Potentially the longest thread in history...

I have the songs from FFDP's two albums now.

But the ones from the second album are the edited versions.

Re: Today I have...

Today I flashed the Andromeda 2.0 ROM on my samsung captivate and was amazed by the results. The phone is considerably faster than stock in every way, the GPS is vastly improved, and best of all I now have Flash and all the other benefits you get from Android 2.2.
Re: Today I have...

That, is one **** good camera.

Isn't it kinda pointless to lap newer CPUs though? Back in the day it was to make them flat. Now, it just seems kinda pointless.

The camera is a Canon Rebel T1i

The cpu was pretty flat, but not as flat as it could be. Pointless?? I'm just giving myself every advantage to hit 5 GHz, which I have done :thumbsup:

there's a definite focus on the middle of the frame. the penny on top of the stack is a out of focus and the carpet at the top is out of focus. it's probably a mid-range dslr with either a good native macro feature or a good macro lens.

Pretty sure the coins are out of focus. As is the carpet at the top and bottom. Looks pretty normal to me.
Not saying it's a bad photo. It's fine. But i would hardly say its Nikon D3S standard. If you want to see something with good macro, my Canon HF200 camcorder takes stills that are touching the lens, in focus.

The coins, foreground and background are out of focus because I had the aperture set to F20. I could of set a lower value to focus everything but I wanted the quarter to stand out.
Re: Today I have...

Today I have... Reformatted a HD for the 1st time and sucessfully booted from a CD:big_smile:. I used GParted to refomat an old HD and it worked:thumbsup:!

Thanks to brinks, Peter.Cort, and MindoverMaster for the help in doing it.
Re: Today I have...

Today I woke up to the sound of what sounded like a shotgun going off in the house, and I know we have several guns, so I kinda freaked out, ran out to the living room and saw that the fireplace doors had blown out and fire going up the wall.

The joys of having a fireplace with a long warranty that is void because the ****** company no longer exists.
Re: Today I have...

The camera is a Canon Rebel T1i

The cpu was pretty flat, but not as flat as it could be. Pointless?? I'm just giving myself every advantage to hit 5 GHz, which I have done :thumbsup:

The coins, foreground and background are out of focus because I had the aperture set to F20. I could of set a lower value to focus everything but I wanted the quarter to stand out.
5ghz sounds pretty easy on these chips actually.
Re: Today I have...

feeeling so icky from stomache troubles.... I ate 8 pizza slices in 30 minutes.... was sooo hungry and now I'm regretting it.... and was burping up the after tast of the pizza, and the sobe drinks and the pepsi throwback all nite..... ewwwwww..... tried to puke and wouldnt work.... drinking coffee to see if it helps..... i feel like crap.
Re: Today I have...

How long you been driving ? I can't get anywhere lower than £2000 unless i get a car with an engine < 1litre.

Seems a little high when I got my first car (a 3 year old 1.2L Corsa) I was paying 1.5k with no pass plus that was 2 and a bit years ago though.

Get an ariel Atom or Smart roadster they are less then 1L but will probably kill you for going too fast.
Today I woke up to the sound of what sounded like a shotgun going off in the house, and I know we have several guns, so I kinda freaked out, ran out to the living room and saw that the fireplace doors had blown out and fire going up the wall.

The joys of having a fireplace with a long warranty that is void because the ****** company no longer exists.

Ouch! I take it you were able to put it out?

feeeling so icky from stomache troubles.... I ate 8 pizza slices in 30 minutes.... was sooo hungry and now I'm regretting it.... and was burping up the after tast of the pizza, and the sobe drinks and the pepsi throwback all nite..... ewwwwww..... tried to puke and wouldnt work.... drinking coffee to see if it helps..... i feel like crap.

Alka-Seltzer to the rescue. people snarl their nose up at it, but AS works when nothing else will.

How long you been driving ? I can't get anywhere lower than £2000 unless i get a car with an engine < 1litre.

Seems a little high when I got my first car (a 3 year old 1.2L Corsa) I was paying 1.5k with no pass plus that was 2 and a bit years ago though.

Get an ariel Atom or Smart roadster they are less then 1L but will probably kill you for going too fast.

Geez! I pay like $500/year on coverage for both our cars. Of course, both are just liability but still...
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