Router assigns duplicate IP addresses

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There's no static DHCP setting on the router for either of the conflicting PCs. All the PCs are set to receive an IP automatically. I'm typing this on the win98 machine which currently is the only pc connected to the router, everything else is turned off. The router utility prog at the moment does not list this PC, in the client list. I've rebooted the router, and refreshed the client list. How do i check if the win98 machine is set to use DHCP? I've already added the MAC address of the win98 pc to the routers MAC filter which is enabled.If i type ipconfig/all i get the following:-

Host name..................compaq armada .belkinD(smiley)
DNS Servers................
Node type...................Broadcast
Net Bios scope ID...........:
IP Routing enabled.........No
Wins proxy enabled.........No
Net Bios resolution uses DNS...No

Description..............BT Voyager
Physical Address .........(mac address)
DHCP enabled..............YES
IP address................
Subnet mask................
Default gateway............
DHCP server................
Primary wins server.........:
Secondary wins server......:
Lease obatined.............12 30 05
Lease expires..............:

When the router assigns a duplicate IP to 2 of the pcs, it does cause a confilct which stops access to the internet. When i flashed the router with the updated firmware, it did it through the utility prog which I accessed through internet explorer by entering the routers IP.
I don't know if any of this helps chaps, but i'm really struggling to find a solution. one more thing on the win98 pc is that in TCP/IP properties under the tab 'DNS configuration' DNS is set to 'disable' is that right?
there is no static DHCP setting. You said that all o fthe machines were set for DHCP, but then you said that you dont know how to check the 98 machine. So are you really sure that the 98 box does not have a IP set? You can run WINIPCFG on the 98 machine tyr it and see what it tells you. You may also want to try useing the winipcfg release and then renew buttons This will flush out whatever ip information that the system has and then retrieve it new form the DHCP server. These relase and renew commands must be done after you are sure that the system is set to DHCP
I dont think that there is anything wrong with the router, so leave it alone before ya mess it up. ;)
thanks m8 i'll try it and see. If that doesnt highlight any prob should i try and disable DHCP on the router and try to set fixed IP addresses on each of the clients? I'm still bothered why the win98 machine doesn't show on the client list in the routers utility prog even tho its connected ok.
You dont have to disable the DHCP to set static IP's. Run ipconfig on the xp machine and use the same settings on the 98 machine, except for the IP address of course. YOu will need to set the subnet mask, gateway address as well as the DNS servers. That is all you need to set. Dont worry about WINS or any of the other crap.

FYI the gateway address will be the LAN side router IP address and then you can use the same number for the primary DNS server and forget about the secondary DNS server
I've managed to set fixed IPs on all the machines, everything seems hunkydory now! Many many thanks to you Urge, and everyone else who responded! Happy new year to you all!
:D :D :D
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