Potentially the longest thread in history...

so my ex still keeps calling.
3 days ago i read one of the text and it said something like this.
"i know your're there, i just want u to listnet o me. i know i ruined the relationship and im sorry, i just want u to hear me out but i guess i will move on and this will be the part where i'll never get a hold of you again"....then yesterday she kept calling again and texting and leaveing me voicemails ...i deleted without looking.
today she textx and it said. I miss you. qasim...hehe..

i was like WOW...she's like getting psycho now...im scared!
hahahahahahahahahaha! youtube legends :D

at the same time, curses be upon you! I'd nearly forgotten about that spastic girl.

edit: btw q that wasn't directed at you lol, that was at trotter :)
Q, leave her be. Everyone is entitled to one screw up, or even two, but the chick has shown she is not trustworthy and little better than "hop in bed at the drop of a hat" material.

I would send word via a third party that if the calls/texts don't stop that I will file harassment and/or stalking charges. Just make sure you haven't answered any of her texts or calls.
Q, leave her be. Everyone is entitled to one screw up, or even two, but the chick has shown she is not trustworthy and little better than "hop in bed at the drop of a hat" material.

I would send word via a third party that if the calls/texts don't stop that I will file harassment and/or stalking charges. Just make sure you haven't answered any of her texts or calls.

well i'm debating if i shud leave her in silence though... instead of letting someone to tell her to stop...i mean by now she should've figured that i dont care but if it hurts her more by my not responding i wanna do it for a little longer ujntill i can't take it and have someone tell her to stop.
She is harassing you, pure and simple. By letting her know you are willing to bring in law enforcement you will be letting her know enough is freaking enough. As long as you have remained silent to her calls/texting and send word by a dependable third party you are covered. If you get any more after that let the cops in on it... just don't delete the texts or your call history.
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