Regarding god saving the kittens-

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major, dont be naive about this because you dont live here. There is alot more trouble that overpopulation brings than hunting dear, and dont be stubborn about it either because i bet you eat meat too.
I already stated why dairy products do involve animal cruelty...
Riiiiiight, that's just absurd. I'm not saying it never involves animal cruelty but at the same time it doesn't ALWAYs involve animal cruelty like you somehow seem to think it is.

I'm going to keep this short and simple.

Recluse, I have nothing against you or your way of's where things go arry:

'veganism is healthier' <--- you see those little letters that we all learned back in lke 2nd grade that denotes something is above something else...this is where the problem lies.

Veganism diet can be healthy

An Omniverous diet can be healthy

You see how I say CAN BE regardless of what you choose? The problem lies with the fact that every vegan sits there and says healthIER which is just bogus.

Healthier than what exactly?

it is VERY close minded if you purely think your way is better than others. Thats how wars are started dude, from one guy saying his way is better than the others, then arguements ensue, then sure enough, war.

Like I said I have no problem with whatever diet you choose, it's once you start telling me your way is better than mine that it becomes an issue, because NO your way is NOT better than mine.

And by 'mine' I mean a generalized sense of assuming I actually ate a proper diet which I don't.

Now doubt you might be healthier than I but it is NOT simply because you choose to eat a vegan diet.

One person does not represent an entire group.
I understand that, it was merely one case out of many, I was in no way saying ALL vegans on the side smoked and drank, jeez come on.

Just like somehow emily managed to pull out that I'm saying this way is better by saying 'eating right, regular exercise and good sleep', I never said it was better, I simply said those are general rules of thumb for being healthy.

I have never once said that an omniverous diet is healthIER than veganism like you keep doing on the reverse.

Veganism CAN be healthy

Omniverous diet CAN be healthy

Vegetarianism CAN be healthy

Slim fast one-a-days CAN be healthy

You see how I'm not in your face and telling you my way is better? Theres where the key lies my friend.

Take a good look at what you're telling people and the BS you're imposing on them. Quit this 'veganism IS healthier' because what exactly is it healthier than pal?

Just like one person doesn't represent an entire group, one diet doesn't represent an entire basis of what is or isn't healthy.

All your facts are pointed towards animal cruelty, not the healthiness of eating meat so get what you're against straightened out.

EDIT: Regarding hunting, I do think it's wrong just to kill for sport. If you kill a deer, you'd better use every part of it. A friend of mine did such a thing. They of course made various meats, used the skin, and didn't let a part of it go to waste.

Those that kill just to put a head on the wall is not in my favoritism
I stopped eating meat 2 days ago.

There are too many immigrants over here, let's kill some, they cause a lot more trouble than animals.
No, I really would agree with it.

In mexico they are giving out pamphlets on how to sneak over to the US, avoid being caught by cops, and to work here without proper no it really ISN't all that crazy.
TheMajor said:
I stopped eating meat 2 days ago.

There are too many immigrants over here, let's kill some, they cause a lot more trouble than animals.

You miss my point entirley man.
What's your point?
Killing animals isn't cruel? I think shooting them because of overpopulation is pathetic.
You could castrate them. But killing? That's just insane.
Like I said, you are being niave.

Park Rangers (which tend to be very liberal and pro-animal rights thank goodness) say that some animals need to be hunted, or else their pack or herd WILL DIE OFF FROM LACK OF FOOD!

Look the problem both ways seriously.
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