Potentially the longest thread in history...

i've got 600gb and i too have already wasted about 300gbs in a few months :(

and wildside.. i've never heard of... or played that game.. what is it like??

and whats really fun in the witcher.. is you can treat women like whores... i havent successfully woed any yet.. but i'll keep trying
Lmao.. I don't eat that mess.. I perfer a good rare steak :) never did like sweets..

you can umm.. participate in things like fornication in "The Witcher"? How delightful, lmao

I just finished watching Rambo "First Blood" and am going to watch Rambo II & III. I'll c y'all later I reckon.
me either.. i'm not a big fan of sweets at all anymore

give me some delicious beef!!!!! don't want that chicken, turky or pork bullcrap!!! (unless its pastor[bbq'd pork] in a taco/burrito)
Love cherry coke.

I'm just thinking of stuff to sell, so I can get a better gfx to get me back into PC gaming.
how much do u have so far? and what gpu do you plan on getting?
whats ure current cpu?
i'm enjoying it alot.. the fighting style isnt like waiting turns in wow.. the fighting is very much like fable.. and i enjoy that certain enemies require different fighting styles to be defeated.. pretty open game as well.. more than 1 way to do things

and i plain just love the renaissance feel.. with wizards magic and all those weird monsters
how are the graphics? ive become spoiled and only play games that look good now....
I am downlading the witcher.. hope it's good. It had better be for 8GB of my already depleted hard drive space =\

gonna do the same if this game looks worth it...
ive been dlding company of heroes...
Every once in awhile, I'll crave for cake of some sort. It just happens to be Twinkies this time around.

But I've got some left over lamb in the refrigerator. Mmmm, so tender.
me either.. i'm not a big fan of sweets at all anymore

give me some delicious beef!!!!! don't want that chicken, turky or pork bullcrap!!! (unless its pastor[bbq'd pork] in a taco/burrito)

american sweets are just nasty.

I love choclates from europe.
twirl,time out, flake, galaxy...YUMMMM...i can eat em all day, everyday.
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