Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

I have heard the argument agenst dorvak that today it makes little sense to produce them as keyboards are now digital the strain on the write that old type writers used to being mechanical devices is negligable and qwerty is just fine.

However I all ways find it funny that that you can spell Typewriter on the top line of a qwerty keyboard, it was from what I have learned a sales gimmick.
Re: Today I have...

I am working on the second of two laptops for someone today Here's part of the fun I have had with it. Dell Vostro 1000 laptop, keyboard looks to be half shot (up & down arrows don't work, "N" is missing), battery is completely shot (won't boot with it in), missing the power adapter. Luckily my wife's adapter to her laptop works for it.

I finally got the hard drive straightened up using CHKDSK, and then fixed the c0000218 error using BartPE. I now have it running and am working on installing a boatload of updates and then will see about cleaning it up. this one has been a realllllllll fun one so far.
Re: Today I have...

No you misunderstand me. I get the point of doing it, the keyboard layout would be faster over time with a lot of practice on it. But typing is something that should not be considered that important in someones life. I mean is it really all that important to type 180wpm over 100? Unless you type very important documents for something very important everyday and all day then it is not needed. Thats all i was saying...

I'm at 35WPM with dvorak now, and I've only been practicing for a a few hours. Considering that when I first started it took me 15minutes to write 100 words, I'd say I'm improving pretty fast. So it's pretty easy to learn (luckily for me :p)

I guess you're right, and for most people it's just not needed. But then again, for some people it might be the difference of going from 40WPM to 70WPM. And don't forget about the healt benefit (carpal tunnel syndrom is a sucky thing to have IMO lol).

My point is, it's easy enough to learn so hey why not learn it? It'd be like driving in Australia after learning in America. Driving on different sides of the road, roundabouts (look it up if you don't know what it is), etc. It'd be a big adjustment, yeah, but you'd be fine within a week. And your driving in America wouldn't suffer if you went back either :)
Re: Today I have...

My point is, it's easy enough to learn so hey why not learn it? It'd be like driving in Australia after learning in America. Driving on different sides of the road, roundabouts (look it up if you don't know what it is), etc. It'd be a big adjustment, yeah, but you'd be fine within a week. And your driving in America wouldn't suffer if you went back either :)

We have roundabouts in the US.
Re: Today I have...

I'm at 35WPM with dvorak now, and I've only been practicing for a a few hours. Considering that when I first started it took me 15minutes to write 100 words, I'd say I'm improving pretty fast. So it's pretty easy to learn (luckily for me )

its taken me all this time to get to what, 100wpm i probably type. Maybe lower, so sure your first bit learning will be fast, but to get to a significant increase over qwerty it is going to take quite a deal of time.
Anyway i really don't give a **** if you guys learn it or not, it means nothing to me, i was just stating my opinion, apparently that is no longer allowed on tech forums these days.
I hate it when CAPTCHAs give you indecipherable rubbish.

muscular is obvious, but WTF is the second word?
It accepted 'muscular phi', but I'm annoyed nonetheless >_<
Unless of course I'm missing something you guys might not?
Re: Today I have...

well technically you don't *know* it'll take you that long, but nehuz back on topic:

today I fed my magpies, went to church (snore), planned a night out for the 9th, watched that 70's show season 4, and am looking forward to watching masterchef tonight :grin:
Re: Today I have...

Yesterday I had a real "nerding out" day in front of the laptop. Posting in this thread reminded me I hadn't been to Roedy's website in some time so I went there and spent pretty much the whole day reading all manner of fantastic things about religion, politics, ethics and philosophy (all sorts of things that cannot be discussed here :) ).
Then I ate cottage pie and chocolate cake.
I also bought some things from amazon and finished putting my last few CDs onto my mp3 player.
I think that's just a glitch tho. Google however, if you go to reset your password, sometimes gives you COMPLETELY indecipherable rubbish. Like the letters are so blended together, you can't tell if it's a C and a lower case L OR if it's a D.
Check it, click the sign in button on google (even if you don't have an account) and go for the 'reset the password' option. **** stupid stuff there :p
I reset my passwords just a few days ago actually - didn't have any problems with the Google ones :p
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