Potentially the longest thread in history...

Wasn't it a fire at notre and explosions in sri lanka? Either way, wooaaah there nelly with the tin hats everywhere :p

It was a fire at a cathedral in the most important week in the Christian calendar in a country that has had dozens if not hundreds of other attacks of vandalism on Churches.

Secondly, they decided within hours that it wasn't an act of vandalism. Which is quite ridiculous, the 'science' of deciding where and how a fire started is sketchy at best. Google it. Turns out lots of people convicted over starting fires were hella unscientific, because it turns out, the science is weak and it can often be difficult or impossible. And that is in a small house fire. After it's extinguished. French police/fire investigators decided they pretty much knew the cause of the fire within about 2 hours of it starting.

The Sri Lanka event is linked because it's believed it was carried out by a local Sri Lankan Terrorist group with assistance from Islamic State, who do of course have terrorists all over Europe, France more so than others. https://twitter.com/JonahBlank/status/1119942038915387392

So yah, I am a tin foil hat person on this one.
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I have actually looked it up quite a bit, and I don't know what you're talking about when you say it's "weak science". I don't doubt sometimes it's difficult or impossible to find the cause of a particular fire; who says that's the case in this fire, you? Maybe it was really damn obvious this time. I'm guessing they didn't send Piere the junior fire investigator to check out notre dame either. Also, who starts a fire in a roof? Idk, seems like reaching by people who wanna reach to me.
I would think that if the ND fire was intentional, the arsonists would have gone after destroying the valuable relics and paintings. That is not the case with this fire.
I have actually looked it up quite a bit, and I don't know what you're talking about when you say it's "weak science". I don't doubt sometimes it's difficult or impossible to find the cause of a particular fire; who says that's the case in this fire, you? Maybe it was really damn obvious this time. I'm guessing they didn't send Piere the junior fire investigator to check out notre dame either. Also, who starts a fire in a roof? Idk, seems like reaching by people who wanna reach to me.

TIL fire investigators are so good they know the cause while the fire is still burning lol

You know, it probably was an electrical fault that caused the fire. But there are still a lot of things to be sceptical about. Scepticism is good!
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I have actually looked it up quite a bit, and I don't know what you're talking about when you say it's "weak science". I don't doubt sometimes it's difficult or impossible to find the cause of a particular fire; who says that's the case in this fire, you? Maybe it was really damn obvious this time. I'm guessing they didn't send Piere the junior fire investigator to check out notre dame either. Also, who starts a fire in a roof? Idk, seems like reaching by people who wanna reach to me.
Light up some stone that's been around for centuries and when that fails ask that question again. Think you'll have your answer.

I think somebody accidentally starting a fire by tossing a cig butt away is pretty far fetched because I'm sure the lumber and structure has resisted accidents like that over the years. I would say an electrical fire due to faulty equipment is more plausible but due to the other happenings and the convenient timing of it all it should raise an eyebrow.

In other news, here in a month I'll be going back to the stone age where internet is concerned. I'm going to miss civilization.
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You know, it probably was an electrical fault that caused the fire. But there are still a lot of things to be sceptical about. Scepticism is good!

It is! Exactly why I'm not accepting claims of skulduggery with nothing but amateur speculation to back it up :p oc's razor says least assumptions win. In this case either it's an orchestrated terrorist plot to strike fear into the hearts of christian infidels, orrrr someone accidentally shorted some old wiring in the roof. Probably the illuminati yeah :grin:

Light up some stone that's been around for centuries and when that fails ask that question again. Think you'll have your answer.

Fair point :p
I was reading a piece that was written about the fire, against the backdrop of inequality in France that has been protested in the streets lately. The writer cited the amount of money that was donated and the speed in which it was come up with from just a few people in France (including the richest man in Europe).

And he compared it to a museum in Brazil that burned down in a fire last year. They lost everything, ancient artwork and cultural things that can't be reclaimed by any amount of money. To date the have received 15 million from everyone in the world who is concerned combined. The French church charity numbers are over a billion.

Now there is a lot of misinformation floating about the financial aspect concerning the french church donations. People are saying the rich are getting write offs and using it to launder money. That one guy who is the richest man in Europe said he passed the threshold that you can write off for the year as soon as the fiscal year started. Then he said only in France do you get criticism for giving money away haha.

Europeans have much bigger fish to fry but I think the reason it's most upsetting is that it's a symbol of christian europe's death. Christian people, particularly the ones in Europe have a long history of violent antisemitism, hatred, conquering and war. Yet, without being chastened by the roots in christianity they are even more violently depraved.

WW1 was so terrible for all in Europe, the good christian folk, germans killing french and british and vice versa, they lost their christian identity and replaced it with enlightened culture and reason and science and completely distanced themselves from it. The superior multicultural betters of Europe at that point brought humanity nazi ideology and practice, communism, cold war, communist vs fascist wars in every country in europe between the wars, and then the Holocaust.

It's obvious to anyone on planet earth who has the intellect to read the religious books of Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc and a knowledge of the political borders of the various countries and who makes them and who is allowed to do what, that planet earth is and has always been gripped in religious war.

The only difference between one person here and another there is whether or not they realize this or care to acknowledge it. This is especially true in America, where it is easier to insulate oneself with wealth and create an alternate reality to the one that exists everywhere else outside the walls of the gated community or country club estate.

I don't think anything good has ever come from burning a religious building, killing the people of whatever religion just because so and so says, or even burning the books. It's all the same comes from the same dark place. TBH, real talk, if that's how someone feels and they can't shake it, the only one you really hate and should point a gun to, is the man in the mirror.

IDK why I even fly my unidentified *** down here when I start seeing people do stuff and react this way smh...
It is! Exactly why I'm not accepting claims of skulduggery with nothing but amateur speculation to back it up :p oc's razor says least assumptions win. In this case either it's an orchestrated terrorist plot to strike fear into the hearts of christian infidels, orrrr someone accidentally shorted some old wiring in the roof. Probably the illuminati yeah :grin:

Fair point :p
Nah man, it was the Pope. They'd never suspect him or the Vatican.
Anyone here have a ****ty sibling ?

I have an older sister, and for some reason she has always treated me worse than everyone else. She is nice to my mum, dad... perfectly polite and pleasant. But me ? nah mate. She doesn't even say hi to me when I pick her up every 3 months when she comes home from London. Just gets in the car and speaks to my mum or dad, whoever came with me. I don't even know why, I am nothing but nice to her. She asked me to drive her 80 miles to a party at the weekend, I asked if she could pay a little towards fuel. She just flat out said no. Now bear in mind, I earn about $40k and she earns about $150k.

I really don't know what her problem is. Whenever she does decide to talk to me, she is always making snide remarks and telling me to improve myself. It's always "you should lose weight" or "why don't you get a better job" etc. She even has the cheek to say I need to be nicer to people and care for my parents more, even though I have a great relationship with both my mum and dad and help them out all the time. I think i've spent about $5000 helping my mum out in the last 18 months, meanwhile my sister hasn't helped at all (my parents are divorced and my mum earns minimum wage).

What annoys me most though is my parents don't like to argue so they turn a blind eye to it. If I question them about it when my sister isn't around, they both say they can see what she is like to me but they won't mention it to her because they don't want to fall out with her.
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I'm an only child (with step-siblings I've never lived with) and I've always been very grateful for that fact :p
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