here....I'm sure its very possible though.
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