Networking with XP :(

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vance43211 said:
do you run the network setup wizard with mcafee off

Ahhh... I don't think I've tried that. Maybe that will solve it *fingers crossed*...

Have to try it in the morning though, right now it's late and I'm too tired. I'll get back to you.
Yay!!! I ran the network setup wizard with the McAfee firewall off and hey-presto, LAN is working!

Thanks vance43211 for suggesting that :)
you're are welcome

now you can turn mcafee back on if you manually add the ip addresses to trusted (or whatever mcafee call it)
Right, I've now got a new problem *groan*...

Shared internet access is fine, shared folders is fine and the the two computers are fine with LAN games... BUT the second computer can't access internet game servers, i.e it can't go online with games.

Any suggestions?
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