Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

Yeah. Trying to make a decision last night was murder. My wife got a piece of Butterfinger pie (if you don't have Butterfinger candy bars over there you need to order some, seriously), my mother-in-law got a slice of red velvet cake, my daughter got Oreo cheesecake (was big enough for her to split between her and her two girls), and my aunt got a piece of Snickers cheesecake.

We don't have them natively but they might have them in the American aisle in the supermarkets. I shall give them a go :)
Re: Today I have...

I just love how there's an "American" aisle in supermarkets there... I want to know what all is there :tongue:
Re: Today I have...

Yeah, in my local Walmart equivalent (Tesco Extra) we have aisles for America, Spain, Poland, Japan, and a couple others. I'll take a photo next time I'm there
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Re: Today I have...

Practically impossible to know everything even in a field of your expertise. Especially at ~20 years of age :tongue:
AMEN to that! i "retired" (disability) my chosen field after 34 years. and i do not think a day went by that i did not learn something. technology never sits still for long. combine that with the ingeniousness of humans, and there is a surprise around every corner.
Re: Today I have...

TIL don't just randomly grab stuff off the shelf at Waitrose and put it in your basket. I saw some slow cooked New Zealand lamb that looked nice, so I put it in my basket. Expected it to be about $10 to $12. MFW I get to the checkout and it's $25 :omg:

I guess that's what you get for shopping at the premium high end supermarkets :p
Re: Today I have...

TIL don't just randomly grab stuff off the shelf at Waitrose and put it in your basket. I saw some slow cooked New Zealand lamb that looked nice, so I put it in my basket. Expected it to be about $10 to $12. MFW I get to the checkout and it's $25 :omg:

I guess that's what you get for shopping at the premium high end supermarkets :p

If I don't know or can't find the price I don't put it in the basket, period. Call me a cheap f***er but that's me. Even if I can afford it I will still pass if I feel the price is more than I think it should be.

Like the phone I want. I could buy it from several different sources but just because I usually use one over the others doesn't mean I will pay an extra $100 for the privilege of buying through them. A new phone is a new phone and I am only loyal as long as it makes sense for my billfold.
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