Potentially the longest thread in history...

Seriously, WTF just happened?

I am back on standby this weekend after being on vacation. My phone goes off just after 7PM with support needing me to go to one of my stores that is 1.5 hours away. All of their pinpads (credit card readers) are not working and the assistant manager on duty is too dense to understand how to find and unplug/replug the cable to them. I take off on my way there. I get five miles from home and support calls to cancel the call; they remotely rebooted the store's server and the pinpads came back up. Was this so flipping hard to try that no one thought of it until I was dispatched and on the road?
It is interesting to see the difference in attitudes to work between English and American people. You do get some super enthusiastic and dedicated people here with regard to their job. But most people just work because they get money at the end of the day. That's the only thing they care about. The second money is no longer involved, most people stop caring.

I personally think this is a generational thing. Trot is a man of experience and he has said openly on the forums that he has put blood sweat and tears in too his relationship with his wife as I remember him saying that.

So what I'm saying is Trotter and the likes of Trot who have came from a different moral and ethical background and upbringing look at life imo differently as when you have a man of such caricature were as he has worked all his life; giving the care and devotion \ attention to consumers based upon a different out look as to people who simply will cut your throught for a contract in the likes of the U.K or G.B in direct regards to the younger generations were money is basically life.

How many times does the likes of Trotter go out and drink, maybe do drugs and socialize. Money imo in our generation and especially the 18 too 24 year old in G.B rite now only know austerity and thats all they know.

So yeah when you have money removed what will put food on the table and what will pay for your chuckie bill with your dealer then I agree.
I personally think this is a generational thing. Trot is a man of experience and he has said openly on the forums that he has put blood sweat and tears in too his relationship with his wife as I remember him saying that.

So what I'm saying is Trotter and the likes of Trot who have came from a different moral and ethical background and upbringing look at life imo differently as when you have a man of such caricature were as he has worked all his life; giving the care and devotion \ attention to consumers based upon a different out look as to people who simply will cut your throught for a contract in the likes of the U.K or G.B in direct regards to the younger generations were money is basically life.

How many times does the likes of Trotter go out and drink, maybe do drugs and socialize. Money imo in our generation and especially the 18 too 24 year old in G.B rite now only know austerity and thats all they know.

So yeah when you have money removed what will put food on the table and what will pay for your chuckie bill with your dealer then I agree.

Yeah plus I also think go back 20 or 30+ years and companies cared more. They hired you, and you stayed there for your entire career, which enabled people to care more about where they work. These days pretty much everyone is disposable unless you are at the very top of the career ladder and best in your field.
I tell you what lads and lasses. Folk.

Oh man its been a rough weekend.

I ened up on a session on the energy drinks. A lot of you may well think but yeah its just sugar and water with a bit caffeine. :eek: I ended up being awake for a little over two days and my decision making went to hell.

I ended up buying another rack unit, two 24 port network switches and a 19 inch monitor. Totally couldn't sleep. Everything I was eating was keeping me awake. Ended up pulling my network apart and because I take part in SETI I ended up going crazy and downloading a weeks worth of tasks. My flat need tidying up badly and rite now I'm looking at this rack and thinking were the **** am I gonna put this thing and why do I need two 24 Port Switches.

Bought them off a gye on Gumtree. Had them delivered and now I'm hanging with the cold light of day looming in a few hours.

Managed to get sleep for about 5 hours. Woke up with my head spinning and my blood pressure threw the roof. Had to go for a brisk walk to calm my self down as I could feel that gruff sense when you first wake up an hour later.

Tell you what man, my decision making goes to hell when I'm on the banger juice or power drinks.

Totally off it and :confused:
Spent a good 7 hours at skate parks this weekend overcoming a mental hurdle jumping up onto some higher ledges. Feels so damn good ^^ means a lot of tricks I couldn't try are now ready to practice, finally getting beyond beginner level.

Still getting used to 0.00BAC requirements while I'm on my Provisional license though. I'm used to absentmindedly grabbing a brewski from the fridge, but now I have to wait at least 2 hours after drinking anything or else risk losing my license -_- I get why they've got the rule, and I guess I agree with it in the end, but damn it is annoying as hell.

The joke is that you guys were arguing that 2500 is average and most people fall within a reasonable range of that. And now SOUL himself has come out saying he need 3800 to put on weight.

Just to be clear, 3100 ended up being my maintenance level. I'd say that's well within a reasonable range of 2500, even though I'm 6ft with a high metabolism and working out a lot every single day, which the average person definitely is not ;)
If I was both short and not working out at all (ala la PP), 3100 per day being just maintenance eating would be a lot harder to believe unless you had a thyroid problem
3800 is probably gonna be overshooting by a lot, but we'll find out shortly! Definitely will be if I fall behind in my workout routine :p
Well looks like Intel are set to have a rosey future in the SSD market. In a couple of years the Optane stuff is going to close in cost to normal flash SSDs and far better in every respect. The Optane 900 is already pretty epic, it's just a little too expensive.
Well looks like Intel are set to have a rosey future in the SSD market. In a couple of years the Optane stuff is going to close in cost to normal flash SSDs and far better in every respect. The Optane 900 is already pretty epic, it's just a little too expensive.
I really don't think people will start caring until XPoint is around doing what they claim. Most people (myself included) don't necessarily want more speed, we want higher capacity at a lower price. When you got games that are 100GB that's a fifth of a 512 drive which is what most people will realistically buy. I have 1.5TB of SSD space on my main machine and I honestly need my D drive to be a 1TB drive.
Swapped out the Corsair 450W PSU to my old and trusty Seasonic Platinum 860W. Forgot I had it when I bought the 450W... The Corsairs fan was making a noise, and constantly spinning :(. I was getting some BSODs too so wasn't sure if it was the PSU. I forgot how quiet the Seasonic was. Even playing games the fan doesn't spin up with my current rig :p
Swapped out the Corsair 450W PSU to my old and trusty Seasonic Platinum 860W. Forgot I had it when I bought the 450W... The Corsairs fan was making a noise, and constantly spinning :(. I was getting some BSODs too so wasn't sure if it was the PSU. I forgot how quiet the Seasonic was. Even playing games the fan doesn't spin up with my current rig :p

I've never owned a PSU with an audible fan. Then again, I've only ever owned the one PSU! My trusty Corsair TX750 must be getting on for 8-9 years old now.
I've never owned a PSU with an audible fan. Then again, I've only ever owned the one PSU! My trusty Corsair TX750 must be getting on for 8-9 years old now.

Looking at your rig, the fan probably never turns on either. When you buy the big wattage PSUs it's so hard to strain them unless you have a beast level rig, they just don't get hot.

I put my hand on the back of the 450W while gaming and it's getting hot. Put my hand on the back of the 860W and it's just the slightest bit warm. :cool:
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