Potentially the longest thread in history...

Nha man you can do quite a bit with them little buggers even more if your up to a little hardware hacking. Even stock there up to more than most will give them credit for.

oh, i'm up to hardware hacking... i might get one just for that. idk, havent really looked into them. from the looks of them, they look like a portable dvd player with a keyboard. i'll read about them some more. i am interested. will it play cod4 like the m9750? jk
Trust me, if you want to game at all on a $400 wal-mart special....... well you can't so nevermind.

I have a Wally world Acer, use it to watch movies and surf the net when I am not at home at stuff.... That is about all it will do.
The WTF? thread is still here... somewhere. the last time I cleaned it up it got shortened a good bit. Too bad it was before the upgrade (I think)... I could have just soft-deleted the stuff instead of working my butt off for two hours...

A thread like that is fun until some people decide to see how far they can go. Once that happens, it is over.
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