Potentially the longest thread in history...

Yeah try what Soul suggested. When the alcohol evaporates it will take any water with it.

I would leave it off and not touch it for like a week just so it can dry out completely. That's how I revived my phone after I dropped it in some water. :)
I see 3 or 4 water damaged blackberrys a week. Cell phones in my experience have a much much higher recovery rate from WD then ipods. You should be good. If you see any corrosion and a tooth brush doesn't get rid of it. A small wire brush should do the trick.

and monoprice.com was the website I lost! :D Thanks
I see 3 or 4 water damaged blackberrys a week. Cell phones in my experience have a much much higher recovery rate from WD then ipods. You should be good. If you see any corrosion and a tooth brush doesn't get rid of it. A small wire brush should do the trick.
im pretty sure it short circuting alot of the chips and stuff, as power was running threw it when it got wet, and it was in water for a LONG TIME in the washer, so its most likely toast... but tomorrow after work im going to take it apart and see what i can do.

I checked bell's website and they have a BB curve 8530 with a 3 year plan starting for 24.99, and a palm pre with the same plan for 0....so i am probably gonna go with one of those, although im not sure i can switch from my current provider which is rogers, as i have a family plan to save money with my mom and sister, i think im gonna have to stay with rogers, and they dont have either of those deals...they dont even offer the palm pre.
Keep the plan and get a cheap phone on eBay or something. You can swap out the SIM card or something so you don't have to buy out the contract.
^nah im pretty sure i have to buy out the contract, as i asked if i could switch to a diff phone a while ago just to change things up, like an iphone or something. But they said that i could not because my plan was locked into this phone. If i wanted to keep this plan i would have to buy out an entire new phone. I dont know though, guess i'll see when i go down to their store.
bah....thinking about changing majors but if I do i'll have to take 4 semesters of a foreign language (no clue why computer science doesn't require foreign language :\). I can't make up my mind on what I'd like to learn though so does anyone have any recommendations? I took spanish in highschool but hated it. So I'm really leaning towards german (school offers german, spanish, french, and japanese)....
I heard German would be easier for those who speak English because they both come from the same branch of languages.
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