Potentially the longest thread in history...

"Hey stop head shotting me!"


"That's it i want to break up!"
when did shopping in the city suddenly become expensive????
I have only been house sitting at my parents place for 5 weeks. I come back home, I do my first shopping run, and I have just noticed that every thing has jumped up by about $1 or so per kg.

From now on, I am doing my grocery shopping when I go vist my parents.

Could some one mind explaining to me what exactly I am looking at here?????

Do I really want to know????

Am I going to regret finding out?????
I will take the one closest to the camera. I wa always a fan of Calvin Klein. Dont understand the wrist bands above the elbows though. o.0

I would also take that one, and i also do not understand the arm bands. She's gaming, not playing basketball lol.
those girls were pretty cute for playing CSS, when I think of female gamers, i guess i always stereotype them, lol.

The truth is they aren't very good by pro standards. But they ARE an all girl team and defiantly have a lot of fame. I hate to say it, but the fact that they even have a sponsorship is probably because of them being all girls.

Not to say that they are bad though, they would probably kill any cs:s player on tech forums.
The only pro's i've ever played were Agent | , or atleast I think that was them, and by the end I was so ****ed i had to stop playing, literally they got a HS, within 3 bullets of every fire, and had amazing reaction/aim time.
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