Raspberry Pi

I just put all my music on every computer :p :rolleyes: but thats me.

Having a little mini media center would be cool though. I have a radio antenna that you hook up to a computer and whenever you run a playlist through any sort of music player instead of playing through the speakers on the computer, it plays through a radio channel :D

Do you know if they ever got puppy linux working on the pi's?

Looks like it, but I don't know the full extent yet:

PuppyLinux: Puppy School - RaspberryPi
Says that a beta will be released soon :D

I may have to read up more on the rpi's, sounds like a lot more has come out for them :)
I'm tempted to get one but would hate the wait lol. If I get one though, I'm thinking of making it into a portable pen-testing box with PwnPi.
well i'm sold then, are they still having supply issues?

I don't believe so. I haven't ordered any recently but I was in the raspberrypi IRC channel and someone there indicated they received their R-Pi after a 7 day wait, which had taken place only days prior.

I certainly love my R-Pi's. It's interesting to further test my command line knowledge with GUI-less distros, full well knowing if I blow anything up it's actually perfectly fine. I often power it down and run a quick DD on my 16GB SD card that I utilize for the Pi, that way I can easily retrieve my image back.

These boxes sure do have limitations, but dang they can do a lot with minimal energy considering their price tag. I remember when I got into my first real IT job... It was only 2008, and to my surprise I walked into a lab of computers at this elementary school. Pentium 3 700MHz, 128MB RAM, etc. I remember being blown away at how much power they were using as per my kill-a-watt. Sure the particular R-Pi I have is the 700MHz 256MB RAM variant (twice the RAM of those P3 rigs), but dang it's so much more capable.
I'm interested in getting a Raspberry Pi, but less for any specific use - and more for playing around with it.
For example, people have used it to program a robot arm to move by the use of speech recognition or a PS3 controller. Another cool thing was someone made a 'Raspberry Rover'. You could literally program your remote control car to do whatever you want...
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