MW2 Riot shield Boost

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Ok 111 views no posts.......?? Add AZPERRY on xbox live, need like 6 people and the we have a boost party, ill explain online, its easy and not cheating.....:tongue:
Why don't you just explain here man. Not many people are going to jump at your infomercial like idea. Plus, sounds a little weird/against the rules. Correct me if I'm wrong... because I have no idea what you are talking about and I'm not about to add you or PM you to find out.
Ok sorry for not adding more detail its just you need a group of 12 people and im trying to get the numbers up, Basicly In MW2 you gain xp for deflecting bullets (if a was shooting a AUG HBAR non stop it your xp would go +100 +100 +100 +100 etc in one mag fired at the shield), If you do this in Search and destroy it +500 insted of +100, if you get a whole group (12) then you all take turns shooting the shields, i have some mates online who are willing to participate but need some more, its not cheating its just group leveling lol, if it was cheating then they would remove exp giving from riot shields........ so yeh add AZPERRY and you will see how fast you can gain exp........ :thumbsup:
What a cheap way to level up dude...seriously, do you lose that much or are you just incredibly impatient? You will be the highest level and totally suck and be without good perks...what's the point?
pmsl, ill have u a 1 on 1 see who wins lol, its not that its just there all the challanges you earn arnt easy to get back, 1000 kills with this a 1000 kills with that, get blue tiger get fall, oooo **** its all gone and i havent done this yet...... hense asking for a group to do it, im lvl 41 1st prestige now, but there are so many others doing this why not join in as well..........
I would jump in and try it, but I have it on PC, not 360.
ya not fun in that... what i do like doing though is getting up to rank 55 then resetting my stats so everyone thinks I'm a noob and then they get owned :p
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