Potentially the longest thread in history...

Metal don't get your hopes up. I been waiting SO LONG for them to shut down BET. Still no luck :(

MTV, Life, and the food channel should be next to go. Wow I dislike the food channel, I always just sit down to see whats on. Then something interesting is on the Food channel, next thing I know, I m craving things I never knew existed.
MTV has to go only cause it got away from what it is supposed to be. It is called MTV, Music Television. But how often do you see music played on there anymore? Like maybe a hour a day if that. Ohh if you stay up late you can see music but other than that in prime time they play all sorts of shows that have no business on a Music station.

I miss the good old days of MTV where all you would see would be music videos. Now it is just crap.
I hate that show with a passion.

nothing but a bunch of spoiled girls who dont deserve anything.

I like it its what I use to choose my future wife so that I can inherit Daddies money and step-daddies money, I don't mind being a stay at home dad who takes on the stereotype of a housewife, I enjoy cooking, cleaning is a chore but with that much money its not a chore for you.
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