Potentially the longest thread in history...

lol my nephew got arrested in brazos county for selling drugs. thats not his truck though ha ha ha. the cops there are like nazis, i **** you not boy.
anyone played COD5 beta? please tell me the graphics are not going to be that poor in the released game...
to me it looks on par with COD2.

The graphics look amazing actually.

They look much better playing the game than in screenshots too. You can actually blow limbs and bodies in half. The weapons dont look as detailed but overall the graphics are great...same cod4 engine but in wwII mode.
really think so?
i noticed the bodies that blow apart (and i lost my hand once lol), which is cool...but i dont see ANY kind of resemblence to COD4. not in character movement, or especially in their facial and equipment animation.
and i am talking about in-game, playing the beta.
it looks more like MOH pacific assault than COD4 to me. im going to go play it right now and make sure i am not imagining things.
It feels just like cod4 to me and im a heavy cod player.

And the beta is over...has been since this morning.

Thats another thing...people are expecting another cod4. Im not...i know its using the same engine but its another game made by a different developer. Theyre not gonna want people to feel like theyre playing cod4 part II.

Cod4 doesnt play like cod2...cod5 shouldint play like cod4 either.
so i just found out. hey i got a job man lol i dont get to play all day :p unfortunately
but, i play COD 4 almost every day, too.
i just started a server to investigate if i was just being over-critical. well....it looks pretty good, the textures and the environment look pretty awesome. but i still say character animation is nil compared to COD4. and it doesnt seem the same to me, maybe i have been COD4 brainwashed. i havent even thought about playing BF2 in 4 or 5 months...
what servers you play on rican? probably all the ones i have been banned from for being such a smart ***. my in-game is either "deadhorse" or "Obamanos!" liked TL but they banned me because i pizzownpwnd their ***es on a daily basis. now i play L@W mainly.
not naming anyone, but how do you guys stand the most ****ing ******ed comments day in and day out?
or absolutely **** advice someone gives when they have no idea what they're talking about....
Yeah and theres 10 more maps coming in the retail.

Im enjoying the game for what it is....i still have cod4 and can switch back and forth depending on what mood im in.

not naming anyone, but how do you guys stand the most ****ing ******ed comments day in and day out?
or absolutely **** advice someone gives when they have no idea what they're talking about....

I have a punching bag with the word "NOOB" on it and i beat on it frequently.

No not really...but yeah it gets overwhelming at times.

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