Need help finding friends.

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I need help finding new friends. I know it's kind of pathetic. I lost my friends in the transition from high school to college. We just stopped talking I guess.
we dont go to the same university so we dont see each other.

I think its harder finding the right kind of friends in college. in high school u just know other people better by their reputation and whatnot. (way smaller group than college) so u make friends easier in high school. But what are some tips to finding friends with teh same interests (other than the sme major which everyone seems to ask u at first) After my first semester of college i found it hard making friends because
1. i dont dorm i commute
2. its hard for me to approach people. very picky about friends

any tips would be appreciated.
join any out of hours groups the college has like sports or computing etc they are always a good way to make friends.

Also try to be observant notice what they have on say a music t shirt you then have an idea what they like and gives you a topic of conversation.
One word: Party!

I realize college is more than party time (i've been there myself), but you should attend some patries to make some friends. The parties should help relieve some anxiety and also help you with your social skills.

If that's not your thing then you should join some sort of club or group. Chess club, Phaternity, student news paper, ect. Perhaps you could try out for the football team! something like that will get you involved. You could voulenteer as a tutor also.

A wise man once told me: "It's NOT what you know, it's WHO you know." If you dont get out, you wont know anybody.
When I was in college, back in the dark ages of the mid 80's, there were community areas of the campus that people just hung out in, relaxed, studied, whatever. Go there and hang. Listen to their conversations and see where people are going. Go everywhere. You need to get past your shyness or whatever it is. Be assertive. Ask questions. Hang out at a local music store, talk to somebody looking at music you like.
That is the dumbest advice ever sprtnbsblplya.

What kinds of classes are you taking? Enroll in some computer classes, and then you will find people who have the same interests, and you can go to lan parties and such.

I know how you feel, I get along with people just fine, but I think most people my age are pretty stupid sometimes, and much prefer the company of adults or nerds, they both seem to be a bit more mature than most teenagers.
Not really. At this point in my life, I don't want my life complicated. Girls are trouble as far as I'm concerned.

If a really nice, cute girl falls in my path, then sure, but I am not going to go looking.

And as for getting laid, I don't think that a alcohol induced frolic is what this guy needs. If you really think that, then suggest he gets a girlfriend, that you know, WONT be gone the next morning but will forget behind her Hepatitis.
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