Potentially the longest thread in history...

Congrats on teh position. But to let you know. WalMart doesnt keep all their seasonal employees. Plus in your first 90 days you can not miss a single day. Welcome to the world of bad policies.
well there was no beep...my case never came with a speaker thing to plug into my mobo...
well im on a 4 day trip.

wat kind of battery am i suppose to get?

it'll be really wierd if this ****s dead cos after the bsod it worked....although i went into the bios and loaded fail safe defaults and since then.....

i've had this problem before many times during oc'ing...but it worked easily after doing all these restes.
i tried another gpu and it still did'nt work!
like everythin turns on...but no power to monitor to show display...monitor has the dead light or stand by...and keyboards all disabled....
krazy you might want to try and post in the hardware troubleshooting area. You'll probably get a more in depth answer there ;).
i7 is out... price I haven't checked =\

on another note...
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