Potentially the longest thread in history...

Is it wrong if every time I see someone using a MAC I compolsivley ask why? And then udder to myself how stupid they are when I see them bootcamping windows vista?
Saxon said:
ye its worng the disk messes with unreal reality and your causing a hole so the lot of you **** off till we fix it
Drunk posting at its apex.
So the past month, this month and next is gonna be full of dance.trance and house.
On labor day i went for the Electric Zoo Festival, best moment of my life, last week Andy Moor performed here, Armin Van Buuren's gonna be here tomorrow and then Tiesto on the 30th but me and my buddies are going to CHicago for his show on the 31st, we wanna do it big!
Then david guetta and Above and Beyond are coming in November...crazy!!!!

So exciteed!
Any trance listeners over here?
Yea, I like Trance. Good stuff. Reminds me of the rave days when I was a teenager. I would love to see Armin and Tiesto live. Take pics and post 'em up!!
Armin Van Buuren's gonna be here tomorrow and then Tiesto on the 30th but me and my buddies are going to CHicago for his show on the 31st, we wanna do it big!
Then david guetta and Above and Beyond are coming in November...crazy!!!!

So exciteed!
Any trance listeners over here?


it's a toss up for me.... either going to grab couple bottles of Zinfandel... or go to this event (AVB)

what do you think?
BTW q, was that chick cool or what?
oh haha, she was cool and it was a good date although I lost interest for some reason but she really liked me...she wanted a relationship and stuff but i'm not ready for one...i wanna be alone for a while and have fun on my own and i think she kinda figured it out which is good cos i dont wanna hurt her and lead her on, shes a great girl!


it's a toss up for me.... either going to grab couple bottles of Zinfandel... or go to this event (AVB)

what do you think?

dude come on down man, its gonna be a crazy night with over a thousand ppl! plus i finally get to grab a drink with a TF member!
Is it wrong if every time I see someone using a MAC I compolsivley ask why? And then udder to myself how stupid they are when I see them bootcamping windows vista?

no, not at all. i do the same. except i might utter something about how i strongly dislike macs and hurt their feelings.
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