Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

iFargle, look at PLEX, as it can stream to PS3 via DLNA, I noticed it is much smoother and quicker in my situation than PS3Media Server was... That program has turned to crap IMO.
Re: Today I have...

I use my PS3 as a media streamer from my desktop... PS3 Media Server is painfully slow though... :angry:

I use PMS as well, but I use it for both my PS3 and my TV (Has smart capabilities and wireless built in). I have had a fair bit of issues with anything not .AVI, and sometimes even with select .AVI files. It also doesn't support a lot of my Blu-ray quality files...there are some that play the video fine but the audio isn't supported...blegh, a lot of problems. I'd prefer to have a dedicated HTPC running XBMC, but I'm making do. All things considered PMS works well enough for me, just not consistently.

iFargle, look at PLEX, as it can stream to PS3 via DLNA, I noticed it is much smoother and quicker in my situation than PS3Media Server was... That program has turned to crap IMO.

I've voiced my feelings to you about PLEX, it was unstable as heck on my PC with loads of crashing, and I hated the way it interfaced with my TV. I will say I did like the way it organized.

I'm still looking for a solution to my issues with streaming. I know both my PC and the TV is on wireless, but the router is right in between them, and my internet is plenty fast on wireless to handle streaming. Even when it was hard wired it had the same stuttering/speed up issues. I can't think of what else it would be besides the way PMS encodes, or if it's the codecs on my system, I don't know. Annoying.
Re: Today I have...

I use PMS as well, but I use it for both my PS3 and my TV (Has smart capabilities and wireless built in). I have had a fair bit of issues with anything not .AVI, and sometimes even with select .AVI files. It also doesn't support a lot of my Blu-ray quality files...there are some that play the video fine but the audio isn't supported...blegh, a lot of problems. I'd prefer to have a dedicated HTPC running XBMC, but I'm making do. All things considered PMS works well enough for me, just not consistently.

I've voiced my feelings to you about PLEX, it was unstable as heck on my PC with loads of crashing, and I hated the way it interfaced with my TV. I will say I did like the way it organized.

I'm still looking for a solution to my issues with streaming. I know both my PC and the TV is on wireless, but the router is right in between them, and my internet is plenty fast on wireless to handle streaming. Even when it was hard wired it had the same stuttering/speed up issues. I can't think of what else it would be besides the way PMS encodes, or if it's the codecs on my system, I don't know. Annoying.

The server was unstable, or the client? The server has a few random bugs, but is rather stable as of late... The client for windows, well, needless to say, it needs a LOT of work... I honestly wished XBMC or w/e it was, was as good as PLEX is about fetching information on shows, that is the only thing keeping me from using it.
Re: Today I have...

Today I crashed a full transport heli wop wop into a crane and people got ****ed. That was after successfully capturing 3 flags and killing a ton of enemies in one go. Le sigh
Re: Today I have...

The server was unstable, or the client? The server has a few random bugs, but is rather stable as of late... The client for windows, well, needless to say, it needs a LOT of work... I honestly wished XBMC or w/e it was, was as good as PLEX is about fetching information on shows, that is the only thing keeping me from using it.

The client, it was terrible and a resource hog. Locked up constantly. The actual server part of it was meh, it streamed about as well as PMS did...like I said earlier, not sure if that's an issue with the program encoding, or the codecs I have (doubt it's the codecs), but I had similar issues with stuttering as with PMS. I still have yet to really play around with the settings in PMS, but everything I've ever looked up on the subject has came back empty. :\
Today I found out the flash is no longer supported as of android 4.1. Does anyone know of any workarounds to allow for flash to run on android?
So hey, this may sound silly, but I'm not sure how to google for this specific thing.

I have 3 monitors already set up on my 5770, but I'm trying to add a fourth...not to extend my desktop, but to mirror one of my monitors. Basically, I have a TV in my room and I'd like to be able to use that to watch video files without giving up my active monitors. Ideas?

EDIT: To expand upon this, I use Ultramon for my multi-monitor software, and it does have options for mirroring a single monitor in a multi-monitor setup.
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