multimedia sharing program

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Daemon Poster
what program do you guys use for sharing your multimedia files? i use winmx, but it sux
LIMEWIRE ROX THE HOUSE!!! lol this program is great. WINMX has many many problems for example sometimes you cannot download a song... for no FREAKIN reason at all lmao. It will make the most popular song not work lol... Use limewire I am in grade 9 as of this year and all of my friends use it!!
limewire pro: buy the program and your file sharing woes will be over forever. There is one that is free (shareaza) but I have had no problems With limewire. WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!! MAKE SURE YOUR VIRUS/SHAREWARE SOFTWARE IS UP TO DATE. YOU WILL GET WORMS AND VIRUS FROM ANY P2P SERVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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