Potentially the longest thread in history...

take the large number of things that you think that "effects of humans" may signify, which are all effects of humans, which is all effects to this planet wether it be economical or meteorological or physical (being "changes to the actual face of the planet, different than what nature has created"), which have only become truth in the time that humans have existed and procreated on this earth, and you will have the answer. im not ambiguous. thats an easy assumption from my statements.

PS i aint lookin at that chicken.
take the large number of things that you think that "effects of humans" may signify, which are all effects of humans, which is all effects to this planet wether it be economical or meteorological or physical (being "changes to the actual face of the planet, different than what nature has created"), which have only become truth in the time that humans have existed and procreated on this earth, and you will have the answer. im not ambiguous. thats an easy assumption from my statements.
Obviously, humans have had effects on Earth. The issue is: what are those effects? and how will they, in turn, affect us, and/or life on the planet as a whole?
I don't really believe people have enough understanding to really give a complete answer to those questions. And I highly suspect that a lot of inaccuracies are present in current models, and that would include models on global average temperature.
That's why it's important to keep criticising them, and gathering new evidence, as per the scientific method.
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