Potentially the longest thread in history...

Does it not bother you sharing a house with people. I admit openly as well it does get a bit much being on you own a lot of the time but I couldn't be going back to all that tbh. When I was in hospital we had to share the entire ward with everyone including the showers and bathroom. That sort of thing.. When I lived at home I would be constantly having people on top of me. You couldn't even go in the kitchen and make something to eat with out being bothered by people. Being woken up, that sort of thing.

It depends on who you live with - once you've found the right people, being in a houseshare is great. In my flat I have an en-suite, and my two housemates - who are also my best friends - have the main loo to themselves. We're very open with each other, to the point we can just go into each others' rooms whenever. Occasionally they use my en-suite while I'm sleeping (usually if they both need to use the loo at the same time) and I don't even know until they tell me the next day :p
The main advantage is cost; I could afford to live on my own but being in a house share saves me probably £400/mo.
Does it not bother you sharing a house with people. I admit openly as well it does get a bit much being on you own a lot of the time but I couldn't be going back to all that tbh. When I was in hospital we had to share the entire ward with everyone including the showers and bathroom. That sort of thing.. When I lived at home I would be constantly having people on top of me. You couldn't even go in the kitchen and make something to eat with out being bothered by people. Being woken up, that sort of thing.
Doesn't bother me, only thing that's a pain sometimes is the hot water. My gf and kids annoy me more than my actual roomie.
She had to have open heart surgery, all was going well then she managed to get an infection so went downhill pretty fast for a moment there. All good again now though and being discharged on friday, so looks like she's going to be around a while yet :D
She's undoubtedly my favourite grandparent so I'll be pretty crushed when she finally goes too, 81 this year. Still sharp as a tack tho :p

Also, re buying "learning scripting" stuff, don't do that! There's too many free and excellent resources online to waste money on an outdated book or something.

I would totally agree with you on this but their their is one thing I have found and its audio books are a god send for learning. I signed up to audible and I downloaded a book for beginners for the CLI in *NIX and man the stuff I have been learning is unreal. I would never have got this server up and running if it was not for the book I got for free as a new member. The book it self I can just keep going back to it when ever I want and keep picking up new stuff.

Its because of the way the books if you find a good one are narrated and how practical and easy they are to understand as in actually wanting to teach you something by the way they are written.

The breakdown of the CLI and the over site I got when listening to it was a big help. Their is just somethings you dont pick up from reading and I dont have too many friends who are in too the whole PC \ tech scene to bounce things off with a good intellectual conversation. Even if some of the stuff were to be out dated, as long as its still applicable and practical I dont mind but I do admit I was having to go on line to double check things.


@Yami ..

I've seen too many peep hole Cam's to be able to trust somebody living in a house together. Too many pervs and Cam's on line for my liking for some of them not to be real. F* that.
Why you don't just live with anybody.

I suppose it depends on the set up. GF \ Wife yeah but its a issue of trust. I'm not saying you or Yami have trust issues, thats not were I'm coming from. I'm saying imagine sitting knocking one out and then you find your self online say 2 too 5 years later. Its more of a trust issue with me. I enjoy being on my own too much and leaving the toilet door open and in general doing what I want. Then again I'm reclusive as hell to an extent any how.

Edit: & Paranoid.
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I suppose it depends on the set up. GF \ Wife yeah but its a issue of trust. I'm not saying you or Yami have trust issues, thats not were I'm coming from. I'm saying imagine sitting knocking one out and then you find your self online say 2 too 5 years later. Its more of a trust issue with me. I enjoy being on my own too much and leaving the toilet door open and in general doing what I want. Then again I'm reclusive as hell to an extent any how.

Edit: & Paranoid.
Yea, that's why I said what I said. I've known who I'm living with since high school, and I'm the one that actually called him up asking despite having 6 or so people asking to move in with me. I needed somebody I could trust, not just anybody. I'd be more worried about my new Samsung TV recording me and my actions than my roomie (or cams being in the previously installed motion detectors I can't disable). I'm also more concerned about responsibility rather than something I know he's not really capable of.
Yea, that's why I said what I said. I've known who I'm living with since high school, and I'm the one that actually called him up asking despite having 6 or so people asking to move in with me. I needed somebody I could trust, not just anybody. I'd be more worried about my new Samsung TV recording me and my actions than my roomie (or cams being in the previously installed motion detectors I can't disable). I'm also more concerned about responsibility rather than something I know he's not really capable of.

Are rite. I took your reply as sarcasm. I read the reply wrong and got confused as could be their. lol ..
Are rite. I took your reply as sarcasm. I read the reply wrong and got confused as could be their. lol ..
Yea not sarcasm in the least, as the topic is a pretty big deal to me being one that puts privacy and adult responsibility above all else.

Take for example my gf. I wouldn't have somebody like her (male or female) live with me because of her mentality. When I screw up my roomie works OT (because I can't) to cover something and vice verse. Not a whole lot of people would do that. I know for a fact that water and electricity will be paid because he'll handle it, just like he knows I'll have my half of the rent and internet paid. We put our bills over everything else, and simply "being an adult" is a big deal to me too. From common courtesy things to him respecting my network, to when we use a dish we wash it when we're done. Trash is full? We just take it out. None of this "oh that's your problem, no you used it last" bull****. He normally wakes up before I do so on Monday he takes the cans out to the curb. If he overslept or forgot I'll do it. Not a big deal. If one of us notices a lightbulb goes out we'll replace it. No "I got it last time" crap. Whoever gets home first checks the mail. WHoever answers the door for the mowing lady pays, and she comes randomly. We don't argue who pays we just do it, no big deal. That's the kinda crap I'm talking about. He's too into playing games and watching videos on Kingdom Hearts to be bothered with anything else really. Doesn't make a mess either. Neither of us go into our rooms without permission. Just general respect is a big deal.

I've known him since high school, but him and my guitarist have all 3 been good buddies for 7 years now. I wouldn't let my guitarist live with me. He's generally messy, isn't really that financially responsible, and even though our original plan was the 3 of us to have a "bro pad" I decided against it for the better
Yea not sarcasm in the least, as the topic is a pretty big deal to me being one that puts privacy and adult responsibility above all else.

Take for example my gf. I wouldn't have somebody like her (male or female) live with me because of her mentality. When I screw up my roomie works OT (because I can't) to cover something and vice verse. Not a whole lot of people would do that. I know for a fact that water and electricity will be paid because he'll handle it, just like he knows I'll have my half of the rent and internet paid. We put our bills over everything else, and simply "being an adult" is a big deal to me too. From common courtesy things to him respecting my network, to when we use a dish we wash it when we're done. Trash is full? We just take it out. None of this "oh that's your problem, no you used it last" bull****. He normally wakes up before I do so on Monday he takes the cans out to the curb. If he overslept or forgot I'll do it. Not a big deal. If one of us notices a lightbulb goes out we'll replace it. No "I got it last time" crap. Whoever gets home first checks the mail. WHoever answers the door for the mowing lady pays, and she comes randomly. We don't argue who pays we just do it, no big deal. That's the kinda crap I'm talking about. He's too into playing games and watching videos on Kingdom Hearts to be bothered with anything else really. Doesn't make a mess either. Neither of us go into our rooms without permission. Just general respect is a big deal.

I've known him since high school, but him and my guitarist have all 3 been good buddies for 7 years now. I wouldn't let my guitarist live with me. He's generally messy, isn't really that financially responsible, and even though our original plan was the 3 of us to have a "bro pad" I decided against it for the better

I agree with most of that but there are limits. For example it might turn out that for whatever reason you're up first every morning which means you're the first to notice a light isn't working when you switch it on. If you replace the lightbulb 5 times in a row before he does because you notice it first, that's getting a little unfair - not sure about the US but it's illegal to sell old style inefficient bulbs now in the UK, so it can be like $10 for a single light bulb. Just an example ofc.
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