I found the alpha on kazza a long time ago.
I have a celeron 1 gig cpu,GF2MX,and 384 megs of ram.
6-10 fps,on an incomplete,and unfinished game.
Personaly,I'm going to buy the game,play it,then upgrade my video card,and add some more ram.
It may not run in all it's glory,but I'm still looking forward to it.
The file you want should be 364 megs,if not,it will be a fake.
You'll need Winrar as well.
Here's how to get it to run.
1. In your Doom_III\base directory, open the runact.cfg file.
2. Comment out the last line. In other words, add the "#" sign in front of the string "devmap $e3_intro" so it looks like the following:
#devmap $e3_intro
3. Launch the game using the main exe file.
4. Press the tilde key (~) to bring down the console (just like Q3)
5. Type the following: exec runact.cfg
6. Hit enter, and wait. Seriously, it takes about 5 mins to load all the everything.
7. Once it is done, you can launch the intro movie, or play yourself.
8. From the console, use the following commands:
map e3/intro (Loads intro movie)
map e3/e3_1 (Loads first map)
map e3/e3_2 (Loads second map)
map e3/e3_3 (Loads third map)
map fred/e3bathroom5 (won't work for some people)
On my system,after launching the game,it took a good 20 minutes for everything to load.