Potentially the longest thread in history...

ah well I only paid like 110$ for my x6 and it seems a good deal faster than my old c2d but runs about 5 degrees hotter on idle. At least AMD makes their sockets forward compatible to an extent. IE am2+ being able to handle newer am3 chips and am3+ being able to handle what ever comes next. Does intel do this too? I have been out of the loop the past few years with regards to hardware and processor sockets.

EDIT: what would the PII x6 be comparable to in intel chips. I know its a good deal faster than my dads i3
I feel sorry for AMD really but they just don't have the same amount of money to invest in new chips.

I feel like they should give up competing with Intel in the performance CPU sector and focus on something else specifically. They have been pretty good value over the years, so they should try and develop a really cheap, low power cpu attractive to OEM's that still provides adequate performance for upcoming Win8. I feel that is where they could do well. Trying to bring chips out and make money competing against high end Intel i7/i5 series CPU's is not going to end so well in my opinion.
They do, it's called the APU. They are also going to be in what looks like every next gen console.

ah well I only paid like 110$ for my x6 and it seems a good deal faster than my old c2d but runs about 5 degrees hotter on idle. At least AMD makes their sockets forward compatible to an extent. IE am2+ being able to handle newer am3 chips and am3+ being able to handle what ever comes next. Does intel do this too? I have been out of the loop the past few years with regards to hardware and processor sockets.

EDIT: what would the PII x6 be comparable to in intel chips. I know its a good deal faster than my dads i3
Their retaining the same socket package is largely what is holding them back actually. The only socket able to hold multiple chips from Intel is 775, but then again if you fork the cash over for a new setup every 3 years it is worth it to just keep upgrading.

Comparable in what exactly? I'd say the i5 750 or i7 860.
Re: Today I have...

All of it :p

Well, best of luck to you! :grin:
It's the only way I can work, go to school, and not be largely in debt at the same time as having a family. I figure if I can do most of the stuff at home and still have books and whatnot then I'd rather do that as I'm not a very big school social person.
PP, I will say this again, socket has nothing to do with the CPU and how it performs in the end, neither does pin count, that has been proven numerous times over the last 10 years. AMD is still king in the low-mid end budget area IMO, can build AMD rigs that perform good enough for average people about $150 cheaper than I can Intel systems it seems. Intel does hold the king of processors, and has for awhile. Eventually it may turn back towards AMD, maybe even another manufacture from no where.
PP, I will say this again, socket has nothing to do with the CPU and how it performs in the end, neither does pin count, that has been proven numerous times over the last 10 years. AMD is still king in the low-mid end budget area IMO, can build AMD rigs that perform good enough for average people about $150 cheaper than I can Intel systems it seems. Intel does hold the king of processors, and has for awhile. Eventually it may turn back towards AMD, maybe even another manufacture from no where.
The platform has everything to do with the CPU. Being king of cheap doesn't make you the bucks, and now that their secret weapon left them for Nvidia I don't see them going anywhere soon. What WILL make them money is the console market, but that wont win over the fanbase AMD used to have in the PC side till they start dishing out decent CPUs again worth buying.
Honestly I don't see the advantage in sticking with a socket, by the time you are ready for a new cpu socket you will probably want a new board and ram anyways.

My brother had an AM2+ board with a Athlon x2 and when he went to upgrade it was actually a better value to get a new AM3 board and 8gb of DDR3 than it would have been to keep his old board and get 8gb of decent DDR2.
Re: Today I have...

My sister shut the bathroom door and now it wont open. Great!

First world problems.

Home right this post using dictation, so now you will know how well dictation works.

What I actually said..

I am writing this post using dictation [comma] so now you all know how well dictation works.

Doesn't work so well, lets try again.

I am writing this post using dictation, so now you all know how well dictation works.

Better. I had to speak clearly and at a moderate pace like a news reader, so slower than a normal person to person conversation i'd say. I should probably add my room is entirely silent right now except from my PC fans @ Idle. This sentence is also using dictation, so hopefully it turns out all night as well.

Night...right.. sound similar I guess *yawn*. I'll try dictation again in 5 years time.


It's the only way I can work, go to school, and not be largely in debt at the same time as having a family. I figure if I can do most of the stuff at home and still have books and whatnot then I'd rather do that as I'm not a very big school social person.

I hear ya. Any education helps when trying to get a job in today's market. What course are you taking?
Re: Today I have...

First world problems.


I hear ya. Any education helps when trying to get a job in today's market. What course are you taking?
PC Maintenance Technology

No really, it's a course I can blow through in 6 months and get a piece of paper saying I can get this job and pay monthly on. My mom did this and has her degree and everything through this school, and it all checks out. IF it actually doesn't work, no real harm done, but I think it's gonna be just what I need to have a breakthrough.
Meh. Still no action on my phone order.

Here's an idea of the employee phone benefit, though.

Product availability status
Order number: xxxxxxxxx
Order date: 07/24/2012
Order time: 07:20 PM PDT
Order status: Submitted
Order ship date:
Carrier tracking # :

Order Information
Item - Quantity - Price
Samsung Galaxy S Blaze 4G - 1 - $192.09
T-Mobile Prism Red - 1 - $136.05
SAM T259 KIT - 1 - $85.15

Subtotal $635.38
Shipping & handling: Standard 2-4 business days $0.00
Sales tax $61.94

TOTAL $697.32

Total due monthly
T-MOBILE EMPLOYEE PLAN $5.00 (per month)
Services: NWPHPBDL - PHP $7.99 (per month)
Services: ANDRD EMP DATA PLAN $5.00 (per month)
T-MOBILE EMPLOYEE PLAN $5.00 (per month)
Services: NWPHPBDL - PHP $7.99 (per month)
Services: ANDRD EMP DATA PLAN $5.00 (per month)
T-MOBILE EMPLOYEE PLAN $5.00 (per month)
Services: NWPHPBDL - PHP $7.99 (per month)
Services: ANDRD EMP DATA PLAN $5.00 (per month)
T-MOBILE EMPLOYEE PLAN $5.00 (per month)

I am getting the Galaxy II and the Blaze at 40% off. I could have got the Galaxy III for $315 and change but should be fine with the II.

The total due monthly is the 2000 minute voice lines for all four phones, 5GB data for the first three (inc. unlimited texting), and Premium Handset Protection (insurance, mobile security, and extended warranty) for the first three phones. Plus there are no activation fees.
Honestly I don't see the advantage in sticking with a socket, by the time you are ready for a new cpu socket you will probably want a new board and ram anyways.

My brother had an AM2+ board with a Athlon x2 and when he went to upgrade it was actually a better value to get a new AM3 board and 8gb of DDR3 than it would have been to keep his old board and get 8gb of decent DDR2.

my thoughts exactly. I will never upgrade a CPU in an existing build unless it dies prematurely (within 2 years) this is why I don't care much for the am3+ sockets and what not. Who knows by time I do my next build I may go back to intel. This won't likely be for 5 years which is the typical life of one of my computers before it is replaced.

My upgrade cycle goes like this
1. Original build
2. (2 years down the road) upgrade HDD
3. (3.5 years) Upgrade ram
4: (4 years) upgrade video card
5. (5 years) new build with video card bought in 4th year included and possibly HDD
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