Potentially the longest thread in history...

If the movie's ending was as lame as the comics', it would only make me think I should get my money back. Seriously, it was like the publisher sent the dude an email to "wrap it up this month", as the story was cut off and a lame attempt at an ending was slapped on.
The ending in the movie, while it's different, it makes slightly more sense...sorta. It poses the same ethical dilemma though.
You guys are too cynical. Compared to the nature and tone of most comics, the watchmen is great. It's gritty and deep. It covers the same things as many good novels do and it has interesting and fallible characters. I enjoyed the movie and I think it was much better than all the other comic movies out there.
picked up the modem and setup the t.v. internet, and phone today with bell. (i wanted to get rogers, but they are not availible in my area.) The fastest internet available was 7mbps, so that is what i got. It is going to be a real pain in the *** for the first few days in the new house, i have 2 computers to build, a complete network to setup, internet to setup, the list goes on.... Anyway, only a few more weeks.
Long time no see fella, should get on vent me an a few others chill there most of the time.
should do it now mate help me an kmote tip the scales in favor of the british at the moment it's 2 brits, 1 yank an 1 cannadian.
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