Proxy Server Questions

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Baseband Member
I just got done doing a Websense Demo, and I have one issue with it. The transparent authentication (web filter rules based on user credentials) does not work with Mac computers. Since Websense uses Netbios (not supported by macs) to facilitate that.

So Websense's solution to this is a piece of software installed on each Mac and have the user basically login twice (once for the computer, then for Websense) to pull down that users filter rules. I was wondering if anyone new of any proxy servers that would work with Macs not requiring an Agent install.

I would like a proxy that we can setup filter rules base on AD groups (Like Websense), but will work for Macs as well as PCs without software being installed on the machines.

Try Thursby Software Systems DAVE, it adds netBIOS support that's fully RFC 1001 and 1002 compliant they also have some other OSX related utils that could make the job much easier.

p.s. I asked trotter to pass a message on to you.

Oh an read THIS.
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