Potentially the longest thread in history...

LOL two african cities were ranked higher LMAO

by contrast I am in one of the cheapest areas of my country. on average rent for a 2BR 1BA apartment is 450-650/mo and I am paying 320.mo for a 4BR house! my utilities are very low (150/mo tops in the winter for electric bill) and my taxes and insurance is low.

in cali this house would be an easy 4500/mo!

I know those cities are awesome in thier own ways, but **** I can never afford to live there under my current wages. I wonder how the wages are in the Scandinavian countries in comparison to the cost of living? any good sites that compare that?
Re: Today I have...


I am just trying to design a system but am hitting a few snags. mostly in price. need a haxacore amd system and the system itself is the budget of 1200-1600 bucks and I cannot get it cheaper then 1800 without sacrificing something. I started over. I need help getting it that cheap and I don't want to go with crappy brands. sigh.
its always something and now at least i might get a new system soon. I want xigmatek cooling but someone on another forum had drama with theirs and it sucks LOL. Oh well I got 3 months to decide LOL. I have a coolermaster in my current system and the only fan on it broke and it was the thickness of a plastic dixie cup. LOL. it broke when I was playing WoW. luckally it didn't damage anything! I will post a thread.
Since a few things which would have cost me a LOT of money seem to have been taken off the agenda, I think I'll be grabbing me some WC soon :D let the good times roll
I got a good bit of cash from fixing other people's pcs. I am just so tired and bored right now. Been watchin funny stuff on youtube and eating ice cream and cookies all day. my tummy feels funny LOL>
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