Potentially the longest thread in history...

There's more configuration involved, and some potential pitfalls, but essentially yes.

I decided not to go with a CISCO set up and have just stuck with my ISP box. I've even ditched my pfsense set up for the time being. This way its just simple. I'm running my VPN so for the time being that's enough.

In other news does anyone else have problems with kids or youths in their area. What about you soul in the good old out back. Its all ways sunny in the land of Aus. Like seriously their are dozens of kids now knocking around my housing estate and causing massive amounts of trouble. Apparently the police call them street rats and I'm talking about kids that's are like 10 years old.

Breaking in to things and smashing things up and in general causing trouble and being anti social. My local garage or petrol station is all ways being hit by them,. I went past a local restaurant today and their has been graffiti sprayed on the walls of the establishment.

Causing trouble and taking drugs, getting involved with the police and the likes of stealing ect.
I decided to make this a driver updating day. It seems I have been a tad lax in that area, mainly from sheer laziness if the truth be known. It didn't take very long to get everything up to date, though.

I will have to say, though, that AMD's graphic drivers are shyte when it comes to having two monitors. I had one hell of a time getting it to allow my secondary to display anything more than 640x460 (which is crap on a 25" monitor BTW). I ended up having to unplug the HDMI cable from the monitor, reboot, replug the monitor, reboot, set the HDMI scaling on my main so as to be able to see the task bar, reboot, finally get my secondary to show up as 1080p, and STILL have to reset the HDMI scaling on my main yet again. Nvidia has definitely got them beat on ease of use.
So the thing is I'm not sure if I will get a response over this from anyone on this forum but I want to ask a question.

Have any of you guys ever been in a position were you have been left in a state of tremendous physical shock and pain. A state of mind were you have been left physically shaking and frightened but had no one to turn too. You cant tell anyone. Left unsure whats going to happen and overall you have struggled to process whats going on in your own mind. You can sleep, eat or drink, just sit their in a state of disbelief and all you want to do is cry for whats happening or even the future.

In other news my Ardunio arrived today. :cool:
I decided not to go with a CISCO set up and have just stuck with my ISP box. I've even ditched my pfsense set up for the time being. This way its just simple. I'm running my VPN so for the time being that's enough.

In other news does anyone else have problems with kids or youths in their area. What about you soul in the good old out back. Its all ways sunny in the land of Aus. Like seriously their are dozens of kids now knocking around my housing estate and causing massive amounts of trouble. Apparently the police call them street rats and I'm talking about kids that's are like 10 years old.

Breaking in to things and smashing things up and in general causing trouble and being anti social. My local garage or petrol station is all ways being hit by them,. I went past a local restaurant today and their has been graffiti sprayed on the walls of the establishment.

Causing trouble and taking drugs, getting involved with the police and the likes of stealing ect.
This is just kids being kids, but lately it's gotten 10x worse due to the sheer lack of discipline on all levels of parenting. Like I remember the **** I did as a kid and I was no angel, far from it, but damn some of the things kids are doing today is just mind boggling. The worst part is they are getting away scot free mostly.

So the thing is I'm not sure if I will get a response over this from anyone on this forum but I want to ask a question.

Have any of you guys ever been in a position were you have been left in a state of tremendous physical shock and pain. A state of mind were you have been left physically shaking and frightened but had no one to turn too. You cant tell anyone. Left unsure whats going to happen and overall you have struggled to process whats going on in your own mind. You can sleep, eat or drink, just sit their in a state of disbelief and all you want to do is cry for whats happening or even the future.

In other news my Ardunio arrived today. :cool:
Yes. Last night and today actually, mostly last night.
Still Around.

It would seem that as of yesterday, it has been 12 months since i have moved way from having a big rig gaming desktop.
Now I am just running around with a HP zBook 14 and a Lenvovo SFF PC. Most of my gaming is on Playstation or Tabletop.
Actually it isn't, the metal has eroded and there's no pool left at all :p about 12 more years 'til it's completely gone apparently

And I'm the token strayan now harps, go away :grin:
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