A A_Zip1 In Runtime Messages 351 May 29, 2003 #1 Well i just wiped out my whole winxp hard-drive and installed win 2000 and its bin going good so far but.. when i tryed to check my hotmail it just loads up and then sais its done but the site is jus white,, any help would be greatly apreciated
Well i just wiped out my whole winxp hard-drive and installed win 2000 and its bin going good so far but.. when i tryed to check my hotmail it just loads up and then sais its done but the site is jus white,, any help would be greatly apreciated
M microsoftne In Runtime Messages 469 May 30, 2003 #2 does it do it on any other web pages? if it does you might need to dump your IE and do a fresh install. go to control panel, administrator tool, event logs, check them and see if you are bleeding red x's. if so let us know.
does it do it on any other web pages? if it does you might need to dump your IE and do a fresh install. go to control panel, administrator tool, event logs, check them and see if you are bleeding red x's. if so let us know.
T tech99 Beta member Messages 2 May 30, 2003 #3 You could always download the "latest and greatest" from Microsoft. Are you running IE 5? Try pulling down 6.
You could always download the "latest and greatest" from Microsoft. Are you running IE 5? Try pulling down 6.