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Re: Today I have...

A minor fault. i.e. if you do something wrong, it gets marked down. If you get too many minors, you fail. If you get a single major fault, you fail.
Re: Today I have...

What's a one minor? :-\

It's basically any time you do something other than what is considered perfect. I.e. the speed limit is 30mph and you do 31mph, that's a minor.

It's something like anything more than 14minors to fail. Any more than about 4 of the same minor (repeatedly going 1 or 2mph over the speed limit) and it turns into a major fault. Any major faults result in an instant fail. Major faults are things that can cause confusion or danger to other drivers or pedestrians, such as forgetting to indicate, not checking your blind spot when switching lane etc.

It's pretty easy to get 5+ minors in the 30minute test drive. I think a combination of me having quite a few lessons due to the 4month backlog before i could take my test, and having a fairly nice examiner meant i only got the one.
Re: Today I have...

It's something like anything more than 14minors to fail. Any more than about 4 of the same minor (repeatedly going 1 or 2mph over the speed limit) and it turns into a major fault. Any major faults result in an instant fail. Major faults are things that can cause confusion or danger to other drivers or pedestrians, such as forgetting to indicate, not checking your blind spot when switching lane...
...ploughing into a group of pedestrians... :D
What do I do if the tremolo on my guitar has started rusting? >_> (not the bar, the pieces holding the strings)
Re: Today I have...

Just spent like 30 minutes trying to figure out why my Mac is downloading at roughly 250kbps, when i was used to 300 on my PC. I tried ethernet and everything. Then i go onto my router to check it's status, and it's synced 0.5mb slower than it usually does :cry:

Also trying to ignore the white differences across the screen, not sure i can get used to it. I've rang Apple and they will happily replace it, but from what i've heard people go through 5 or 6 until they find a 'perfect screen' on average. And i don't think i can be bothered. You would of thought they'd fix the issue as it's been present in every iMac since 2008. It's just, a nice slightly cool white on the left, and then by the time you get to mid right, it's a yellowy warm white. But not as dramatic as i'm making out. The screen as a whole is excellent, just this one issue. But then i look at my TN panel monitor and it's whites are far more yellow, and my dads dell monitor is purpley on the left hand side. Makes me think a lot of monitors are like this, unfortunately.

Just keep it clean. Won't really do anything to the guitar itself. I know a guy who sweated all over his guitar every time he played and made his pickups, strings, and bridge all rusted. I think he still uses that guitar on a regular basis.
My dad had an awesome idea for a first car. Originally i was looking at small cars such as a ford fiesta, little 1 liter things about 10 years old, and they'd cost around £2500 to insure.

But but but... If i get a car from early 80s, it is classed as a 'classic' car, and so insurance is much cheaper. And me and my dad regularly go off roading in wales in his land rover discovery. So what better car to get than a 1984 Land Rover Defender 2.5ltr TDI :D I can pick one up for less than 1500 and can get insurance for under £900. Plus i can go anywhere as it's 4x4, do off roading with my dad, and there are hundreds of upgradeable parts for it when i get a job.

It's funny, this is a '84 one. They have hardly changed.

Heres a 2011 one.

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