Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

gotta headache as well need more coffee i think.... and wooooahhhh drrrammmaaaaa aaaahh!!! at least it don't affect me much but holy hell I just got myself into something straaaange! Oh well it's very entertaining and woah.

can't disclose it it's veeerrry sseennnsiiitttiiive! but wowyeah!
Re: Today I have...

Met my team lead today. Pretty cool guy, he said they'll get me a few sales next week when I start my shadowing. Got my email and stuff working today, but my username and password doesn't work for the software we use to log in customers. Even the "expert" didn't know why it wouldn't work. Hopefully tomorrow it'll be resolved.
Re: Today I have...

Whoops, mixed up ounces and pounds :p silly american measurements

American measurements for just about everything suck!. I dream of a day when we use Celsius, Meters, and Kilograms.
Especially when these measurements are completely useless in science. You have to convert the measurements to a system that they can be used in, then convert within that system to the correct units.

Edit: I looked up corny math jokes and found this one...
You likely won't get it unless you enter it into a handheld calculator
142 workers and 154 civilians fought over 69 oil fields for 5 days. What did they fight over? 14215469 x 5 = 71077345
Re: Today I have...

Banging my head trying to figure out how to fix (ironically) a networking service problem with Windows 7 on a client's laptop. Computer Browser, DHCP, and the other associating services wont start most likely due to AVG taking out the .sys files from a virus. Had I known they ran a scan, detected, and deleted those files I wouldn't have uninstalled AVG. Now I'm probably forced to do a format unless somebody knows a way around this.
Closer to about £55-60.

Looks like I will be waiting a few months for a hard drive.

Yeah. Well most of the reviews are rubbish. The Tech blogs did a better job than the game magazines. It makes sense I guess, they tend to be run by people more in the know, and understand the hardware.

I can't wait to get mine either. Having a tricky time choosing which games to preoder, fortunately I have way more money now so can afford 4 games. So far have chosen Rayman, Golden Abyss, Marvel vs Capcom 3, and Virtua Tennis 3. The issue i'm having is I want games that show off the power of the Vita so I can impress my family and friends :p But then the best reviewed games are 2d side scrollers ! (Rayman, Lumines). No one is going to be impressed by a side scroller. Virtua Tennis 4 is supposed to look awesome, but i'm not sure if i will get into a Tennis game all that much. And then there is Wipeout 2048, which looks good, but just like the console version it looks like you spend a lot of time bouncing off walls as the vehicles handle like crap.

So I end up changing my game line up on a daily basis..

Are any American cars genuinely built well ? I'm not trying to flame or argue with people but the general consensus is over here that American and French cars for what its worth totally suck, fall apart, and have dodgy unrefined engines. The one exception being Ford, who are the only ones who seemed to of done really well here.

There are more and more advertisements from american car brands over here in recent years from the likes of Chevrolet and Chrysler but really you see very very little of them.

It probably doesn't help that 1/6th of our population sit down every sunday to watch jeremy clarkson talk trash on Top Gear about american cars.
Tennis games :facepalm: I think you were spot on when you said not sure if id get into a tennis game that much, I personally find them boring and dont know anyone who actually plays one on a regular basis after buying it. If you were going to go with a sports game i would go with Fifa, assuming you dont mind football games. Metal gear solid looks good although it may not be released for a while.

My mum had a Chrysler, it spent more time in the garage than on the road :) on a positive note for Chrysler, it was apparently very comfortable.

'It probably doesn't help that 1/6th of our population sit down every sunday to watch jeremy clarkson talk trash on Top Gear about american cars.' <<< Very true.
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