Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

I've never had to edit a single piece of code on any of my Android devices. Also flashing roms is incredibly easy, just download the rom, reboot into clockwork, wipe data and cache, then flash the zip. Not to mention we don't need a separate place for all of that stuff since things like third party launchers and apps that require root are available directly from the Play Store.

That Chinese company patented the iPhone 5 design before Apple could and they also released an Android device using that exact design so they were the first to market as well. I'm not sure how the Chinese market handles cases like that but I can say that if that suit was in the US it is likely they would win.

Then how come most everything I've ever been recommended to do on an Android came from forums? Not to mention it's easy with clockwork, sure, but how does that get put on and is everyone (not just us somewhat savvy computer people) guaranteed to not miss that step before trying to flash? I've heard people not having clockwork installed and end up bricking their phones...me personally, the device I was modding had it installed already, so I'm not sure of the process without looking it up...but my point still stands. At one point it was as easy as visiting a URL in your mobile browser to jailbreak an iPhone. Currently you have to use redsn0w, so there's a tiny bit of work involved (IE: putting phone in DFU mode and letting the program do the rest after selecting your options). Installs Cydia, which has everything you could ever want with the right repos.

Not to mention there are many different developers making ROMs, all with different features and such, so it's difficult to know if you are getting a good one or not without either trying or going off other people's experiences. In contrast, there's only a couple different methods for jailbreaking the iPhone, but they are generally made by the same group of people, the Dev-Team.

As for the GooPhone I5 (man, even the name is a ripoff...), are you sure it was before the patent was given to Apple? The design was based off leaked hardware components, so I can't imagine they would have been creating said components at Apple without some sort of patent security.

I'm not going to sit here and say OH MAN IPHONE IS THE BEST LOLZORZ BETTER THAN EVRYTHING LOLZ. I'm just saying it's a solid good phone that has it's own strengths. After using both, I personally prefer the iOS setup and tweakability. I do like aspects of the android OS (specifically ICS, GB is meh), but I just happen to prefer the iOS GUI and operation.

Not to mention all the apps I have on there, trying to transfer everything would be a hassle, especially for the numerous apps I have that aren't on Android, so I'll definitely be getting in IP5...just not as soon as it comes out. Once it's been in the wild and there's a sure untethered jailbreak, I'll nab it.

Also c0rr0sive, you still didn't address my question as to why you would keep it in your back pocket knowing if you were that worried about it. Also the IP5 has an aluminum back with small glass parts at the top and bottom, so it's not as much of a problem even if you sit on it.

Anyway. Moving on and back on topic...

This wasn't just today, but the past couple days...been working on a new track for the Drippy Whale EP, which is the 3rd song in the series (the one posted previously being the first). I'm having loads of fun and learning a lot more about FL Studio than I ever knew before. Weeeee.
A teenage boy is getting ready to take his girlfriend to the prom. First he goes to rent a tux, but there's a long tux line at the shop and it takes forever.

Next, he has to get some flowers, so he heads over to the florist and there's a huge flower line there. He waits forever but eventually gets the flowers.

Then he heads out to rent a limo. Unfortunately, there's a large limo line at the rental office, but he's patient and gets the job done.

Finally, the day of the prom comes. The two are dancing happily and his girlfriend is having a great time. When the song is over, she asks him to get her some punch, so he heads over to the punch table and there's no punchline.
Re: Today I have...

Then how come most everything I've ever been recommended to do on an Android came from forums? Not to mention it's easy with clockwork, sure, but how does that get put on and is everyone (not just us somewhat savvy computer people) guaranteed to not miss that step before trying to flash? I've heard people not having clockwork installed and end up bricking their phones...me personally, the device I was modding had it installed already, so I'm not sure of the process without looking it up...but my point still stands. At one point it was as easy as visiting a URL in your mobile browser to jailbreak an iPhone. Currently you have to use redsn0w, so there's a tiny bit of work involved (IE: putting phone in DFU mode and letting the program do the rest after selecting your options). Installs Cydia, which has everything you could ever want with the right repos.

Not to mention there are many different developers making ROMs, all with different features and such, so it's difficult to know if you are getting a good one or not without either trying or going off other people's experiences. In contrast, there's only a couple different methods for jailbreaking the iPhone, but they are generally made by the same group of people, the Dev-Team.

On Samsung phones getting clockwork is as simple as flashing a kernel that has it which is quite easy to do through Odin or Mobile Odin. I'd say thats roughly equivalent to using redsnOw although the Mobile Odin route is probably a little easier since you can get it from the market.

Jailbreaking = rooting although many things that require a jailbreak on an iPhone are possible without root on Android. Custom roms are an entirely different level of customization that has no iOS equivalent.

Finding a good custom rom isn't very difficult. A lot of devs stick with a particular series of phone so you start to recognize peoples work, for example a lot of the guys who made roms for the Captivate moved on to the S2 i777 so I allready knew what to expect from a lot of the roms. Besides there are always the major AOSP based roms (Cyanogenmod & AOKP) that are consistent across dozens of devices.
Re: Today I have...

Installing ROM Manager is as easy as going to the play store and installing it. Touch "Install REcovery" and it does it for you. There are kernels out there that root and grant recovery as well. Flashing is as easy as putting your device in download mode (hold buttons down) and using a program called Odin. So, pick your poison (ROM) and copy it to your SD card, install ROM Manager or simply flash the kernel (better to do that anyways), reboot into recovery after backing up stock ROM, flash. Then setup your new phone. If you are from a fresh view on either side then if you are willing to Google for one you will be willing to Google for the other.

I just finished watching MIB 3. Did not like the ending very much.
Re: Today I have...

Without adding spoilers, it added a whole new layer of context to the relationship between K and J. What's not to like?

Today I haven't done all that much tbh :p optimised one last file transfer script, moved a printer into a new office, aaand that's about it. Day is nearly half over :/ I really have been paid to browse the internet haha
Re: Today I have...

Without adding spoilers, it added a whole new layer of context to the relationship between K and J. What's not to like?

Today I haven't done all that much tbh :p optimised one last file transfer script, moved a printer into a new office, aaand that's about it. Day is nearly half over :/ I really have been paid to browse the internet haha
Was just pretty sad. Plus that means they will probably make another one and at the rate they are going Tommy probably wont want to do another one, will have passed on, or they will kill him off in the movie. Don't want either to happen lol.
Re: Today I have...

On Samsung phones getting clockwork is as simple as flashing a kernel that has it which is quite easy to do through Odin or Mobile Odin. I'd say thats roughly equivalent to using redsnOw although the Mobile Odin route is probably a little easier since you can get it from the market.

Jailbreaking = rooting although many things that require a jailbreak on an iPhone are possible without root on Android. Custom roms are an entirely different level of customization that has no iOS equivalent.

Finding a good custom rom isn't very difficult. A lot of devs stick with a particular series of phone so you start to recognize peoples work, for example a lot of the guys who made roms for the Captivate moved on to the S2 i777 so I allready knew what to expect from a lot of the roms. Besides there are always the major AOSP based roms (Cyanogenmod & AOKP) that are consistent across dozens of devices.

True on the major ROMs, I've used ROMs from both Cyanogenmod and AOKP so even I know of them. I know there's no iOS equivalent for a custom mod, but I also don't feel like it's needed at all with everything else you can get for it.

As for things you can do on Android without root, but needing to jailbreak for on the iPhone, I wholeheartedly agree and you won't catch me disagreeing with that fact. But since jailbreaking is so simple, it's a moot point for me, since there are things I want to do that I'd need to root for on an Android device. So a lack of some stock features by comparison wouldn't be too big a concern.

Installing ROM Manager is as easy as going to the play store and installing it. Touch "Install REcovery" and it does it for you. There are kernels out there that root and grant recovery as well. Flashing is as easy as putting your device in download mode (hold buttons down) and using a program called Odin. So, pick your poison (ROM) and copy it to your SD card, install ROM Manager or simply flash the kernel (better to do that anyways), reboot into recovery after backing up stock ROM, flash. Then setup your new phone. If you are from a fresh view on either side then if you are willing to Google for one you will be willing to Google for the other.

See, to you and me those instructions seem really simple, but not everybody sees it that way. Even for me my first time ROM'ing it up was a lot of trial and error even using guides and Chase helping me out with it. Granted, that could be due to the device, but that's the other issue: so many android devices, and ROMs generally have to be specifically for certain devices if I was reading XDA correctly.

Like I said, it's all a matter of preference. The IP5 is still going to be a good device even if there are other devices that are better hardware-wise or whatever-wise. There's almost always going to be something better out there.

On topic and on a related note, today I found out I'm eagerly anticipating getting on IP5 for a number of reasons, but one of the main ones being the improved 8mp camera...the untouched shots using the camera are simply fantastic. I'm glad they went with greatly improving the existing resolution instead of just slapping a couple more megapixels on there like a lot of phone manufacturers do. The panorama mode and dynamic low light mode sound fantastic.
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