Official Star Wars: Battlefront Thread

Don't worry, I'm sure extra planets, heroes, vehicles, etc, are all being developed. It's just going to be withheld on release and sold as DLC in bits and pieces as time goes on. Gotta love the 2015 gaming industry.
They are rebuilding the game completely. You can't expect the same content when this game is being rebuilt from the PS2 engine. They are not copying and pasting the current gen BF engine and gameplay either so unfortunately content will have to be cut until number 4 is released.
I think some of that is wrong. I believe there will be some type of bot mode in lieu of a single player campaign. A friend of mine and I were just talking about this the other day though. It appears to ship with less content than battlefield4 and battlefront 2. It's EA though so I can't say I'm surprised. I can't wait to see what the dlc plans are for this one. I'm willing to bet there will be more add on content by the end than what actually ships with the game.

In response to the bit about the bots, that was talking about online modes. on bf2 you could have 64 players + a bunch of bots online.

I believe bf3 is saying you can only have 40 players online with no extra bots. So 40 in total.

Edit: apparently one piece of dlc has been announced (the battle of Jakku?) and will be free to people who pick the game by 8th December which is when the DLC comes out (about 20 days after release :p). it includes the battle thing and a couple of new maps. If the game does come out lacking in content it will be pretty funny considering they have already announced DLC coming out 20 days after release (and have probably started working on it already).

Don't worry, I'm sure extra planets, heroes, vehicles, etc, are all being developed. It's just going to be withheld on release and sold as DLC in bits and pieces as time goes on. Gotta love the 2015 gaming industry.

Not the whole gaming industry, but yeah. And see the edit above, pretty much what is happening ^^

Oh and "Please don't make me break what I can and cannot say, but if you think there's anything we're not including in the game to save it for DLC, I can tell you you're 100% wrong. In this project, I've never heard anyone say 'Let's not do this for launch so we can do it as DLC instead'. Ever.” - Jesper Nielson, Assistant Producer.

They don't need to state it for this project because 1) they are all thinking it anyway and 2) it is part of their business plan :D

They are rebuilding the game completely. You can't expect the same content when this game is being rebuilt from the PS2 engine. They are not copying and pasting the current gen BF engine and gameplay either so unfortunately content will have to be cut until number 4 is released.

That is a pretty ridiculous defense imo. The last game came out in what, 2005 or 2006?

its taken nearly 10 years for a 'sequel' i think the game can be delayed a little longer to produce at least an equal amount of content. But then again, why would they care, it has the name star wars battlefront plastered on it, it's gonna sell well either way.

Edit: "this is not a Battlefield re-skin. It's using the Frostbite engine, yes, but not a lot of the Battlefield code." - Jesper Nielson, Assistant Producer. What you said is incorrect.
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I believe I said this game is not a BF reskin. Dice was hired to develop Battlefront 2 1/2 years ago - not the 10 you are referencing. They have 3 or 4 years to create a new Star Wars game. I would prefer they focus on making the game play as good as possible while sacrificing content (or simply copying and pasting BF gameplay with a Star Wars reskin).

I enjoy BF. I like Star Wars. Give me the Kool aid. You guys can sit here and argue and complain about EA while I enjoy the game.
I believe I said this game is not a BF reskin. Dice was hired to develop Battlefront 2 1/2 years ago - not the 10 you are referencing. They have 3 or 4 years to create a new Star Wars game. I would prefer they focus on making the game play as good as possible while sacrificing content (or simply copying and pasting BF gameplay with a Star Wars reskin).

I enjoy BF. I like Star Wars. Give me the Kool aid. You guys can sit here and argue and complain about EA while I enjoy the game.
*mic drop*
The dialog above just confirms why I and many other will not pre-order or buy soon after release. Some gamer's seem to not care about the value of their purchase - they will "enjoy" no matter what. Others buy into the hype due to name recognition, trailers, etc. So, the developers continue to lie, spin,etc. because they can and totally get away with it. Enough of the "independent reviewers" are either paid directly or get promo items, etc. or get their "reviews" linked - thus creating additional internet traffic to there websites = revenue. Perfect example is Dragon Age Inquisition- not one reviewer bothered to mention the poor mouse/keyboard interface, the immediate crashes/issues with the game, or the poor character development and the fact that your "choices" made little to no difference in the story until weeks after the release- by then most of us had purchased it.

I am hopeful that it will live up to the hype and name brand. But I am very dubious of EA and Dice. I would rather wait, pay $10 more and get a more complete game that works properly. And if it is only a multi-player game ( no single player) and by waiting then I miss out because most everyone has moved on and only cheaters/Uber players are left - then I will skip it completely. Maybe my attitude is bad- but as the saying goes ..."burn me once- then shame on you. Burn me twice - then shame on me....". I think I am on burn me 4 times now with EA/DICE = wont happen again.
*mic drop*


EA sucks. Not arguing that but DLC model is going to factor heavily into this game. And of course dice is going to use frostbite and borrow from BF code, however, this is a new franchise that they have never developed and the last game released on the PS2. Let's not forget that Dice will also be adding new elements to this series that did not exist in 2005.

I am excited despite knowing EA will hold back on some elements for DLC sales. All games do this with a few developers being the exception to this rule.
I think people seem to be confusing quantity with quality. Just because there are less players, vehicles, and modes does not mean the game won't be as good. I, myself, will take fewer, more polished elements than just plain more.
I believe I said this game is not a BF reskin.

See below.

They are rebuilding the game--->completely<---. They are not copying and pasting the current gen BF engine

"this is not a Battlefield re-skin. It's using the Frostbite engine, yes, but not a lot of the Battlefield code."

Also I said 'its taken nearly 10 years for a 'sequel' i think the game can be delayed a little longer'. What I didn't say is 'EA HAVE BEEN MAKING THIS DAMN GAME FOR 10 YEARS'.

Furthermore I never said the game wouldn't be good or that I wouldn't enjoy it. What I did say is I was disappointed at the lack of content currently announced. Also 3-4 years is a fair amount of time to produce a game

Not too mention EA saying they aren't copying a lot of the code is probably complete bs. like the we aren't withholding content so we can use it as DLC quote.
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