Potentially the longest thread in history...

I hate it... there is such a huge level of hypocracy in nearly every business. I've witnessed first hand senior directors disputing cost/pay at lowly 3 digit levels, and then the very same day submitting their personal business expenses for the month that extend into high 4 and low 5 figures for a single month. I have zero ****ing idea how they rack up £10k business expenses in a month. But they do, and that's not a problem at all. But the Accounts department overspending by 2% on their paper usage last week is a huge problem and someone should be fired :annoyed:

I just want to be paid what I deserve and do good work for the company... not exactly asking a lot :\
That made me lol, especially given the previous few posts :p Whatchya gonna spend it on?

Pays off my NY plane ticket from last week!

Funny thing is that many of us weren't expecting it again this year.
We had a company come over about a month ago to do a reevaluation of our IT Dept (seriously felt like Office Space)
The results came out and they said that they are going to be changes...but didn't say what.
Everyone's left in the dark and confused and thinks their days are numbered which is why the bonus gift was a surprise!
This dick.

My 3 year christmas bonus was $50 this year :p I guess any free money is good so I shouldn't complain. Still, an entire nother year of work putting in effort beyond what was required, plus saving the company around $20k this year alone, and fifty bucks is your way of saying thanks? -_- won't be bothering with any of that extra effort anymore lol
My 3 year christmas bonus was $50 this year :p I guess any free money is good so I shouldn't complain. Still, an entire nother year of work putting in effort beyond what was required, plus saving the company around $20k this year alone, and fifty bucks is your way of saying thanks? -_- won't be bothering with any of that extra effort anymore lol

My sentiments when I found out next year we may not be getting pay-for-performance raises that we usually get, and only a 1% CoL raise...
Le'sigh... Someone just shoot me please? Rest of my new drives need to get here soon so I can build my new array... A single disk is causing the entire controller to flake out e.e

On the bright side, I have load balancing working properly?
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My 3 year christmas bonus was $50 this year :p I guess any free money is good so I shouldn't complain. Still, an entire nother year of work putting in effort beyond what was required, plus saving the company around $20k this year alone, and fifty bucks is your way of saying thanks? -_- won't be bothering with any of that extra effort anymore lol

Ha! well atleast it is something... IT is only one of two departments in the company that don't have any kind of bonus schemes. Even customer service agents get a bonus and we don't.

I am so damn ****ed off, we built an entire IT system from scratch and worked countless weekends of unpaid overtime to get this company up and running and they give nothing in return, not even any verbal acknowledgement.
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