Potentially the longest thread in history...

Don't tell me they really sued over that logo... If they did... The next Apple product I see WILL be smashed, don't give a flip who owns it, or what it is, it WILL die. -.-
I am the opposite as far as remembrance goes. What you do not consciously remember you soon forget, and we should never forget what happened to our country... as well as to all of us.

The tragedy of 9/11 shattered America's bubble of being invulnerable on our own soil. An attack carried out by civilians killed thousands of innocent lives. That is a fact should always cause us to stop and give pause. We may not say much about the dates that the atomic bombs were dropped but the Japanese do remember them in a solemn way so as to remind themselves of the folly that has gone before.

My generation will be the last to say much about 9/11 as we were adults when it happened and it made such a huge impact on our lives. My daughter and her generation were there but it did not have the same context, the same depth. Once we are gone it will just be another paragraph in the history books.
Everybody remembers the Revolution, WW1/2, ect. I'm pretty damn sure the Jews will never forget what Hitler did but nobody acts that way except for us and 9/11. It was a few thousands civilians vs a few million Jews, I can go on and on. I remember it like the back of my hand, it had an impact on me. Made me think a LOT about our country, our state of protection, ect ect. Do I need to be reminded about it and require a pause and have other people around me mourn every year? No, not at all. One of Mariah's cousins has a birthday on this very day and can't really have a happy birthday because of all the (no offense) fools around mourning for something that happened 11 years ago. Poor child really has no idea why she can't have a "happy" birthday because it happened before she was born. Doesn't seem very fair to me in the least.
Re: Today I have...

Crikey, leave you guys alone for a second and look what happens :p

The further we go into the future, the more removed from the "bare basics" we'll be.

Unless you're living in an undeveloped place (think jungle/plains/etc, not suburb) with only things you've made yourself, you *cannot* take any position as to "how easy X has it". You only had one pair of shoes instead of 3? You only had 2mb internet instead of 20? Gee that must've sucked for both of you. Tell that african kid who just died of malnutrition because he couldn't even get any food, let alone clothes, let alone internet, let alone a jetpack, etc etc to infinity as we progress into a more technological future where who knows what will become "standard".

Point is, what we *consider* to be the "bare basics" will continue to improve as we improve as a species, as we can afford to give everyone better than they had before. Everyone used to be in a race for survival, pure and simple. That tide has turned for nearly everyone in the more developed countries. Hardly anyone wakes up thinking "how will I survive today". Until you all do, stfu about who should be happy with what because you have less than them.


Today I've had some pizza, taken a leisurely walk down by the river, fixed a server that was eating its own hdd space, and later I'll be heading down to the pub to meet up with nitestick for a pint :D ey it's a good life
That kind of speaking is exactly what I told him was a bit too far. Fact of the matter is, I didn't care if I had thrift shoes and clothes or not. I didn't complain. ****, I have 60 dollar DCs that are practically brand new yet still continue to wear my 2 year old Walmart shoes that cost me less than 20 on a day to day basis to give an example. I was basically telling him to be happy with what he has for almost the exact same reason as you were explaining.

Africa? That's a whole other subject I wont even get in to. I'll put it this way, while other continents were moving on up, they weren't. Nuff said.

Speaking of all this nonsense, and hate to bring up Craigslist, but I'll never use it again. Ever. I just lost my good video card and 100 bucks in return I have 2 dead 470s. ******* thought it would be smart to use a fake email and in return send me fake pics and ****. Little does he know, the police now have his plates and it IS his vehicle.
Re: Today I have...

My problem is I love to complain. But then, complainers make the world move forward. If everyone was happy with what they had, we'd never improve our standards ;)
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